Type: desktop-application
ID: qlipper.desktop
Package: qlipper
fr: Qlipper
C: Qlipper
sr: Кјулипер
sr@ijekavian: Кјулипер
lt: Qlipper
sr@latin: Kjuliper
sr@ijekavianlatin: Kjuliper
lt: Iškarpinės istorijos įrankis
de: Anwendung zur Handhabung der Zwischenablage
sr@ijekavianlatin: Alatka za istorijat isecanja i nalepljivanja
C: Clipboard history tool
sr: Алатка за историјат исецања и налепљивања
fr: Un outil d'historique du presse-papiers
sr@ijekavian: Алатка за историјат исецања и налепљивања
sr@latin: Alatka za istorijat isecanja i nalepljivanja
en: >-
<p>A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
da: >-
<p>Et simpelt panelprogram for udklipsholderens historik til flere platforme. Den tilbyder de følgende funktioner:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
it: >-
<p>Un'applet leggera e multipiattaforma per la cronologia degli appunti. Fornisce le seguenti funzionalità:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
C: >-
<p>A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features:</p>
<p> - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can
be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)</p>
- Utility
- name: qlipper_qlipper.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: qlipper_qlipper.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: qlipper_qlipper.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: q/ql/qlipper.desktop/855A05C9630C6A1068F739AB5D414A0A/icons/128x128/qlipper_qlipper.png
width: 128
height: 128
- qlipper.desktop