⇦ | fontforge [universe]
Last updated on: 2025-03-12 09:51 [UTC]

Hints for fontforge in universe

org.fontforge.FontForge ⚙ amd64


  • duplicate-component
    A component with this ID already exists. AppStream IDs must be unique, any subsequent components have been ignored. Please resolve the ID conflict!


  • asv-component-name-missing
    org.fontforge.FontForge.appdata.xml -
    The component is missing a name (<name/> tag).
  • asv-component-summary-missing
    org.fontforge.FontForge.appdata.xml -
    The component is missing a summary (<summary/> tag).


  • asv-developer-name-tag-deprecated
    org.fontforge.FontForge.appdata.xml:114 -
    The toplevel `developer_name` element is deprecated. Please use the `name` element in a `developer` block instead.
  • asv-developer-info-missing
    org.fontforge.FontForge.appdata.xml -
    This component contains no `developer` element with information about its author.