Type: desktop-application
ID: whichwayisup.desktop
Package: whichwayisup
C: Which Way is Up
C: 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist
de: 2D-Jump'n'Run-Spiel mit einem leichten Rotationsdrall
de: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up ist ein traditionelles und herausforderndes 2D Jump'n'Run- Spiel mit einem leichten Rotationsdrall.
Helfen Sie einem großohrigen Büroangestellten namens Guy dabei, seine Schlüssel in einem Labyrinth aus Gefahren und schlechten
Dialogen zu finden.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up (em português, "Qual é o lado de cima?"), um jogo de plataforma 2D tradicional e desafiador
com uma leve mudança rotacional. Ajude um misterioso assalariado orelhudo chamado Guy a encontrar suas chaves em um labirinto
de perigos e diálogos ruins.</p>
C: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
en: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
gl: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
es: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, un jeu traditionnel et stimulant de plate-forme en 2D avec possibilité de faire pivoter le décor.
Aidez un mystérieux salarié aux grandes oreilles prénommé Guy à trouver ses clés dans un labyrinthe de dangers et de mauvais
en_GB: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
it: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, un gioco a piattaforme 2D tradizionale e stimolante con una sorpresa rotazionale. Bisogna aiutare
un misterioso dipendente dalle grosse orecchie chiamato Guy a trovare le sue chiavi in un labirinto di pericoli e dialoghi
da: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up (hvilken vej er op), er et traditionelt og udfordrende 2D- platformspsil med en mindre rotationstvist.
Hjælp en mystisk storøret sælger med navnet Guy. Find hans nøgler i en farefuld labyrint og blandt en masse dårlig dialog.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared
salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
- 2D
- game
- arcade
- platform
- name: whichwayisup_whichwayisup.png
width: 64
height: 64