Type: desktop-application
ID: netpanzer.desktop
Package: netpanzer
C: NetPanzer
C: Online multiplayer tactical warfare game
de: taktisches Online-Kriegsspiel für mehrere Spieler
pl: >-
<p>netPanzer jest taktyczną grą czasu rzeczywistego z widokiem w rzucie izometrycznym, zaprojektowaną do grania przez
Internet lub sieć LAN. Gra jeden na jednego możliwa jest przez bezpośrednie połączenie lub modem.</p>
<p>Gra została stworzona z myślą o SZYBKIEJ WALCE - to nie jest kolejny klon gier z zarządzaniem zasobami. W rzeczywistości
nie ma żadnych zasobów, każdy gracz ma do swojej dyspozycji wiele różnego rodzaju jednostek. Może nimi walczyć dopóki
nie zostaną zniszczone - następnie respawn i rusza dalej.</p>
<p>Walka odbywa się w czasie rzeczywistym, lecz jest oparta na szybkich, taktycznych akcjach i zarządzaniu jednostkami.
Bitwy przebiegają szybko i nieprzerwanie, w rzeczywistości nigdy nie ustają. Nie ma przerwy w akcji, ponieważ nie trzeba
czekać na zebranie zasobów i przekształcenie ich w broń. Gracze mogą dołączać do gry lub ją opuścić w każdej chwili.</p>
de: >-
<p>netPanzer ist ein Echtzeit-Strategiespiel mit isometrischer Ansicht, das dazu entwickelt wurde, über das Internet oder
LAN-Systeme zu spielen. Eins-gegen-eins-Spiele sind per Direktverbindung oder Modem möglich.</p>
<p>netPanzer ist ein SCHNELLES ACTION-Spiel -- hier geht es nicht um Ressourcenmanagement. Im Ernst: Hier gibt es überhaupt
keine Ressourcen. Jeder Spieler verfügt über viele Einheiten verschiedener Typen. Spieler können spielen bis ihre Einheiten
vernichtet sind. Dann starten sie neu und machen weiter.</p>
<p>Das Spiel läuft in Echtzeit ab, aber es basiert auf schnellen taktischen Aktionen und rascher Verwaltung der Einheiten.
Schlachten entwickeln sich schnell und ständig; eigentlich hören sie nie auf. Es gibt keine Unterbrechung der Aktion,
da nicht auf Ressourcen gewartet werden muss, die gesammelt und in Waffen umgesetzt werden müssen. Spieler können jederzeit
einsteigen oder das Spiel verlassen.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>netPanzer é um jogo de táticas de guerra em tempo real e com visão isométrica projetado para ser jogado na internet
ou em redes locais. Jogos um-contra-outro são possíveis via conexão direta ou via modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer foi projetado para combate de AÇÃO RÁPIDA -- ele não é outro clone de gerenciamento de recursos. De fato,
não existe nenhum recurso. Cada jogador vai ter uma quantidade de unidades de diferentes tipos a sua disposição. Jogadores
podem combater até que suas unidades sejam destruídas -- e então reentrar e continuar no combate.</p>
<p>O jogo é em tempo real, mas é baseado em ações táticas rápidas e gerenciamento de unidades. As batalhas acontecem rápida
e constantemente; na verdade elas nunca param. Não há interrupção na ação por que não há espera por recursos que seriam
coletados e transformados em armamento. Os jogadores podem entrar e sair dos jogos multi-jogador a qualquer momento.</p>
sk: >-
<p>netPanzer je taktická hra v reálnom čase s izometrickým pohľadom navrhnutá na hranie cez internet a lokálne siete.
Hry jeden na jedného sú možné prostredníctvom priameho spojenia alebo modemu.</p>
<p>netPanzer je navrhnutá na rýchly akčný boj - nie je to ďalší klon hier o spravovaní zdrojov. Vlastne v nej vôbec žiadne
zdroje neexistujú. Každý hráč bude mať k dispozícii mnohé jednotky rôznych typov. Hráči môžu bojovať do zničenia svojich
jednotiek - potom sa znova objavia a môžu pokračovať.</p>
<p>Hra prebieha v reálnom čase, ale je založená na rýchlej taktickej akcii a správe jednotiek. Bitky postupujú rýchlo
a neustále - vlastne nikdy neprestávajú. Akcia prebieha bez prestávky, pretože netreba čakať na nazhromaždenie zdrojov
a ich premenu na zbrane. Hráči sa môžu kedykoľvek pridať alebo odísť z hry pre viacerých hráčov.</p>
ja: >-
<p>netPanzer は、インターネットや LAN システム経由の対戦用に設計された等角射影 ビューのリアルタイム戦略ゲームです。直接接続やモデム経由での 一対一の対戦も可能です。</p>
<p>netPanzer は FAST ACTION 戦闘用に設計されています。つまり、もう一つの リソース管理クローンではありません。実は、全く資源は存在しません。 各プレイヤは最初から各種ユニットを多数配置しています。 プレイヤはユニットが全て破壊されるまで戦えます。その後は再起動し、戦いつづけます。</p>
<p>ゲームはリアルタイムですが、すばやい戦略的高度とユニット管理に基づいています。 戦闘は素早く常時継続します。実は、戦闘に終わりはありません。 収集され、武器に変換される資源は存在しないので、行動が停止することはありません。 プレイヤはいつでもマルチプレイヤゲームに参加し、いつでも離脱できます。</p>
pt: >-
<p>netPanzer é um jogo táctico de tempo real com vista isométrica desenhado para jogar pela Internet e sobre sistemas
LAN. Jogos um contra um são possíveis via ligação directa ou modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer foi desenhado para combate de ACÇÃO RÁPIDA -- não é outro clone de gestão de recursos. De facto, não existem
nenhuns recursos. Cada jogador terá muitas unidades de diferentes tipos à sua disposição. Os jogadores podem lutar até
que as suas unidades sejam destruídas -- depois recomeçam e continuam.</p>
<p>O jogo corre em tempo real, mas é baseado em acção táctica rápida e gestão de unidades. As batalhas progridem rápida
e constantemente; de facto, elas nunca terminam. Não há paragens na acção porque não há espera pela recolha de recursos
e conversão para armamento. Os jogadores podem aderir ou abandonar jogos de multi-jogador a qualquer altura.</p>
C: >-
<p>netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems.
