Type: desktop-application
ID: thg.desktop
Package: tortoisehg
C: TortoiseHg
C: GUI application for using Mercurial
de: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>TortoiseHg fornece uma ferramenta gráfica para interagir com o sistema de controle de versões distribuído Mercurial.
O suporte a GUI é fornecido para mais de uma dúzia de operações, incluindo adicionar ficheiros, submeter alterações, gerir
filtro de ignorar, ver o relatório de mudanças, fundir, recuperar/desfazer, editar configurações, sincronizar repositórios
e muito mais. O destaque está na ferramenta de submissão interactiva que permite selecção fácil de diffs a partir de múltiplos
ficheiros e empacotamento em conjuntos de mudanças (changesets), e que é mais poderoso e fácil de usar que as alternativas
disponíveis como qct e hgct (commit- tool).</p>
pt: >-
<p>TortoiseHg fornece uma ferramenta gráfica para interagir com o sistema de controle de versões distribuído Mercurial.
O suporte a GUI é fornecido para mais de uma dúzia de operações, incluindo adicionar ficheiros, submeter alterações, gerir
filtro de ignorar, ver o relatório de mudanças, fundir, recuperar/desfazer, editar configurações, sincronizar repositórios
e muito mais. O destaque está na ferramenta de submissão interactiva que permite selecção fácil de diffs a partir de múltiplos
ficheiros e empacotamento em conjuntos de mudanças (changesets), e que é mais poderoso e fácil de usar que as alternativas
disponíveis como qct e hgct (commit- tool).</p>
uk: >-
<p>TortoiseHg надає графічний інструмент для взаємодії з розподіленою системою керування версіями Mercurial. Підтримка
графічного інтерфейсу забезпечує більше десятка операцій, включаючи додавання файлів, публікацію змін, управління фільтрами
ігнорування, перегляд журналу змін, злиття, відкат/відновлення, редагування налаштувань, синхронізування сховищ та інші.
Основне призначення полягає в інструменті публікацій, який легко виділяє змінені файли серед інших і упаковує їх в набори
змін, і який більш потужніший та простіший у використанні, аніж доступні альтернативи такі як qct та hgct (commit-tool).</p>
C: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
en: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
ru: >-
<p>TortoiseHg предоставляет графический инструмент для взаимодействия с распределённой системой управления версиями Mercurial.
Графическая поддержка обеспечивает более десятка операций, включая добавление файлов, публикацию изменений, управление
фильтрами игнорирования, просмотр отчета об изменениях, слияние, откат/восстановление, редактирование настроек, синхронизирование
репозиториев и другие. Основное назначение заключается в инструменте публикаций, который легко выделяет измененные файлы
из множества и упаковывает в наборы изменений и который более мощнее и проще в использовании, чем доступные альтернативы
такие как qct и hgct (commit- tool).</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
es: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
fr: >-
<p>TortoiseHg fournit un outil graphique pour interagir avec le système de gestion de versions distribué Mercurial. L’interface
graphique permet de réaliser plus d’une douzaine d’opérations telles que, entre autres, l’ajout de fichier, l’archivage
des modifications (commit), la gestion du filtre « ignore », l’affichage du journal des modifications, la fusion, la récupération/annulation,
l’édition de la configuration ou la synchronisation de dépôt. Le plus important est l’outil de transaction interactive
qui permet une sélection facile de diff à partir de plusieurs fichiers et leur réunion dans une liste de changements.
Cela est plus puissant et facile à utiliser que d’autres alternatives disponibles telles que qct et hgct (commit-tool).</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
it: >-
<p>TortoiseHg fornisce uno strumento grafico per interagire con il sistema di controllo delle revisioni distribuito Mercurial.
È fornita un'interfaccia utente grafica per più di una dozzina di azioni, incluse aggiunta di file, commit delle
modifiche, gestione dei filtri per elementi da ignorare, visualizzazione dei registri delle modifiche, merge, recover/rollback,
modifica della configurazione, sincronizzazione dei repository e molte altre. Il punto di forza è lo strumento interattivo
per il commit che permette una facile selezione di diff da file multipli e la loro inserzione in pacchetti di insiemi
di modifiche; questo strumento è più potente e facile da usare delle alternative disponibili come qct e hgct (ct = commit-tool).</p>
da: >-
<p>TortoiseHg tilbyder et grafisk værktøj for interaktion med det distribuerede revisionskontrolsystem Mercurial. Understøttelse
af grafisk brugerflade tilbydes for mere end et dusin handlinger, inklusive tilføj filer, indsend ændringer, håndter ignorerfiltre,
vis ændringslog, sammenføj, gendan/rul tilbage, rediger konfiguration, synkroniser, arkiv og mange andre. Fremhævelsen
er det interaktive indsendelsesværktøj (commit) som tillader nem valg af forskelle (diffs) fra flere filer og pakning
til et ændringssæt, og som er mere funktionsrigt og nemmere at bruge end tilgængelige alternativer såsom qct og hgct (commit-tool).</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support
is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge,
recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit
tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful
and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool).</p>
- Development
- RevisionControl
- thg
- hgtk
- mercurial
- vcs
- name: tortoisehg_thg_logo.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: tortoisehg_thg_logo.png
width: 64
height: 64
- thg.desktop