Type: desktop-application
ID: orbital-eunuchs-sniper.desktop
Package: orbital-eunuchs-sniper
C: Orbital Eunuchs Sniper
C: Anti-terrorist Satellite Sniping Game
sk: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper je strieľačka s pohľadom zhora. Vy (eunuch na orbitálnej laserovej stanici) máte za úlohu chrániť
VIP (modrí) od teroristov (červení).</p>
C: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper is an overhead shooting game. You (the Eunuch on the orbital laser platform) are tasked with
protecting the VIPs (blue) from the terrorists (red)!</p>
en: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper is an overhead shooting game. You (the Eunuch on the orbital laser platform) are tasked with
protecting the VIPs (blue) from the terrorists (red)!</p>
ru: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper — игра-стрелялка из космоса. Вы (евнух на орбитальной лазерной платформе) защищаете VIP-персон
(синие) от террористов (красные)!</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper is an overhead shooting game. You (the Eunuch on the orbital laser platform) are tasked with
protecting the VIPs (blue) from the terrorists (red)!</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper is an overhead shooting game. You (the Eunuch on the orbital laser platform) are tasked with
protecting the VIPs (blue) from the terrorists (red)!</p>
it: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper è un gioco sparatutto con vista dall'alto. Il giocatore (l'Eunuch sulla piattaforma
laser orbitale) è incaricato di proteggere i VIP (blu) dai terroristi (rossi)!</p>
da: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper er et overhead skydespil. Dig (Eunukken på den orbitale laserplatform) har som opgave at beskytte
VIP'erne (blå) fra terroristerne (rød)!</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Orbital Eunuchs Sniper is an overhead shooting game. You (the Eunuch on the orbital laser platform) are tasked with
protecting the VIPs (blue) from the terrorists (red)!</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
- Game
- Arcade
- Terrorist
- Sniper
- name: orbital-eunuchs-sniper_orbital-eunuchs-sniper.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: orbital-eunuchs-sniper_orbital-eunuchs-sniper.png
width: 48
height: 48
- orbital-eunuchs-sniper.desktop