⇦ | kdevelop [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Hints for kdevelop in universe

org.kde.kdevelop.desktop ⚙ amd64


  • asv-releases-not-in-order
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml - 5.4.6 << 5.5.0
    The releases are not sorted in a latest to oldest version order. This is required as some tools will assume that the latest version is always at the top. Sorting releases also increases overall readability of the metainfo file.


  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:48 - Jest to w pełni funkcjonalne, z możliwością rozszerzenia przy użyciu wtyczek, zintegrowane środowisko programistyczne dla C/C++ i innych języków programowania.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:50 - IDE repleto de funcionalidades e expansível através de plugins, para C/C++ e outras linguagens de programação.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-description-first-para-too-short
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:58 - KDevelop is a Free and Open Source integrated development environment (IDE).
    The first `description/p` paragraph of this component might be too short (< 80 characters). Please consider starting with a longer paragraph to improve how the description looks like in software centers and to provide more detailed information on this component immediately in the first paragraph.
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:54 - Це повноцінне, розширюване за допомогою додатків комплексне середовище розробки мовами C/C++ та іншими мовами програмування.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:53 - Tam özellikli, eklenti ile geliştirilebilir C/C++ ve diğer programlama dilleri için tümleşik geliştirme ortamı.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:39 - Eine leistungsfähige integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) für C/C++ und andere Programmiersprachen, die durch Module erweitert werden kann.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:37 - És un IDE, extensible amb connectors, amb totes les característiques per a C/C++ i altres llenguatges de programació.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:42 - Environnement de développement complet et extensible pour le C/C++ et d'autres langages de programmation.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:41 - Entorno de desarrollo integrado para C/C++ y otros lenguajes de programación con múltiples funcionalidades y que se puede extender con complementos.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:47 - IDE voor C/C++ en andere programmeertalen, vol functies en uit te breiden met plug-ins.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).
  • asv-summary-has-dot-suffix
    org.kde.kdevelop.appdata.xml:38 - És un IDE, extensible amb connectors, amb totes les característiques per a C/C++ i altres llenguatges de programació.
    The component summary should not end with a dot (`.`).