⇦ | blender [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for blender in universe

blender.desktop - 2.82.a+dfsg-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: blender.desktop
Package: blender
  C: Blender
  ca@valencia: Modelat 3D, animació, renderització i post-producció
  ja: 3Dモデリング、アニメーション、レンダリング、ポストプロダクションのツール
  pt_BR: Modelagem 3D, animação, renderização e pós-produção
  wa: Modelaedje 3D, animåcion, rindou eyet après-produccion
  sl: 3D modeliranje, animacija, izrisovanje in nadaljnje obdelovanje
  zh_CN: 3D 建模、动画、渲染和后期制作
  C: 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
  fr: Modélisation 3D, animation, rendu et post-production
  sq: Animacion i modeleve 3D, rregullim dhe më pas prodhim
  sr: 3Д моделовање, анимација, исцртавање и постпродукција
  nb: 3D-modellering, animasjon, rendering og postproduksjon
  ca: Modelat 3D, animació, renderització i post-producció
  sv: 3d-modellering, animering, rendering och efterbehandling
  hu: 3D modellek és animációk létrehozása és szerkesztése
  uk: Програма просторового моделювання, анімації, обробки відео та доведення відеопродуктів
  nl: 3d-modelleren, animeren, renderen en post-productie
  zh_TW: 3D 模型、動畫、算圖和後製
  lt: 3D modeliavimas, animacijų kūrimas, atvaizdavimas ir tobulinimas
  ar: 3D النمذجة، الرسوم المتحركة، والتجسيد، وما بعد الإنتاج
  lv: 3D modelēšana, animācija, renderēšana un pēcapstrāde
  pl: Modelowanie 3D, animacja, renderowanie i postprodukcja
  crh: 3B modelleme, animasyon, işleme ve son üretim
  el: Μοντελοποίηση 3D, κινούμενα σχέδια, αποτύπωση και οργάνωση διαδικασίας μετά-την-παραγωγή
  ast: Modeláu 3D, animación, renderizáu y postproducción
  cs: 3D modelování, animace, rederování a postprodukce
  eo: 3D-modelado, animacio, renderado kaj postproduktado
  fr_CA: Modélisation 3D, animation, rendu et post-production
  gl: Modelado 3D, animación, renderizado e postprodución
  pt: Modelação 3D, animação, renderização e pós-produção
  es: Modelado 3D, animación, renderizado y post-producción
  et: Kolmemõõtmeline modelleerimine, animeerimine, esitlemine ja järeltöötlemine
  eu: 3D modelatzea, animazioa, errendatzea eta post-produkzioa
  vi: Tạo hình mẫu 3D, hoạt họa, dựng hình và các công việc hậu kỳ
  ro: Modelare, animare, afișare și post-producție 3D
  ru: 3D-моделирование, анимация, рендеринг и компоновка
  tr: 3B modelleme, animasyon, işleme ve son üretim
  zh_HK: 3D 模型、動畫、算圖和後製
  be: Праграма прасторавага мадэлявання, анімацыі, апрацоўкі відэа і давядзення відэапрадукцыі
  is: Þrívíddarmódel, hreyfimyndir, myndgerð og frágangur myndskeiða
  ko: 3D 모델링, 애니메이션, 렌더링과 포스트 프로덕션
  it: Modellazione 3D, animazione, rendering e post-produzione
  da: 3D-modellering, animation, rendering og efterbehandling
  de: 3D-Modellierung, Animation, Rendering und Nachbearbeitung
  oc: Modelizacion 3D, animacion, rendut e post-produccion
  tg: Моделсозии 3D, аниматсия, пешниҳод ва истеҳсоли баъдӣ
  bg: 3D моделиране, анимиране, рендиране и пост-продукция
  bn: ত্রিমাত্রিক মডেল, অ্যানিমেশন, রেন্ডারিং এবং পোস্ট-উৎপাদন
  ms: Pemodelan, animasi, penerapan dan post-produksi 3D
  fi: 3D-mallinnus, -animaatiot, -renderöinti ja -tuotanto
  bs: 3D modeliranje, animacija, obrada i postprodukcija
  ta: முப்பரிமாண ஒப்புருவாக்கம், அசைவூட்டம், காட்சியாக்கம் மற்றும் உருவாக்கத்துக்கு பிந்தைய செயல்பாடுகள்
  pl: >-
    <p>Blender jest zintegrowanym pakietem narzędziowym służącym do trójwymiarowego modelowania, animacji, renderingu, postprodukcji,
    interaktywnego tworzenia i odtwarzania (gier). Blender dysponuje własnym, wyjątkowym interfejsem użytkownika, stworzonym
    w całości w oparciu o OpenGL i zaprojektowanym z myślą o szybkości. Wiązania Pythona dostępne są do obsługi skryptów;
    funkcje importu/eksportu popularnych formatów plików jak 3D Studio i Wavefront OBJ zostały zaimplementowane przez społeczność
    jako skrypty. Fotosy, animacje, modele dla gier, silniki spoza projektu oraz interaktywne treści w postaci niezależnych
    plików binarnych są powszechnymi produktami używania Blendera.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Blender ist eine integrierte 3D-Suite für die Modellierung, Animation, Rendering, Postproduktion sowie interaktive
    Erstellung und Wiedergabe (z.B. Spiele). Blender hat seine eigene, spezielle Benutzeroberfläche, die vollständing in OpenGL
    implementiert ist, wobei Wert auf Geschwindigkeit gelegt wurde. Zur Steuerung durch Skripte sind Anbindungen an Python
    verfügbar; Import/Export-Fähigkeiten für gängige Dateiformate wie 3D Studio und Wavefront-Obj sind als Skripte von der
    Community implementiert. Unbewegte Szenen, Animationen, Modelle für Spiele und andere Engines, sowie interaktive Inhalte
    in Form von eigenen Programmen sind gängige Ergebnisse der Arbeit mit Blender.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Blender je integrovaná sada 3D nástrojov na modelovanie, animáciu, vykresľovanie, postprodukciu, interaktívnu tvorbu
    a prehrávanie (hry). Blender má vlastné špecifické používateľské rozhranie, ktoré je kompletne implementované v OpenGL
    a navrhnuté s ohľadom na rýchlosť. Na skriptovanie sú dostupné väzby pre Python. Vo forme skriptov sú implementované možnosti
    importu/exportu populárnych formátov súborov ako 3D Studio a Wavefront Obj. Bežnými výsledkami použitia Blendera sú statické
    scény, animácie, modely pre hry alebo iné jadrá tretích strán a interaktívny obsah v samostatnej binárnej forme.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, poobdelavo, interaktivno ustvarjanje in predvajanje
    (igre). Blender vsebuje svoj lasten uporabniški vmesnik, ki je izveden popolnoma v OpenGL in zasnovan s hitrostjo v mislih.
