⇦ | xvt [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for xvt in universe

xvt.desktop - 2.1-20.3ubuntu2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: xvt.desktop
Package: xvt
  C: Xvt
  C: Run a command line shell
  de: >-
    <p>Xvt ist ein X-Terminal-Emulator, der entwickelt wurde, um mehr oder weniger zu XTerm kompatibel zu sein, aber weniger
    Swap-Space benötigt. Sein Haupteinsatzgebiet ist an Rechnern, die eine große Anzahl X-Terminals benutzen, aber er kann
    auch an Einzelplatzrechnern, die wenig Speicher haben, sinnvoll sein. Die kleine Größe von Xvt wurde hauptsächlich dadurch
    erzielt, dass nicht das X-Toolkit benutzt wird.</p>

    <p>Falls Sie einen Terminal-Emulator mit mehr Fähigkeiten als Xvt aber trotzdem weniger Speicherverbrauch als XTerm suchen,
    sollten Sie sich Rxvt anschauen.</p>

    <p>XTerm hat u.a. die folgenden Fähigkeiten, die Xvt nicht unterstützt:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Die folgenden Fähigkeiten werden von Xvt unterstützt:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>xvt é um emulador de terminal X que foi projetado para ser mais ou menos compatível com o xterm enquanto do uso de
    menos espaço de troca. Sua principal intenção de uso é em sites que utilizam um grande número de terminais X, mas também
    podem ser úteis em estações de trabalho com pouca memória.</p>

    <p>Se você está procurando por um emulador de terminal com mais recursos que o xvt, mas que use menos espaço de troca
    que o xterm, considere o rxvt.</p>

    <p>Dentre as características que o xterm possui e o xvt não estão:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Dentre as características suportadas estão incluídas</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>xvt on X-terminaaliemulaattori, joka on suunniteltu olemaan enemmän tai vähemmän yhteensopiva xterm:in kanssa samalla
    käyttäen paljon vähemmän swap-tilaa. Se on pääasiassa tarkoitettu paikkoihin, joissa tarvitaan suuria määriä X-terminaaleja,
    mutta voi olla käyttökelpoinen myös työasemilla, joilla ei ole riittävästi muistia. Tärkein tapa, jolla xvt saavuttaa
    pienen kokonsa, on X toolkitin välttäminen.</p>

    <p>Jos etsit enemmän ominaisuuksia sisältävää terminaaliemulaattoria muuta kuin xvt:tä, mutta joka silti vie vähemmän
    swap-tilaa, niin harkitse rxvt:tä.</p>

    <p>Ominaisuuksia, joita xvt ei tue, mutta xterm tukee, ovat muun muassa:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Ominaisuuksia, jotka ovat tuettuna:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>xvt は、X 端末エミュレータであり、多かれ少なかれ xterm との互換性 を保ちつつ、スワップの使用量を減らすように設計されています。 多量の X 端末を使うサイトでの利用が主な利用目的ですが、メモリが足りない ワークステーションでも役立つでしょう。
    xvt のサイズの小ささを達成している方法としては、まず第一に X ツールキット の利用を避けていることです。</p>

    <p>xvt よりも機能が豊富だが、xterm よりもスワップ使用量が少ない端末 エミュレータを探している場合には、rxvt の使用を検討してください。</p>

    <p>xvt がサポートしていない xterm の機能には、次が含まれます。</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>


    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>xvt is an X terminal-emulator that is designed to be more or less compatible with xterm while using much less swap
    space.  It is mainly intended for use at sites which use large numbers of X terminals but may also be useful on single
    workstations that are short of memory. The main way that xvt achieves its small size is by avoiding the use of the X toolkit.</p>

    <p>If you are looking for a more featureful terminal-emulator than xvt, but one which still uses less swap space than
    xterm, consider rxvt.</p>

    <p>Features of xterm which xvt does not support include:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Features which are supported include:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>xvt is an X terminal-emulator that is designed to be more or less compatible with xterm while using much less swap
    space.  It is mainly intended for use at sites which use large numbers of X terminals but may also be useful on single
    workstations that are short of memory. The main way that xvt achieves its small size is by avoiding the use of the X toolkit.</p>

    <p>If you are looking for a more featureful terminal-emulator than xvt, but one which still uses less swap space than
    xterm, consider rxvt.</p>

    <p>Features of xterm which xvt does not support include:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Features which are supported include:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>xvt is an X terminal-emulator that is designed to be more or less compatible with xterm while using much less swap
    space.  It is mainly intended for use at sites which use large numbers of X terminals but may also be useful on single
    workstations that are short of memory. The main way that xvt achieves its small size is by avoiding the use of the X toolkit.</p>

    <p>If you are looking for a more featureful terminal-emulator than xvt, but one which still uses less swap space than
    xterm, consider rxvt.</p>

    <p>Features of xterm which xvt does not support include:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Features which are supported include:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>xvt é um emulador de linha de comandos do gestor X que é concebido para ser relativamente compatível com o xterm enquanto
    usa menos espaço swap. É principalmente focado para utilizar em locais que utilizam um grande número de linhas de comando
    X mas também pode ser útil em estações de trabalho unitárias que tenham pouca memória. O principal motivo que faz com
    que o xvt tenha pouco tamanho é evitar utilizar o X toolkit.</p>

    <p>Se procura um emulador de linhas de comando com mais opções que o xvt, mas que utilize menos espaço swap que o xterm,
    considere o rxvt.</p>

    <p>Opções do xterm que o xvt não suporta incluem:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>As opções que são suportadas incluem:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>xvt es un emulador de terminal para X diseñado para ser, más o menos, compatible con xterm pero usando mucho menos
    espacio de intercambio. Principalmente está destinado a ser utilizado en lugares en los que utilizan un gran número de
    terminales para X, pero también puede ser útil en otros que posean poca memoria. El principal modo con el que xvt logra
    su pequeño tamaño es evitando el uso de las herramientas X.</p>

