⇦ | cardpeek [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for cardpeek in universe

cardpeek.desktop - 0.8.4-1build4 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: cardpeek.desktop
Package: cardpeek
  C: Cardpeek
  C: Tool to read the contents of smart cards
  C: >-
    <p>The goal of cardpeek is to allow smartcard owners to be better informed about what type of personal information is
    stored in these devices. The tool currently reads the contents of :</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  en: >-
    <p>The goal of cardpeek is to allow smartcard owners to be better informed about what type of personal information is
    stored in these devices. The tool currently reads the contents of :</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Назначение cardpeek — позволить владельцам смарт-карт быть лучше информированными о том, какого рода персональная информация
    хранится в этих устройствах. В настоящее время этот инструмент читает содержимое:</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>The goal of cardpeek is to allow smartcard owners to be better informed about what type of personal information is
    stored in these devices. The tool currently reads the contents of :</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>L&apos;objectif de cardpeek est de permettre aux possesseurs de cartes à puce d&apos;être mieux informés au sujet des
    informations personnelles stockées sur ces cartes. L&apos;outil lit actuellement les contenus suivants :</p>

    <p> * Les cartes EMV, y compris les versions NFC  * Les cartes de transport en commun Navigo (Les cartes MOBIB sont également
    partiellement prises en charge)  * La carte de santé français « Vitale 2 »  * Les passeports électroniques/biométrique
    en mode de sécurité BAC</p>

    <p>Il peut également partiellement lire les cartes suivantes :  * Certaines cartes MIFARE (comme la carte Thalys)  * Moneo,
    le porte-monnaie électronique français  * cartes SIM/GSM</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>The goal of cardpeek is to allow smartcard owners to be better informed about what type of personal information is
    stored in these devices. The tool currently reads the contents of :</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Lo scopo di cardpeek è di permette ai proprietari di smartcard di essere meglio informati su quale tipo di informazioni
    personali è memorizzato su tali dispositivi. Lo strumento attualmente legge il contenuto di:</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Formålet med cardpeek er at give smartkortejere mulighed for at blive bedre informeret om hvilken type af personlig
    information, der er lagret på deres enheder. Værktøjet læser i øjeblikket den følgende information:</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>The goal of cardpeek is to allow smartcard owners to be better informed about what type of personal information is
    stored in these devices. The tool currently reads the contents of :</p>

    <p> * EMV cards, including NFC ones  * Navigo public transport cards (partially supports MOBIB as well)  * The French
    health card &quot;Vitale 2&quot;  * Electronic/Biometric passports in BAC security mode</p>

    <p>It can also read the following cards with limited interpretation of data:  * Some Mifare cards (such as the Thalys
    card)  * Moneo, the French electronic purse  * GSM SIM cards</p>
- System
- Security
  - smartcard
  - name: cardpeek_cardpeek-logo.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: cardpeek_cardpeek-logo.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: cardpeek-logo
  - cardpeek.desktop