Type: desktop-application
ID: bibletime.desktop
Package: bibletime
cs: BibleTime
C: BibleTime
da: Bibletime
fr: BibleTime
et: BibleTime
de: BibleTime
it: BibleTime
de: Ein einfach zu benutzendes Bibelprogramm
fi: Helppokäyttöinen raamatunlukuohjelmisto
C: An easy to use bible study tool
cs: Snadno použitelný nástroj pro studium Bible
fr: Un outil d'étude biblique facile à utiliser
et: Lihtne Piibliuurimise vahend
it: Un semplice strumento per studiare la Bibbia
da: Et letanvendeligt bibelstudieprogram
de: >-
<p>BibleTime ist ein freies und einfach zu bedienendes Werkzeug für das Bibelstudium. Es verwendet die Qt- und die SWORD-Bibliotheken.
BibleTime bietet eine einfache Handhabung digitalisierter Texte (Bibeln, Kommentare und Lexika) und mächtige Fähigkeiten,
um mit diesen Texten (im SWORD- Format) zu arbeiten (im Text suchen, eigene Notizen schreiben, speichern, ausdrucken,
zh_CN: >-
<p>BibleTime 是一个免费、易用的圣经学习工具。 它使用 Qt 和 SWORD 软件库。 BibleTime 能够十分方便地处理数字化的文本(圣经原文、注释和字典),还提供了更强大的功 能用于处理 SWORD 格式的数据(搜索文本、写自己的注释、保存、打印等等)。</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>BibleTime é uma ferramenta livre e fácil de usar para estudar a bíblia. Ela usa as bibliotecas de software Qt e SWORD.
BibleTime fornece fácil manipulação de textos digitalizados (bíblias, comentários e dicionários) e recursos poderosos
para trabalhar com estes textos (pesquisa em textos, escrever suas próprias notas, gravar, imprimir etc) no formato do
módulo SWORD.</p>
sl: >-
<p>BibleTime je prosto in enostavno orodje za preučevanje biblije. Uporablja programski knjižnici Qt in SWORD. BibleTime
zagotavlja enostavno upravljanje digitaliziranih besedil (biblije, opombe in leksikoni) in zmogljive zmožnosti za delo
s temi besedili (iskanje v besedilih, pisanje lastnih opomb, shranjevanje, tiskanje) v obliki modula SWORD.</p>
C: >-
<p>BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. It uses the Qt and SWORD software libraries. BibleTime provides
easy handling of digitized texts (Bibles, commentaries and lexicons) and powerful features to work with these texts (search
in texts, write own notes, save, print etc.) in the SWORD module format.</p>
en: >-
<p>BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. It uses the Qt and SWORD software libraries. BibleTime provides
easy handling of digitized texts (Bibles, commentaries and lexicons) and powerful features to work with these texts (search
in texts, write own notes, save, print etc.) in the SWORD module format.</p>
ru: >-
<p>BibleTime — программа для изучения библии. Для неё требуется среда KDE и библиотека SWORD. BibleTime далает работу
с текстами в цифровом виде проще (комментарии, лексика) и имеет функции для работы с текстами (поиск в текстах, добавление
собственных заметок, сохранение, печать и т.д.) в формате модуля SWORD.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. It uses the Qt and SWORD software libraries. BibleTime provides
easy handling of digitized texts (Bibles, commentaries and lexicons) and powerful features to work with these texts (search
in texts, write own notes, save, print etc.) in the SWORD module format.</p>
es: >-
<p>BibleTime es una herramienta para el estudio de la biblia, libre y fácil de usar. Utiliza las librerías Qt y SWORD.
BibleTime facilita el manejo de textos digitalizados (Biblias, comentarios y léxicos) y provee de potentes opciones para
trabajar con estos textos (busca en textos, escribe notas, graba, imprime, etc.) en formato del módulo SWORD.</p>
fr: >-
<p>BibleTime est un outil d'étude de la Bible libre et simple d'utilisation. Il utilise les bibliothèques logicielles
Qt et SWORD. BibleTime fournit une prise en main facile des textes numérisés (Bibles, commentaires et lexiques) et de
puissantes fonctions pour travailler avec ces textes (recherche dans les textes, écriture de notes personnelles, sauvegarde,
impression, etc.) dans le format de module SWORD.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. It uses the Qt and SWORD software libraries. BibleTime provides
easy handling of digitized texts (Bibles, commentaries and lexicons) and powerful features to work with these texts (search
in texts, write own notes, save, print etc.) in the SWORD module format.</p>
ko: >-
<p>BibleTime은 자유롭고 사용하기 쉬운 성경 공부 도구입니다. BibleTime은 QT와 SWORD 소프트웨어 라이브러리를 사용합니다. BibleTime은 디지탈화된 본문(성경, 주석 그리고 용어집)의
쉬운 사용환경과 본문으로 작업하기 위한 강력한 특징(본 문 검색, 노트 작성, 저장, 프린트 등등)을 SWORD 모듈 형식에서 제공합니다.</p>
it: >-
<p>BibleTime è uno strumento per lo studio della Bibbia libero e semplice. Utilizza le librerie software Qt e SWORD. BibleTime
permette di gestire facilmente testi digitalizzati (Bibbie, commentari e dizionari) e fornisce potenti funzionalità per
lavorare con questi testi (ricerca all'interno del testo, scrittura di note, salvataggio, stampa, ecc.) nel formato
del modulo SWORD.</p>
da: >-
<p>BibleTime er et frit og letanvendeligt værktøj til bibelstudier. Det bruger biblioteker fra Qt og SWORD. BibleTime
tilbyder nem håndtering af digitaliserede tekster (bibler, kommentarer og leksika) og stærke egenskaber til at arbejde
med disse tekster (søg i tekster, skriv egne noter, gem, udskriv, osv.) i SWORD- modulformatet.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. It uses the Qt and SWORD software libraries. BibleTime provides
easy handling of digitized texts (Bibles, commentaries and lexicons) and powerful features to work with these texts (search
in texts, write own notes, save, print etc.) in the SWORD module format.</p>
- Literature
- Education
- Dictionary
- bible
- study
- religion
- literature
- education
- name: bibletime_bibletime.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: bibletime_bibletime.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: bibletime_bibletime.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: b/bi/bibletime.desktop/D5387986563538D85C8773C3F08CAD58/icons/128x128/bibletime_bibletime.png
width: 128
height: 128
- bibletime.desktop