Type: desktop-application
ID: kvpm.desktop
Package: kvpm
de: >-
<p>KVMP ist eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche für den Linux Volume Manager (LVM) und libparted. Es verwendet die standardmäßigen
LVM-Werkzeuge und -Programme, um logische Datenträger zu bearbeiten - etwa die Größe verändern, sie löschen oder erstellen.
KVMP kann auch Speichermedien formatieren sowie ein- oder aushängen. Die Erstellung, Löschung und das Verändern der Größe
der Partitionen wird ebenfalls unterstützt.</p>
C: >-
<p>KVPM is a graphical user interface for the Linux Volume Manager (LVM) and libparted. It uses the standard LVM tools
and programs to manipulate logical volumes, such as resizing, deleting or creating them. It can also format volumes and
mount or unmount them. Creating, deleting and resizing partitions is also supported.</p>
en: >-
<p>KVPM is a graphical user interface for the Linux Volume Manager (LVM) and libparted. It uses the standard LVM tools
and programs to manipulate logical volumes, such as resizing, deleting or creating them. It can also format volumes and
mount or unmount them. Creating, deleting and resizing partitions is also supported.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>KVPM is a graphical user interface for the Linux Volume Manager (LVM) and libparted. It uses the standard LVM tools
and programs to manipulate logical volumes, such as resizing, deleting or creating them. It can also format volumes and
mount or unmount them. Creating, deleting and resizing partitions is also supported.</p>
gl: >-
<p>O KVPM é unha interface gráfica de usuario para o Xestor de volumes de Linux (LVM) e libparted. Emprega as ferramentas
e programas normais de LVM par manipular os volumes lóxicos, como mudarlles o tamaño, eliminalos ou crealos. Tamén pode
formatar volumes e montalos e desmontalos. Tamén admite a creación, eliminación e mudanza de tamaño das particións.</p>
ru: >-
<p>KVPM — графический интерфейс для Linux Volume Manager (LVM) и libparted. Он использует стандартные инструменты и программы
LVM для управления логическими томами, например, изменения размера томов, их удаления и создания. Может также форматировать
тома, монтировать и отмонтировать их. Также поддерживает создание, удаление и изменения размера разделов.</p>
fr: >-
<p>KVPM est une interface utilisateur graphique pour le gestionnaire de volume Linux (LVM) et pour libparted. Il utilise
les programmes et les outils standards LVM pour manipuler des volumes logiques, comme les redimensionner, les supprimer
ou les créer. Il peut également formater des volumes, les monter ou les démonter. La création, la suppression et le redimensionnement
des partitions sont également pris en charge.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>KVPM is a graphical user interface for the Linux Volume Manager (LVM) and libparted. It uses the standard LVM tools
and programs to manipulate logical volumes, such as resizing, deleting or creating them. It can also format volumes and
mount or unmount them. Creating, deleting and resizing partitions is also supported.</p>
it: >-
<p>KVPM è un'interfaccia utente grafica per LVM (Linux Volume Manager, gestore di volumi di Linux) e libparted. Usa
gli strumenti e i programmi LVM standard per manipolare i volumi logici, come ridimensionarli, eliminarli o crearli. Può
anche formattare i volumi e montarli o smontarli. Sono anche gestite la creazione, l'eliminazione e il ridimensionamento
delle partizioni.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>KVPM is a graphical user interface for the Linux Volume Manager (LVM) and libparted. It uses the standard LVM tools
and programs to manipulate logical volumes, such as resizing, deleting or creating them. It can also format volumes and
mount or unmount them. Creating, deleting and resizing partitions is also supported.</p>
- System
- name: kvpm_kvpm.png
width: 64
height: 64