One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and
constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be
collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time.</p>
en: >-
<p>netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems.
One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and
constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be
collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time.</p>
ru: >-
<p>netPanzer — сетевая тактическая военная игра в изометрической проекции для нескольких игроков, в которую можно играть
через Интернет или по локальной сети. Игры один на один возможны через прямое соединение или модем.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>Игра идёт в реальном времени, но основана на быстрых тактических действиях и управлении воинскими соединениями. Битвы
происходят быстро и постоянно; фактически, они никогда не прекращаются. Здесь нет остановки в действиях, потому что не
нужно ждать, пока будут собраны ресурсы и преобразованы в вооружение. Игроки могут присоединяться к многопользовательским
играм и покидать их в любое время.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems.
One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and
constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be
collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time.</p>
gl: >-
<p>netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems.
One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and
constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be
collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time.</p>
fr: >-
<p>NetPanzer est un jeu tactique en temps réel, en vue isométrique, conçu pour des parties en réseau local ou sur Internet.
Le jeu en face à face est possible via une connexion directe ou un modem.</p>
<p>NetPanzer n'est pas un des nombreux clones de gestion de ressources : c'est un jeu de combat rapide. En fait,
il n'y a aucune ressource à gérer. Chaque joueur dispose de plusieurs unités de différents types. Les joueurs combattent
jusqu'à la destruction de leurs unités, puis ressuscitent et continuent.</p>
<p>Le jeu est en temps réel tout en étant basé sur des actions tactiques rapides et la gestion des unités. Les combats
progressent constamment et rapidement et en fait, ne cessent jamais. Il n'y a pas d'interruptions dans l'action
car il n'y a pas de temps d'attente pour collecter des ressources et les convertir en armement. Les joueurs
peuvent rejoindre ou quitter une partie à tout moment.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems.
One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and
constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be
collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time.</p>
it: >-
<p>netPanzer è un gioco in tempo reale di strategia, con vista isometrica, progettato per essere giocato in Internet e
in sistemi LAN. È possibile giocare uno contro uno tramite una connessione diretta o via modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer è progettato per combattimenti con AZIONI VELOCI: non è l'ennesimo clone di gioco di gestione di risorse.
In realtà non ci sono proprio risorse. Ogni giocatore ha a propria disposizione molte unità di diversi tipi. I giocatori
possono combattere fino a che le proprie unità non vengono sbaragliate, poi se ne creano di nuove e si può continuare.</p>
<p>Il gioco è in tempo reale, ma è basato su azioni tattiche veloci e sulla gestione delle unità. Le battaglie si svolgono
velocemente e costantemente: di fatto non si fermano mai. Non c'è alcuna pausa nell'azione perché non c'è
attesa per raccogliere e convertire risorse in armi. I giocatori possono inserirsi in giochi multigiocatore o lasciarli
in qualsiasi momento.</p>
da: >-
<p>netPanzer et et isometrisk realtids strategispil designet så det kan spilles over internettet og over LAN-systemer.
En mod en-spil er mulige via direkte forbindelse (direct connect) eller modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer er designet for HURTIG kamp - det er ikke endnu en ressourcehåndteringsklon. Der er rent faktisk ingen ressourcer
overhovedet. Hver spiller vil have mange forskellige typer til rådighed. Spillere kan kæmpe indtil deres enheder er ødelagt
- kommer igen og fortsætte.</p>
<p>Spillet foregår i realtid, men er baseret på hurtige taktiske handlinger og enhedshåndtering. Slag går hurtigt og foregår
konstant; faktisk stopper de aldrig. Der er ingen pause i handlingen, da der ikke foregår venten på at ressourcer bliver
indsamlet og omdannet til våben. Spillere kan tilslutte sig eller forlade spil for flere personer på ethvert tidspunkt.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems.
One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem.</p>
<p>netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't
any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their
units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going.</p>
<p>The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and
constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be
collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
- panzer
- tanks
- realtime
- battle
- name: netpanzer_netpanzer.png
width: 48
height: 48
- netpanzer.desktop