    <p>Si busca un emulador de consola con más características que xvt pero que use menos espacio de intercambio que xterm,
    piense en rxvt.</p>

    <p>Las características de xterm que no se incluyen en xvt:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Incluye características como:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xvt est un émulateur de terminal pour X conçu pour être plus ou moins compatible avec xterm, tout en utilisant beaucoup
    moins de mémoire d’échange. Il est principalement prévu pour une utilisation dans des lieux utilisant un grand nombre
    de terminaux X, mais peut être utile pour des stations de travail avec peu de mémoire. La petitesse de Xvt est obtenue
    par le non emploi de la boîte à outils X.</p>

    <p>Pour le besoin d’un émulateur de terminal avec plus de fonctions que xvt mais utilisant moins d’espace d’échange que
    xterm, rxvt est à envisager.</p>

    <p>Les fonctions de xterm non fournies par xvt sont :</p>

    <p> - L&apos;émulation 4014 Tektronix  - L&apos;enregistrement de session  - Les menus contextuels. La seule commande
    de menu contextuel de xterm qui    est fournie dans xvt est l&apos;affichage et le masquage de la barre de défilement
    et    cela se fait simplement en appuyant sur n&apos;importe quelle bouton de la souris    dans la fenêtre avec la touche
    CTRL enfoncée.  - Configuration de la boîte à outils. En particulier, xvt ne permet    pas à l&apos;utilisateur de reconfigurer
    les touches de la souris ou du clavier.</p>

    <p>Les fonctions de xterm fournies par xvt sont :</p>

    <p> - L&apos;émulation VT100. La plupart des séquences d&apos;échappement principales sont    prises en charge - bien
    sûr toutes celles qui sont utilisées par les applications    UNIX basées sur l&apos;écran standard.  - Les lignes qui
    sortent par le haut de la fenêtre sont enregistrées et peuvent être    ré-affichées avec une barre de défilement.  - La
    sélection du texte et l&apos;insertion, y compris le double clic et le triple clic pour     les mots et les lignes.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>xvt is an X terminal-emulator that is designed to be more or less compatible with xterm while using much less swap
    space.  It is mainly intended for use at sites which use large numbers of X terminals but may also be useful on single
    workstations that are short of memory. The main way that xvt achieves its small size is by avoiding the use of the X toolkit.</p>

    <p>If you are looking for a more featureful terminal-emulator than xvt, but one which still uses less swap space than
    xterm, consider rxvt.</p>

    <p>Features of xterm which xvt does not support include:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Features which are supported include:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>xvt è un emulatore di terminale X che è progettato per essere più o meno compatibile con xterm pur usando molto meno
    spazio swap. È pensato principalmente per l&apos;uso in siti che usano un gran numero di terminali X, ma può anche essere
    utile su postazioni singole che hanno poca memoria. Il metodo principale con cui xvt raggiunge lo scopo di essere piccolo
    è evitando l&apos;uso del toolkit X.</p>

    <p>Se si sta cercando un emulatore di terminale più ricco di funzionalità di xvt, ma uno che usi comunque meno spazio
    swap di xterm, si consideri rxvt.</p>

    <p>Le funzionalità in xterm che xvt non supporta includono:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Le funzionalità che sono supportate includono:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>xvt er en X-terminalemulator, som er designet til at være mere eller mindre kompatibel med xterm, men den bruger meget
    mindre swapplads. Det er hovedsagelig ment til brug på sider, som har et stort antal X-terminaler, men kan også være brugbar
    på en enkel arbejdsstation som mangler lidt hukommelse. Den måde som svt opnår sin lille størrelse på er ved at undgå
    brugen af X-værktøjssættet.</p>

    <p>Hvis du er på udkig efter en mere funktionsrig terminalemulator end xvt, men ens som stadig bruger meget mindre swapplads
    end xterm, så overvej rxvt.</p>

    <p>Funktioner i xterm som xvt ikke understøtter inkluderer:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Funktioner som er understøttet inkluderer:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>xvt is an X terminal-emulator that is designed to be more or less compatible with xterm while using much less swap
    space.  It is mainly intended for use at sites which use large numbers of X terminals but may also be useful on single
    workstations that are short of memory. The main way that xvt achieves its small size is by avoiding the use of the X toolkit.</p>

    <p>If you are looking for a more featureful terminal-emulator than xvt, but one which still uses less swap space than
    xterm, consider rxvt.</p>

    <p>Features of xterm which xvt does not support include:</p>

    <p> - Tektronix 4014 emulation  - Session logging  - Pop-up menus.  The only one of xterm&apos;s popup menu commands that   
    is provided in xvt is displaying and hiding of the scrollbar    and this is done simply by pressing any mouse key in the
    window    with the CONTROL key held down.  - Toolkit style configurability.  In particular, xvt does not    allow the
    user to remap the mouse or keyboard keys.</p>

    <p>Features which are supported include:</p>

    <p> - VT100 emulation.  Most of the main escape sequences are supported --    certainly all those used by the standard
    screen based UNIX    applications.  - Lines that scroll off the top of the window are saved and can be    scrolled back
    with a scrollbar.  - Text selection and insertion including double and triple click for    words and lines.</p>
- System
- TerminalEmulator
  - shell
  - command
  - commandline
  - name: xvt_xterm-color.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: xvt_xterm-color.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: xvt_xterm-color.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: xterm-color
  - url: x/xv/xvt.desktop/6216D2AE363EC99AFA4845D0BFC33B70/icons/128x128/xvt_xterm-color.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - xvt.desktop