⇦ | musique [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for musique in universe

musique.desktop - 1.1-2.1build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: musique.desktop
Package: musique
  C: Musique
  C: Play your music collection
  de: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Musique не заважає Вам прослуховувати музику з охайним та інноваційним інтерфейсом. Він поставляється з одним списком
    відтворення, простим і зрозумілим, також з графічним відображенням Ваших альбомів й виконавців на основі зображень звантажених
    з last.fm. У той же час Ви можете, звичайно, також переглядати теки та файли з музикою.</p>

    <p>Завдяки використанню внутрішньої бази даних Musique доволі швидкий.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Musique simplifie votre expérience d&apos;écoute de musique avec une interface claire et innovante. Il est livré avec
    une liste de lecture, ordinaire et simple, mais aussi avec l&apos;affichage graphique de vos albums et artistes en utilisant
    des images téléchargées à partir de last.fm. Dans le même temps, vous pouvez bien sûr également parcourir vos répertoires
    et fichiers musicaux.</p>

    <p>L&apos;utilisation d&apos;une base de données interne rend Musique assez rapide.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Musique semplifica l&apos;esperienza dell&apos;ascolto musicale con un&apos;interfaccia pulita e innovativa. Ha una
    scaletta, pura e semplice, ma anche una visualizzazione grafica degli album e degli artisti che utilizza immagini scaricate
    da last.fm. Allo stesso tempo si può, naturalmente, navigare le proprie cartelle e file musicali.</p>

    <p>L&apos;uso di un database interno rende musique piuttosto veloce.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist,
    plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from last.fm. At
    the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.</p>

    <p>The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.</p>
- Audio
- Music
- Player
- AudioVideo
  - name: musique_musique.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: musique_musique.png
    width: 128
    height: 128