Type: desktop-application
ID: boomaga.desktop
Package: boomaga
de: Boomaga
lt: Boomaga
uk_UA: Boomaga
nb_NO: Boomaga
ro: Boomaga
C: Boomaga
el: Boomaga
cs: Boomaga
ru: Boomaga
fr: Boomaga
eu: Boomaga
nl_NL: Boomaga
uz@Latn: Boomaga
hu_HU: Boomaga
it: Boomaga
de: Virtueller Drucker zum Anzeigen und Bearbeiten eines Dokuments vor dem Druck.
lt: Virtualus spausdintuvas, skirtas dokumentų peržiūrai ir redagavimui prieš spausdinimą.
uk_UA: Віртуальний принтер, який дає змогу переглянути і відредагувати документ перед друком.
nb_NO: Virtuell skriver for visning og redigering av dokumenter før utskrift.
ro: Imprimantă virtuală pentru vizualizarea și editarea unui document înainte de imprimare.
C: Virtual printer for viewing and editing a document before printing.
el: Εικονικός εκτυπωτής για την προβολή και επεξεργασία ενός εγγράφου πριν την εκτύπωση.
cs: Virtuální tiskárna pro prohlížení a upravování dokumentu před vytištěním.
ru: Виртуальный принтер, позволяет посмотреть и изменить документ перед печатью.
fr: Imprimante virtuelle pour visualiser et modifier un document avant impression
eu: Inprimagailu birtuala dokumentu bat ikusi eta editatzeko inprimatu baino lehen.
nl_NL: Virtuele printer voor het bekijken en aanpassen van een documenten vóór het afdrukken
hu_HU: Virtuális nyomtató a dokumentumok nyomtatás előtti átnézésére és szerkesztésére.
it: Stampante virtuale per la visualizzazione e la modifica di un documento prima della stampa.
C: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) is a virtual printer for viewing a document before printing it out using the physical printer.</p>
<p>The program is very simple to work with. Running any program, click "print" and select "Boomaga"
to see in several seconds (CUPS takes some time to respond) the Boomaga window open.</p>
<p>If you print out one more document, it gets added to the previous one, and you can also print them out as one.</p>
<p>Regardless of whether your printer supports duplex printing or not, you would be able to easily print on both sides
of the sheet.</p>
en: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) is a virtual printer for viewing a document before printing it out using the physical printer.</p>
<p>The program is very simple to work with. Running any program, click "print" and select "Boomaga"
to see in several seconds (CUPS takes some time to respond) the Boomaga window open.</p>
<p>If you print out one more document, it gets added to the previous one, and you can also print them out as one.</p>
<p>Regardless of whether your printer supports duplex printing or not, you would be able to easily print on both sides
of the sheet.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) is a virtual printer for viewing a document before printing it out using the physical printer.</p>
<p>The program is very simple to work with. Running any program, click "print" and select "Boomaga"
to see in several seconds (CUPS takes some time to respond) the Boomaga window open.</p>
<p>If you print out one more document, it gets added to the previous one, and you can also print them out as one.</p>
<p>Regardless of whether your printer supports duplex printing or not, you would be able to easily print on both sides
of the sheet.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Boomaga (« Booklet Manager ») est une imprimante virtuelle pour visualiser un document avant de l'imprimer avec
l'imprimante physique.</p>
<p>Le programme est très simple à utiliser. Dans n'importe quel programme, il suffit de cliquer sur « imprimer »
et de choisir « Boomaga » pour voir la fenêtre de Boomaga s'afficher après quelques secondes (CUPS peut mettre du
temps à répondre).</p>
<p>Si un autre document est à imprimer, il est ajouté au précédent. Il est aussi possible de les imprimer comme un seul
<p>Que l'imprimante prenne en charge l'impression recto-verso ou non, il est possible d'imprimer simplement
sur les deux côtés de la feuille.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) is a virtual printer for viewing a document before printing it out using the physical printer.</p>
<p>The program is very simple to work with. Running any program, click "print" and select "Boomaga"
to see in several seconds (CUPS takes some time to respond) the Boomaga window open.</p>
<p>If you print out one more document, it gets added to the previous one, and you can also print them out as one.</p>
<p>Regardless of whether your printer supports duplex printing or not, you would be able to easily print on both sides
of the sheet.</p>
it: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet Manager, gestore di libretti) è una stampante virtuale per visualizzare un documento prima di stamparlo
<p>Il programma è molto facile da utilizzare. Durante l'esecuzione di qualsiasi programma, premere "Stampa"
e selezionare "Boomaga" per vedere la finestra di Boomaga aprirsi dopo un po' di secondi (CUPS richiede
del tempo per rispondere).</p>
<p>Se si stampa un altro documento, questo viene aggiunto al precedente e possono essere stampati come uno solo.</p>
<p>Indipendentemente dal fatto che la propria stampante gestisca la stampa su due facciate o meno, si può essere in grado
di stampare facilmente su entrambi i lati del foglio.</p>
da: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) er en virtuel printer for visning af et dokument før udskrivning på en fysisk printer.</p>
<p>Programmet er meget simpelt at arbejde med. Kør et program, klik »udskriv« og vælg »Boomaga« for at se, efter nogle
sekunder (CUPS bruger lidt tid til at svare), at Boomagas vindue åbner.</p>
<p>Hvis du udskriver mere end et dokument, så bliver det tilføjet til det forrige, og du kan også udskrive dem som et
<p>Uanset om din printer understøtter duplex-udskrivning eller ej, vil du nemt kunne udskrive på begge sider af arket.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Boomaga (BOOklet MAnager) is a virtual printer for viewing a document before printing it out using the physical printer.</p>
<p>The program is very simple to work with. Running any program, click "print" and select "Boomaga"
to see in several seconds (CUPS takes some time to respond) the Boomaga window open.</p>
<p>If you print out one more document, it gets added to the previous one, and you can also print them out as one.</p>
<p>Regardless of whether your printer supports duplex printing or not, you would be able to easily print on both sides
of the sheet.</p>
- Office
- name: boomaga_boomaga.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: boomaga_boomaga.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: boomaga_boomaga.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: b/bo/boomaga.desktop/BDE83EA781584B33FD0E95DC0C38C824/icons/128x128/boomaga_boomaga.png
width: 128
height: 128
- boomaga.desktop
- application/x-boomaga-boo