⇦ | btanks [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for btanks in universe

btanks.desktop - 0.9.8083-9 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: btanks.desktop
Package: btanks
  C: Battle Tanks
  C: fast 2D tank arcade game with multiplayer and split-screen modes
  de: schnelles Panzer-Arkadespiel in 2D mit Mehrspieler- und Split-Screen-Modus
  pl: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks jest zabawną bitwą na pulpicie, gdzie można wybrać jeden z trzech pojazdów i eliminować przeciwników za
    pomocą całego arsenału broni. Gra posiada oryginalną, kreskówkową grafikę oraz wspaniałą muzykę, jest zabawna i dynamiczna,
    posiada kilka trybów do gry w sieci jak: każdy na każdego lub kooperacja.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks ist ein lustiger Kampf auf Ihrem Schreibtisch, in dem Sie zwischen drei Fahrzeugen wählen und den Gegner
    unter Verwendung des gesamten Waffenarsenals eliminieren können. Es verfügt über Comic-Grafik und coole Musik, ist dynamisch
    und macht Spaß. Außerdem hat es verschiedene Netzwerkmodi, wie Deathmatch und kooperatives Spiel.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>&quot;Battle Tanks&quot; (Tanques de Guerra) é uma batalha divertida na sua mesa, na qual você pode escolher um dos
    três veículos e eliminar seu inimigo usando todo o arsenal de armas. Possui gráfico estilo &quot;cartoon&quot; e música
    legal, é divertido e dinâmico, possui vários modos de rede para jogos de confronto mortal (&quot;deathmatch&quot;) e cooperativo.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks je zabavna igra na vaši mizi, kjer lahko izberete eno od treh vozil in svojega nasprotnika izločite z
    enim od številnim orožij. Ima izvirno grafiko v slogu risank in dobro glasbo. Je zabavna in dinamična, ima več omrežnih
    načinov za bitko do smrti in sodelovanja.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks on hauska työpöytätaistelu, jossa valitset yhden tankin kolmesta ja tuhoat viholliset monipuolisella asearsenaalillasi.
    Pelissä on sarjakuvamaiset grafiikat ja hienot musiikit. Se on hauska ja dynaaminen peli, jossa on erilaisia verkossa
    pelattavia deathmatch- ja moninpelimahdollisuuksia.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. It has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, is fun and dynamic and has death-match
    and cooperative network modes.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Бойові танки — весела битва на Вашому моніторі, де Ви можете вибрати одну з трьох машин й усунути свого ворога за допомогою
    цілого арсеналу зброї. В наявності оригінальна мультиплікаційна графіка та чудова музика, це весело й динамічно, є декілька
    мережевих режимів для смертельного поєдинку та гри гуртом.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. It has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, is fun and dynamic and has death-match
    and cooperative network modes.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks -- забавный бой на вашем рабочем столе, где вы можете выбрать одну из трёх машин и истребить врагов, используя
    весь арсенал оружия. Имеет оригинальную мультяшную графику и превосходную музыку, забавна и динамична, имеет несколько
    сетевых режимов командной игры и друг против друга.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, it is fun and dynamic, it has several
    network modes for deathmatch and cooperative.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, it is fun and dynamic, it has several
    network modes for deathmatch and cooperative.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks est un jeu de bataille amusant où vous pouvez choisir un des trois véhicules et éliminer votre ennemi
    en utilisant un arsenal d&apos;armes. Ses graphiques s&apos;inspirent de bande-dessinées, sa musique est sympathique.
    Le jeu est plaisant, dynamique et dispose de plusieurs modes en réseau pour des combats à mort et un jeu coopératif.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, it is fun and dynamic, it has several
    network modes for deathmatch and cooperative.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, it is fun and dynamic, it has several
    network modes for deathmatch and cooperative.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks è una battaglia divertente sul desktop, dove è possibile scegliere tra tre veicoli ed eliminare il nemico
    tramite l&apos;intero arsenale di armi. Il gioco ha una grafica originale, in stile cartone animato e una bella musica,
    è divertente e dinamico, ha diverse modalità di rete per combattimenti fino alla morte e cooperativi.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks er et sjovt krigsspil på dit skrivebord, hvor du kan vælge en af tre køretøjer og eliminere din fjende
    med brug af hele arsenalet af våben. Har original tegneserielignende grafik og fed musik, det er et sjovt og dynamisk
    spil med flere netværkstilstande for dødskamp og samarbejde.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using
    the whole arsenal of weapons. has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, it is fun and dynamic, it has several
    network modes for deathmatch and cooperative.</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
- ArcadeGame
  - tanks
  - battle
  - action
  - fight
  - name: btanks_btanks.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: btanks