⇦ | autokey-gtk [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for autokey-gtk in universe

autokey-gtk.desktop - 0.95.10-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: autokey-gtk.desktop
Package: autokey-gtk
  C: AutoKey
  C: Program keyboard shortcuts
  pl: >-
    <p>AutoKey jest narzędziem do automatyzacji pulpitu do Linuksa i X11. Pozwala na automatyzację dowolnego zadania, odpowiadając
    na ustalone skróty klawiszowe. Oferuje w pełni funkcjonalny interfejs, który przystępny jest nawet dla nowicjuszy, jak
    również interfejs skryptowy oferujący pełną elastyczność i moc języka Python.</p>

    <p>Pakiet zawiera interfejs stworzony w GTK+.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket enthält die Benutzeroberfläche basierend auf GTK+.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Autokey é um utilitário de automação da área de trabalho para Linux e X11. Ele permite a automação de praticamente
    qualquer tarefa respondendo a abreviações e teclas de atalho digitadas. Ele oferece uma GUI cheia de recursos, o que o
    torna altamente acessível para novatos, juntamente com uma interface para criação de scripts oferecendo toda a flexibilidade
    e poder da linguagem Python.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>AutoKey je pripomoček samodejnega namizja za Linux in X11. Omogoča samodejno delo praktično katerekoli naloge z odzivom
    do vnesenih okrajšav in tipkovnih bližnjic. Ponuja polno zmožen grafičen uporabniški vmesnik, ki ga naredi mogočno dostopnega
    za novince, ter vmesnik skriptanja, ki ponuja polno prilagodljivost in moč jezika Python.</p>

    <p>Ta paket zagotavlja začelje GTK+.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>AutoKey — інструмент для автоматизації роботи у Linux та X11. Він дозволяє автоматизувати певні задачі, виконуючи певні
    дії у відповідь на набрані абревіатури чи натиснуті комбінації клавіш. Він має повноцінний графічний інтерфейс користувача
    (ГІК), який добре підходить для новачків, а також інтерфейс для написання сценаріїв, які використовують усю гнучкість
    та потужність мови Python.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>AutoKey — инструмент для автоматизации работы в Linux и X11. Он позволяет выполнять заранее определённые действия по
    комбинациям клавиш или набранным сокращениям. Он имеет графический интерфейс пользователя, который хорошо подходит для
    новичков, а также интерфейс для сценариев на Python.</p>

    <p>Этот пакет содержит интерфейс GTK+.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>Este paquete conten a interface en GTK+.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>Bu paket, GTK+ arayüzünü içerir.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>AutoKey es una utilidad de automatización de escritorio para Linux y X11. Permite la automatización de virtualmente
    cualquier tarea respondiendo a abreviaciones escritas y teclas de acceso rápido. Ofrece una completa interfaz gráfica
    de usuario que la hace muy accesible para novatos, así como una interfaz de scripting ofreciendo la total flexibilidad
    y poder del lenguaje Python.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contiene la interfaz GTK+</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>AutoKey est un utilitaire d&apos;automatisation de bureau pour Linux et X11. Il permet d&apos;automatiser virtuellement
    n&apos;importe quelle tâche qui répond à des raccourcis clavier. Il est accessible aux novices par une interface graphique
    ainsi que par une interface de script pour pouvoir utiliser toute la puissance et la flexibilité de Python.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient l&apos;interface GTK+.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>AutoKey è un&apos;utilità di automazione per desktop per Linux e X11. Permette l&apos;automazione di virtualmente qualsiasi
    compito rispondendo ad abbreviazioni da tastiera e scorciatoie. Offre un&apos;interfaccia grafica completa che la rende
    altamente accessibile ai principianti, ma anche un&apos;interfaccia per script che offre la flessibilità e la potenza
    completa del linguaggio Python.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>AutoKey er et redskab for skrivebordsautomatisering for Linux og X11. Den tillader automatiseringen af næsten enhver
    opgave ved at svare på indtastede forkortelser og genvejstaster. Programmet tilbyder en grafisk brugerflade med alle funktioner
    som gør programmet nemt tilgængeligt for begyndere, samt en skriptgrænseflade der tilbyder den fulde fleksibilitet og
    funktionalitet i Pythonsproget.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding
    to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well
    as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language.</p>

    <p>This package contains the GTK+ frontend.</p>
- Utility
  - name: autokey-gtk_autokey.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: autokey-gtk_autokey.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: autokey