⇦ | ario [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for ario in universe

ario.desktop - 1.6-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: ario.desktop
Package: ario
  C: Ario
  C: Client application to mpd
  pl: >-
    <p>Ario jest w pełni funkcjonalnym klientem MPD (Music Player Daemon). Interfejs użyty do przeglądania bibliotek jest
    inspirowany na Rhythmboksie, od którego Ario wydaje się być znacznie lżejsze i szybsze. Używa GTK2, avahi do wykrywania
    serwera MPD i curl do pobierania zdalnych plików (np. okładek płyt i tekstów piosenek). Dostarczane są różne wtyczki,
    np. do obsługi zgłoszeń z audioscrobbler/last.fm lub klawiszy multimedialnych.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Ario ist ein voll ausgestatteter Client für den Musikwiedergabedienst (MPD). Die Schnittstelle für das Durchsuchen
    der Bibliothek ist von Rhythmbox inspiriert. Ario hat aber zum Ziel, viel leichter und schneller zu sein. Er nutzt GTK
    2, Avahi für die Erkennung der MPD-Server und Curl zum Herunterladen von entfernten Dateien (wie z.B. Album-Cover und
    Liedtexte). Es gibt verschiedene Erweiterungen, z.B. für die Übermittlung an Last.fm (Audioscrobbler) oder die Unterstützung
    von Multimedia-Tasten.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Ario 是一个功能全面的 MPD (音乐播放器守护进程)客户端。其媒体库浏览界面 的设计借鉴了 Rhythmbox,但它致力于更轻快。它使用 GTK2、avahi 来检测 MPD 服务器,使用 curl 下载远程文件(如封面图片和歌词)。它还提供了多种插
    件来实现 audioscrobbler/last.fm 订阅或多媒体键支持等功能。</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O Ario é um cliente cheio de recursos para o MPD (Music Player Daemon -- Daemon Tocador de Música). A interface usada
    para navegar na biblioteca é inspirada no Rhythmbox mas o Ario tenciona ser muito mais leve e rápido. Ele usa GTK2, avahi
    para detecção do servidor MPD e curl para baixar arquivos remotos (como imagens de capa e letras de músicas). Várias extensões
    são fornecidas, como envio para o audioscrobbler/last.fm ou suporte a teclas multimídia.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Ario je polno zmožen odjemalec za MPD (ozadnji program predvajalnika glasbe). Vmesnik, ki se uporablja za brskanje
    po knjižnici je navdihnil program Rhythmbox, vendar Ario poskuša biti veliko lažji in hitrejši. Uporablja GTK, avahi za
    zaznavanje strežnika MPD in curl za prejem oddaljenih datotek (kot so naslovnice in besedila). Na voljo so različni vstavki
    kot sta audioscrobbler/pošiljanje last.fm ali podpora predstavnostnih tipk.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Ario é um cliente cheio de funcionalidades para o MPD (Music Player Daemon). A interface usada para explorar a biblioteca
    é inspirada pelo Rhythmbox mas o Ario é mais leve e rápido. Usa GTK2, avahi para detecção do servidor MPD e curl para
    descarregar ficheiros remotos (como capas e letras). Estão disponibilizados vários plugins como submissão audioscrobbler/last.fm
    ou suporte a teclas multimédia.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Ario — полнофункциональный клиент MPD (Music Player Daemon). Интерфейс для навигации по фонотеке напоминает Rhythmbox,
    но Ario гораздо легче и быстрее. Он использует GTK2, avahi для обнаружения сервера MPD и curl для скачивания удалённых
    файлов (например, обложек музыкальных альбомов и текстов песен). Имеются различные дополнительные модули, например, для
    работы с audioscrobbler/last.fm или поддержки мультимедийных клавиатур.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Ario es un cliente completo para MPD («Music Player Daemon»). La interfaz que se emplea para examinar la biblioteca
    se inspira en Rhythmbox, pero el objetivo de Ario es ser más ligero y rápido. Usa GTK2, avahi para la detección del servidor
    de MPD y curl para descargar archivos remotos (como las carátulas y las letras). Ofrece varios complementos tales como
    el envío de datos con audioscrobbler/last.fm o la compatibilidad con teclas multimedia.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Ario est un client complet pour MPD (« Music Player Daemon »). L&apos;interface utilisée pour parcourir la bibliothèque
    est inspirée de Rhythmbox mais Ario a pour but d&apos;être beaucoup plus léger et rapide. Il utilise GTK2, avahi pour
    la détection de serveurs MPD et curl pour télécharger les fichiers distants (comme les pochettes et les paroles). Différents
    greffons sont fournis tels qu&apos;un de soumission audioscrobbler/last.fm ou un autre apportant la gestion des touches
  ja: >-
    <p>Ario はフル機能を有する MPD (Music Player Daemon) 用クライアントです。 ライブラリの閲覧に用いられるインターフェイスは Phythmbox に触発 されたものですが、Ario はより計量かつ高速になることを目指しています。
    GTK2 を用いており、設定の保存には Gconf を、(カバーアートや詩のような) リモートファイルのダウンロードには curl を用いています。 audioscrobbler/last.fm への投稿やマルチメディアキーのサポートのような
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Ario è un client completo per MPD (Music Player Daemon). L&apos;interfaccia usata per sfogliare la biblioteca musicale
    è ispirata da Rhythmbox ma Ario punta ad essere molto più leggero e veloce. Usa GTK2, avahi per il rilevamento del server
    MPD e curl per scaricare i file remoti (come copertine e testi). Sono forniti vari plugin come invio dati audioscrobbler/last.fm
    o supporto per i tasti multimediali.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired
    by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download
    remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/last.fm submission or multimedia
    keys support.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - name: ario_ario.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: ario_ario.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: ario