⇦ | postr [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for postr in universe

postr.desktop - 0.13.1-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: postr.desktop
Package: postr
  de: Flickr Uploader
  pl: Wysyłanie do serwisu Flickr
  lv: Flickr augšupielādētājs
  pt_BR: Ferramenta de envio do Flickr
  zh_CN: Flickr 上传工具
  sl: Program za prenos datotek na Flickr
  C: Flickr Uploader
  cs: Nahrávání na Flickr
  en_CA: Flickr Uploader
  gl: Cargador para Flickr
  eo: Flickralŝutilo
  es: Cargador para Flickr
  fr: Téléverseur Flickr
  sr: Фликров отпреник
  ru: Загрузчик для Flickr
  sv: Skicka upp till Flickr
  hu: Flickr feltöltő
  sr@latin: Flikrov otprenik
  da: Flickr-overførsel
  de: Fotos zu Flickr hochladen …
  pl: Wysyłanie zdjęć do serwisu Flickr
  lv: Augšupielādēt fotogrāfijas Flickr
  pt_BR: Enviar para o Flickr
  zh_CN: 上传相片到 Flickr
  sl: Prenos slik na portal Flickr
  C: Upload photos to Flickr
  cs: Nahrát fotky na Flickr
  en_CA: Upload photos to Flickr
  gl: Subir fotos a Flickr
  eo: Alŝuti bildojn al Flickr
  es: Subir fotos a Flickr
  fr: Envoyer des photos à Flickr
  sr: Отпремите фотографије на Фликр
  ru: Загрузить фотоснимки на Flickr
  sv: Skicka upp foton till Flickr
  hu: Fényképek feltöltése a Flickr-re
  it: Carica le foto su flickr
  sr@latin: Otpremite fotografije na Flikr
  da: Overfør billeder til Flickr
  de: >-
    <p>Postr ist ein Flickr-Hochlade-Werkzeug für die GNOME-Arbeitsumgebung, das darauf ausgelegt ist, einfach in der Bedienung
    zu sein und dennoch einen ausreichend großen Funktionsumfang von Flickr abzubilden, um nützlich zu sein.</p>

    <p>Es hat eine einfache Benutzeroberfläche und ermöglicht das Festlegen der gebräuchlichen Foto-Informationen: Titel,
    Beschreibung, Schlagwörter, Alben, Gruppen, Einstellungen zur Privatsphäre, Lizenz usw.</p>

    <p>Es integriert sich in Nautilus: Sie können Postr entweder beim Durchsuchen Ihrer Fotos aufrufen oder diese einfach
    aus Nautilus heraus ziehen und in einem offenen Fenster von Postr ablegen.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Postr je orodje za pošiljanje slik Flickr za namizje GNOME, ki poskuša biti enostavno za uporabo, a izpostaviti dovolj
    Flickra, da bi bilo uporabno.</p>

    <p>Ima enostaven uporabniški vmesnik in vam omogoča nastavitev pogostih atributov za vaše fotografije: naslov, opis, oznake,
    zbirke, skupine, zasebnost, licenca, itd.</p>

    <p>Je vključen v Nautilus: postr lahko poženete, ko brskate med svojimi fotografijami ali jih enostavno povlečete iz Nautilusa
    in jih spustite v Postr.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Postr es una herramienta de subida a Flickr para el escritorio GNOME, que tiene como objetivo ser sencilla de usar
    pero exponiendo lo suficiente de Flickr para ser útil.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Postr est un outil de téléversement sur Flickr pour le bureau GNOME, qui vise à être simple à utiliser, tout en ayant
    assez de fonctionnalités de Flickr pour être utile.</p>

    <p>Il dispose d&apos;une interface utilisateur simple, et vous permet de définir des attributs communs pour vos photos :
    titre, description, étiquettes, paramètres, groupes, confidentialité, licence, etc...</p>

    <p>Il est intégré à Nautilus : vous pouvez soit exécuter Postr lorsque vous parcourez vos photos soit tout simplement
    les faire glisser de Nautilus pour les déposer dans Postr.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Postr — простой, но полезный инструмент GNOME для загрузки фотографий на Flickr.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>Интегрирован с Nautilus: можно либо запустить postr при просмотре своих фотографий, либо просто перетащить их из Nautilus
    в окно Postr.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Postr è uno strumento per il desktop GNOME con cui caricare foto su Flickr; mira ad essere semplice da usare, ma a
    mostrare abbastanza funzionalità di Flickr da essere utile.</p>

    <p>Ha un&apos;interfaccia utente semplice e permette di impostare i comuni attributi per le proprie foto: titolo, descrizione,
    tag, set, gruppi, impostazioni sulla privacy, licenza, ecc.</p>

    <p>Si integra in Nautilus: si può eseguire postr mentre si sta navigando tra le proprie foto oppure semplicemente trascinarle
    da Nautilus per rilasciarle in Postr.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Postr er et værktøj til at sende til Flickr for GNOME-skrivebordet, der sigter mod at være simpel at anvende, men samtidig
    at vise nok af Flickr til at være anvendeligt.</p>

    <p>Det har en simpel brugerflade, og lader dig indstille gængse attributter i dine fotografier: titel, beskrivelse, mærker,
    sæt, grupper, privatliv, licens, osv.</p>

    <p>Det er integreret med Nautilus: Du kan enten køre postr, når du gennemser dine fotografier eller blot trække dem fra
    Nautilus og slippe dem i Postr.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Postr is a Flickr  uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr
    to be useful.</p>

    <p>It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets,
    groups, privacy, licence, etc.</p>

    <p>It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus
    to drop them in Postr.</p>
- Graphics
  - flickr
  - upload
  - picture
  - postr
  - image
  - tool
  - gnome
  - name: postr_postr.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: postr_postr.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - image/gif
  - image/x-fits
  - image/jpeg
  - image/x-portable-anymap
  - image/svg+xml
  - image/x-portable-bitmap
  - image/pcx
  - image/x-portable-graymap
  - image/x-xbitmap
  - image/x-xwindowdump
  - image/x-tga
  - image/png
  - image/x-icon
  - image/x-sgi
  - image/x-portable-pixmap
  - image/tiff
  - image/x-psd
  - image/x-xpixmap
  - image/bmp