Type: desktop-application
ID: jedit.desktop
Package: jedit
C: jEdit
cs: Edituje textové soubory
C: Edit text files
ca: Editeu fitxers de text
es: Modifique archivos de texto
de: Editiere Textdateien
de: >-
<p>jEdit unterstützt Syntax-Hervorhebung für mehr als 140 Sprachen und ist damit einer der Editoren mit den meisten Funktionen.
jEdit verbindet die Leistungsfähigkeit von Emacs, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Kate und die erweiterten Bearbeitungsfunktionen
von UltraEdit (wie beispielsweise das vertikale Einfügen), um Programmierern einen quelloffenen und auf Erweiterungen
basierten Editor von professioneller Qualität zu bieten.</p>
<p>Es ist möglich komplexe Makros mit BeanShell, Jython oder anderen Programmiersprachen, die zum BSF passen, zu erstellen.
JEdit bietet ein mächtiges und benutzerfreundliches Tastaturbelegungssystem (inklusive 2 -Tasten-Kombinationen), das es
ermöglicht eine Emacs-ähnliche Handhabung zu verwenden, wenn es gewünscht ist.</p>
<p>Die Funktionalität kann leicht durch Erweiterungen vergrößert werden, die ohne den Texteditor zu verlassen heruntergeladen,
aktualisiert und installiert werden können. Dazu gehört eine eingebaute Konsole, die das Ausführen externer Befehle im
Editor, sowie deren Zuordnung zu Tastenkombinationen, ermöglicht. Die FTP-Erweiterung gestattet das Anzeigen und Bearbeiten
von Dateien auf entfernten Rechnern mittels FTP oder SFTP. Andere Erweiterungen stellen eine Shell, objektorientierte
Struktur-/Code-Ansichten oder Befehlsvervollständigungs-Popups für Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C,
C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog und viele weitere Programmiersprachen zur Verfügung.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Kot eden od najbolj z zmožnostmi bogat urejevalnik ima jEdit podporo za poudarjanje skladnje v več kot 140 jezikih.
jEdit združuje moč Emacs, prijaznost do uporabnika Kate in napredne zmožnosti urejanja (kot je navpično lepljenje) programa
Ultraedit in vam nudi na vstavkih osnovan odprtokodni programerski urejevalnik profesionalne kakovosti.</p>
<p>V BeanShell ali Jython ali drugih jezikih, ki se prilegajo v BSF, lahko določite zapletene makre. jEdit ponuja zmogljiv
in uporabniku prijazen sistem preslikovanja tipkovnice (vključno z bližnjicami dveh udarcev), kar jEdit omogoča nastavitev
Emacsu podobnega videza, če to želite.</p>
<p>Njegovo zmožnost lahko enostavno razširite z 'vstavki', ki jih lahko prejmete, posodobite in namestite brez
končanja urejevalnika. Ti vključujejo vključitev v lupino konzole, ki vam v urejevalniku omogoča izvajanje vzajemnih zunanjih
ukazov kot tudi njihov priklic s tipkovnimi bližnjicami. Vstavek FTP vam omogoča brskanje in urejanje datotek na oddaljenih
sistemih preko FTP ali SFTP. Drugi vstavki zagotavljajo lupine, predmetno usmerjene brskalnike strukture/kode ali pojavna
okna dokončanja za Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog in veliko drugih jezikov.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Один з найпотужніших редакторів. Підтримує підсвічування синтаксису для більше 140 мов. Володіє міццю Emacs, дружелюбністю
Kate та досконалими можливостями редагування Ultraedit, при цьому будучи висококласним відкритим модульним продуктом.</p>
<p>Підтримується створення макросів на BeanShell, Jython та іншими мовами, які підтримуються BSF. jEdit підтримує потужну,
але просту у використанні систему керування з клавіатури (включаючи підтримку двох одночасних комбінацій клавіш), що робить
редактор схожим на Emacs.</p>
<p>Функціональність jEdit легко розширюється за допомогою втулків, встановлення та оновлення яких відбувається без перезавантаження
редактора. Серед втулків є вбудована консоль, що дозволяє працювати із зовнішніми командами з редактора, та викликати
їх через налаштування клавіатурних скорочень. Також є втулок, що надає FTP-клієнт для перегляду й редагування файлів через
протокол FTP чи SFTP на віддаленому комп’ютері. Інші втулки надають інші оболонки, оглядачі коду та об’єктів, підтримку
автодоповнення для мов Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, Сі, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog та багатьох інших
C: >-
<p>As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages.
jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical
paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open-source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality.</p>
<p>It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers
a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit
a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire.</p>
<p>Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed,
all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive
external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit
files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion
popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages.</p>
en: >-
<p>As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages.
jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical
paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open-source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality.</p>
<p>It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers
a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit
a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire.</p>
<p>Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed,
all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive
external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit
files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion
popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages.
jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical
paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open- source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality.</p>
<p>It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers
a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit
a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire.</p>
<p>Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed,
all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive
external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit
files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion
popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Один из мощнейших редакторов. Поддерживает подсветку синтаксиса более 140 языков. Обладает мощью Emacs, дружелюбием
Kate, и продвинутыми возможностями редактирования Ultraedit, являясь высококлассным открытым модульным продуктом.</p>
<p>Поддерживает создание макросов на BeanShell, Jython и других языках, поддерживающихся BSF. jEdit поддерживает мощную,
но простую в использовании систему управления с клавиатуры (включая поддержку 2 одновременных комбинаций управляющих клавиш),
что делает редактор похожим на Emacs.</p>
<p>Функциональность jEdit легко расширяется посредством модулей, установка и обновление которых происходит без перезагрузки
редактора. Среди модулей есть встроенная консоль, позволяющая работать с внешними командами из редактора, и вызывать их
через настройку клавиатурных сокращений. Также присутствует модуль, предоставляющий FTP-клиент для просмотра и редактирования
файлов по протоколу FTP или SFTP на удалённом компьютере. Остальные модули предоставляют другие оболочки, браузеры кода
и объектов, поддержку автодополнения для языков Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme,
Prolog, и многих других языков.</p>
gl: >-
<p>As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages.
jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical
paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open- source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality.</p>
<p>It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers
a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit
a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire.</p>
<p>Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed,
all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive
external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit
files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion
popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Comme tous les éditeurs avancés riches en fonctions, jEdit se targue de prendre en charge la mise en évidence syntaxique
pour plus de 140 langages. jEdit combine la puissance d'Emacs, la convivialité de Kate, et les fonctions avancées
d'édition (telles que la copie verticale) d'Ultraedit, pour vous apporter un éditeur open-source de qualité
professionnelle, basé sur des greffons et destiné aux programmeurs.</p>
<p>Il est possible de définir des macros complexes en BeanShell ou Jython, ou tout autre langage s'adaptant à la
BSF. jEdit offre un système de mappage clavier puissant et convivial (comprenant des raccourcis sur 2 touches), permettant
de donner à jEdit une vraie ressemblance à Emacs, si vous le souhaitez.</p>
<p>Ses fonctionnalités sont facilement extensibles par l'usage de «⋅greffons⋅» pouvant être téléchargés, mis à jour
et installés, sans sortir de l'éditeur. Ils comprennent une intégration d'interpréteur de commande Console incorporé,
vous laissant lancer des commandes externes interactives au sein de votre éditeur, avec possibilité de les lier à des
raccourcis clavier. Le greffon FTP vous permet de naviguer et modifier des fichiers sur des systèmes distants par FTP
ou SFTP. D'autres greffons fournissent environnements, navigateurs de structure/code orientés objet, ou la complétion
automatique pour Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog et bien d'autres langages.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages.
jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical
paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open- source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality.</p>
<p>It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers
a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit
a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire.</p>
<p>Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed,
all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive
external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit
files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion
popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages.</p>
it: >-
<p>Essendo uno degli editor disponibili più ricchi di funzionalità, jEdit può vantare la gestione dell'evidenziazione
della sintassi in più di 140 lingue. jEdit combina la potenza di Emacs, la facilità d'uso di Kate e le funzionalità
di modifica avanzate (come la funzione incolla verticale) di Ultraedit, per fornire un editor per programmatori open source
e basato su plugin, di qualità professionale.</p>
<p>È possibile definire macro complesse in BeanShell o Jython, oppure altri linguaggi che siano BSF. jEdit offre un sistema
di mappatura della tastiera potente e amichevole (incluse scorciatoie a due tasti), rendendo possibile dare a jEdit uno
stile molto simile ad Emacs, se lo si desidera.</p>
<p>Le sue funzionalità possono essere facilmente estese usando "plugin" che è possibile scaricare, aggiornare
e installare, tutto senza uscire dall'editor. Questi includono l'integrazione incorporata della shell di console,
che permette di eseguire comandi esterni interattivi all'interno dell'editor, così come di collegarli a scorciatoie
da tastiera. Il plugin FTP permette di navigare e modificare i file su sistemi remoti via FTP o SFTP. Altri plugin forniscono
shell, navigatori di codice/strutture orientati agli oggetti o completamento a comparsa per Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX,
Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog e molti altri linguaggi.</p>
da: >-
<p>Som et af de mest funktionsrige tilgængelige redigeringsprogrammer, så bryster jEdit sig med understøttelse af syntaksfremhævelse
i mere end 140 sprog. jEdit kombinerer kraften i Emacs, brugervenligheden i Kate og de avancerede redigeringsfunktioner
(såsom lodret indsæt) i Ultraedit, for at give dig et open source-redigeringsprogram for programmører, baseret på udvidelsesmoduler
i professionel kvalitet.</p>
<p>Det er muligt at definere komplekse makroer i BeanShell eller Jython eller andre sprog som passer ind i BSF'en.
jEdit tilbyder et funktionsrigt og brugervenligt tastatursystem (inklusive 2-tast genveje), hvilket gør det muligt at
give jEdit en meget Emacs-lignende følelse, såfremt du ønsker dette.</p>
<p>Dets funktionalitet kan nemt udvides med brug af »udvidelsesmoduler«, som kan hentes, opdateres og installeres, alle
uden at forlade redigeringsprogrammet. Disse inkluderer en indbygget skalintegration for konsollen, som lader dig køre
interaktive eksterne kommandoer inden i dit redigeringsprogram samt binde dem til genvejstaster. FTP-udvidelsesmodulet
lader dig gennemse og redigere filer på eksterne systemer over FTP eller SFTP. Andre udvidelsesmoduler tilbyder skaller,
objektorienterede struktur/kode browsere, eller pop op'er for færdiggørelse for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python,
Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog og mange andre sprog.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages.
jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical
paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open- source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality.</p>
<p>It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers
a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit
a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire.</p>
<p>Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed,
all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive
external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit
files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion
popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages.</p>
- Development
- TextEditor
- Code
- Editor
- Programming
- name: jedit_jedit.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: jedit_jedit.png
width: 48
height: 48
- jedit.desktop
- text/plain