⇦ | uck [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for uck in universe

uck.desktop - 2.4.7-0ubuntu2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: uck.desktop
Package: uck
  C: Ubuntu Customization Kit
  C: Customize your Ubuntu Desktop CDs easily
  fr: >-
    <p>UCK est un outil qui vous permet de personnaliser les Live CD officiels d&apos;Ubuntu, (y compris Kubuntu/Xubuntu et
    Edubuntu) pour  vos besoins. Vous pouvez ajouter n&apos;importe quel paquet au système autonome comme, par exemple, des
    paquets de langue, des applications, etc.</p>

    <p>Caractéristiques :  * Créer un LiveCD bootable avec les langues prédéfinies basées sur un liveCD    Ubuntu/Kubuntu
    original en utilisant l&apos;assistant graphique.  * Construire un liveCD avec des fonctions spéciales à l&apos;aide de
    scripts. Il    est possible de personnaliser le système de fichiers racine (par exemple    d&apos;installer/enlever des
    paquets), le contenu d&apos;une ISO (ajouter/retirer    des documents, modifier les noms) et initrd (ajouter des modules
    pour    démarrer, changer la séquence d&apos;amorçage).</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>UCK — инструмент, помогающий вносить в официальные Ubuntu Live CD (включая Kubuntu/Xubuntu и Edubuntu) изменения для
    соответствия вашим нуждам. Вы можете добавить в «живую» систему любой пакет, например, языковые пакеты, приложения, и

    <p>Features:  * Create bootable LiveCD with predefined languages based upon an original    Ubuntu/Kubuntu live CD using
    graphical wizard.  * Build live CD with special features using scripts. It is possible to    customize the root filesystem
    (for example install/remove packages), ISO    contents (add/remove docs, change names) and initrd (add modules to boot,   
    change boot sequence).</p>
  C: >-
    <p>UCK is a tool that helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your
    needs. You can add any package to the live system like, for example, language packs, applications, etc.</p>

    <p>Features:  * Create bootable LiveCD with predefined languages based upon an original    Ubuntu/Kubuntu live CD using
    graphical wizard.  * Build live CD with special features using scripts. It is possible to    customize the root filesystem
    (for example install/remove packages), ISO    contents (add/remove docs, change names) and initrd (add modules to boot,   
    change boot sequence).</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>UCK je orodje, ki vam pomaga prilagoditi uradne žive CD-je Ubuntu (vključno s Kubuntu/Xubuntu in Edubuntu) svojim potrebam.
    Živemu sistemu lahko dodate katerikoli paket kot so jezikovni paketi, programi, itd.</p>

    <p>Zmožnosti:  * ustvarjanje živega CD-ja s preddoločenimi jeziki z uporabo izvirnega    živega CD-ja Ubuntu/Kubuntu s
    pomočjo grafičnega čarovnika.  * Izgradnja živega CD-ja s posebnimi zmožnosti s pomočjo skriptov. Prilagodite    lahko
    korenski datotečni sistem (na primer dodate/odstranite pakete), vsebino    ISO (dodate/odstranite dokumentacijo, spremenite
    imena) in initrd (dodate module za zagon,    spremenite zagonsko zaporedje).</p>
  en: >-
    <p>UCK is a tool that helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your
    needs. You can add any package to the live system like, for example, language packs, applications, etc.</p>

    <p>Features:  * Create bootable LiveCD with predefined languages based upon an original    Ubuntu/Kubuntu live CD using
    graphical wizard.  * Build live CD with special features using scripts. It is possible to    customize the root filesystem
    (for example install/remove packages), ISO    contents (add/remove docs, change names) and initrd (add modules to boot,   
    change boot sequence).</p>
  de: >-
    <p>UCK is a tool that helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your
    needs. You can add any package to the live system like, for example, language packs, applications, etc.</p>

    <p>Features:  * Create bootable LiveCD with predefined languages based upon an original    Ubuntu/Kubuntu live CD using
    graphical wizard.  * Build live CD with special features using scripts. It is possible to    customize the root filesystem
    (for example install/remove packages), ISO    contents (add/remove docs, change names) and initrd (add modules to boot,   
    change boot sequence).</p>
- System
  - name: uck_uck.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: uck_uck.png
    width: 128
    height: 128