    Za skriptanje so na voljo vezave Python. Zmožnosti uvoza/izvoza iz priljubljenih vrst datotek, kot sta 3D studio in Wavefront
    Obj je kot skripte napisala skupnost. Pogosti izdelki, ustvarjeni z Blenderjem so slike, animacije, modeli za igre ali
    druge programnike tretjih oseb in interaktivna vsebina v obliki samostojnih binarnih datotek.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Blender це комплекс для 3-D моделювання, анімації, візуалізації, після- обробки, інтерактивного створення та відтворення
    (ігри). Blender має свій, особливий інтерфейс, повністю реалізований на OpenGL, при його створенні особлива увага приділялася
    швидкості. Можлива автоматизація роботи програми за допомогою сценаріїв на Python. Зокрема, у вигляді сценаріїв реалізовані
    імпорт та експорт в популярні формати файлів такі як 3D Studio і Wavefront Obj. За допомогою пакету зазвичай створюються
    статичні малюнки, анімація, моделі для ігор, а також інтерактивне інформаційне наповнення у вигляді самостійних програм.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Blender; modelleme, animasyon, hazırlama, üretim sonrası işlemleri, etkileşimli oluşturma ve oynama (oyunlar) için
    tümleşik bir 3B setidir. Blender, tamamen OpenGL ile geliştirilen ve akıllardaki hız ile tasarlanmış kendine has kullanıcı
    arayüzü barındırır. Betik yazımı için Python atamaları kullanılabilir. 3D Studio ve WaveFront Obj benzeri yaygın dosya
    biçimleri için içe ve dışa aktarma özellikleri, topluluk tarafından betikler halinde sunulmaktadır. Sabit resimler, animasyonlar,
    oyunlar için modeller veya diğer üçüncü parti motorlar ve kendi başına çalışabilir ikili biçimindeki etkileşimli içerik,
    Blender kullanımındaki ortak ürünlerdir.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Blender est une suite logicielle intégrée pour la modélisation, l&apos;animation, le rendu, la post-production, la
    création et le rendu interactif (jeux). Blender a sa propre interface utilisateur implémentée entièrement avec OpenGL
    et conçue pour la vitesse. Une interface Python est disponible pour les scripts (les fonctions d&apos;import/export pour
    les formats de fichiers 3D populaires comme 3D Studio et Wavefront Obj sont implémentés par des scripts par la communauté).
    Les images fixes, les animations, les modèles pour des jeux ou autre moteurs tiers et le contenu interactif sous forme
    de binaire portable sont fréquents dans l&apos;utilisation de Blender.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Blender è una suite 3D integrata per: modellazione, animazione, rendering, post-produzione, creazione interattiva e
    riproduzione (giochi). Blender possiede un&apos;interfaccia particolare che è implementata interamente con le OpenGL e
    progettata per ottimizzare la velocità. I collegamenti per Python sono disponibili per la creazione di script. La comunità
    ha implementato con degli script le funzionalità di importazione/esportazione per i formati principali dei file come 3D
    Studio e Wavefront Obj. I seguenti sono dei prodotti comuni per l&apos;uso con Blender: immagini fisse, animazioni, modelli
    per giochi o per altri motori di terze parti e contenuti interattivi nella forma di un binario indipendente.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Blender er en integreret 3D-programpakke for modelopbygning, animation, optegning, efterbehandling, interaktiv oprettelse
    og afspilning (spil). Blender har sin egen specifikke brugergrænseflade, som er fuldstændig implementeret i OpenGL og
    designet med tanke på hastighed. Pythonbindinger er tilgængelige for skripter; import- og eksportfunktioner for populære
    filformater såsom 3D Studio og Wavefront Obj er implementeret som skripter af fællesskabet. Billeder, animationer, modeller
    for spil eller andre tredjepartsmotorer og interaktivt indhold i form af en uafhængig binær fil er gænge produkter fremstillet
    i Blender.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback
    (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed
    in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and
    Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines
    and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.</p>
- Graphics
- 3DGraphics
  - 3d
  - cg
  - modeling
  - animation
  - painting
  - sculpting
  - texturing
  - video editing
  - video tracking
  - rendering
  - render engine
  - cycles
  - game engine
  - python
  - name: blender_blender.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: blender_blender.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: blender
  - application/x-blender