Type: desktop-application
ID: transcend.desktop
Package: transcend
C: Transcend
C: retro-style, abstract 2D shooter
pt_BR: >-
<p>Transcend pode ser melhor descrito como um jogo de tiro 2-D abstrato, estilo retrô. Os gráficos são geométricos e a
velocidade é, às vezes, frenética.</p>
<p>Dois recursos tornam Transcend ímpar. Primeiro, seu motor gráfico dinâmico, que pode morfar suavemente de uma forma
complexa em outra, produzindo visões impressionantes. A combinação destas formas dinâmicas com aleatorizações sutis torna
cada jogo através de um nível de Transcend visualmente diferente do anterior. O segundo recurso novo é o poderoso sistema
musical do Transcend. À medida em que você joga através de um nível, você está simultaneamente montando uma colagem abstrata
visual e arranjando peças únicas de música. Transcend mescla vídeo games com arte pura --- ele pode ser visualizado tanto
como um jogo quanto como uma escultura multimídia.</p>
C: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
en: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
cs: >-
<p>Transcend je možno popsat jako abstraktní retro 2-D střílečku. Grafika je geometrická a její tempo je občas šílené.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
en_CA: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
gl: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
es: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
fr: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
ru: >-
<p>Transcend лучше всего описать как абстрактный 2D-шутер в ретро-стиле. Графика геометрическая, а темп иногда просто
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
en_GB: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
it: >-
<p>Transcend può essere accuratamente descritto come uno sparatutto 2D astratto in stile retro. La grafica è geometrica
e la velocità è a volte forsennata.</p>
<p>Due caratteristiche distinguono Transcend dagli altri giochi: Per prima cosa il suo motore grafico dinamico, che può
elegantemente trasformare una forma complessa in un'altra producendo grafiche impressionanti. La combinazione di
queste forme dinamiche con combinazioni casuali impercettibili, rende ogni partita in un livello di Transcend diversa
visivamente dalle altre. La seconda novità di Trascend è il sistema di creazione musicale. Mentre si gioca in un livello,
si assembla contemporaneamente un collage visivo astratto e si arrangia un pezzo musicale unico. Transcend fonde insieme
i video giochi con l'arte pura e semplice: può essere considerato sia un gioco, sia una scultura multimediale.</p>
da: >-
<p>Transcend kan bedst beskrives som et retro-lignende, abstrakt 2D- skydespil. Grafikken er geometrisk, og tempoet er
undertiden afsindigt.</p>
<p>To egenskaber placerer Transcend som et spil for sig selv. Først, dets dynamiske grafikmotor, der flydende kan morfe
fra én kompleks form til en anden, kan fremstille slående visninger. Kombination af disse dynamiske former med svagt antydet
tilfældigheder, gør hvert spil gennem et Transcend-niveau visuelt forskelligt fra det forrige. Den anden nye egenskab
er Transcends musiske system til opfyldning af energi. Når du spiller gennem et niveau, samler du sideløbende en abstrakt
visuel collage og sammensætter et unikt stykke musik. Transcend sammenfletter videospil med ren kunst - det kan enten
ses som et spil eller en multimedie- skulptur.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is
sometimes frenzied.</p>
<p>Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from
one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes
each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical
power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging
a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia
- Game
- ActionGame
- name: transcend_transcend.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: transcend_transcend.png
width: 128
height: 128