⇦ | gimp [universe]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 09:51 [UTC]

Hints for gimp in universe

org.gimp.GIMP ⚙ amd64


  • translations-not-found
    Unable to add languages information, even though a translation tag was present in the MetaInfo file. Please check that its value is set correctly, and all locale files are placed in the right directories (e.g. /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/ for Gettext .mo files).


  • asv-cid-missing-affiliation-gnome
    org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml:3 - org.gimp.GIMP
    The component is part of the GNOME project, but its ID does not start with GNOME's reverse-DNS name ("org.gnome").
  • asv-nonstandard-gnome-extension
    org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml:333 - kudos
    This tag is a GNOME-specific extension to AppStream and not part of the official specification. Do not expect it to work in all implementations and in all software centers.
  • asv-developer-info-missing
    org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.

gimp-data-extras ⚙ amd64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    gimp-data-extras.metainfo.xml:3 - gimp-data-extras
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.


  • asv-developer-info-missing
    gimp-data-extras.metainfo.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.