⇦ | italc-management-console [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for italc-management-console in universe

italc-management-console.desktop - 1:3.0.3+dfsg1-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: italc-management-console.desktop
Package: italc-management-console
  C: iTALC Management Console
  C: Administrate your iTALC installation
  fr: >-
    <p>iTALC permet d&apos;accéder et guider les activités des étudiants depuis l&apos;ordinateur de l&apos;enseignant. Par
    exemple, avec l&apos;aide de iTALC un enseignant peut afficher le contenu des écrans des élèves et voir si l&apos;un d&apos;entre
    eux a besoin d&apos;aide. Si c&apos;est le cas, l&apos;enseignant peut accéder à l&apos;ordinateur de l&apos;étudiant
    et fournir un soutien ; l&apos;étudiant peut observer les actions de l&apos;enseignant et apprendre d&apos;elles. L&apos;enseignant
    peut également basculer en mode « démo », où les écrans de tous les élèves affichent le contenu de l&apos;écran de l&apos;enseignant.
    En outre, des actions telles que verrouiller les écrans des étudiants, tuer les jeux, allumer ou éteindre des postes,
    et plus encore peuvent être effectuées via iTALC.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient la console de gestion pour iTALC, ce qui permet de configurer et de gérer les installations iTALC.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example,
    with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students&apos; screens and see if any of them need help. If
    so, the teacher can access the student&apos;s desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher&apos;s actions
    and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into &quot;demo-mode&quot;, where all the students&apos; screens
    show the contents of the teacher&apos;s screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students&apos; screens, killing games,
    powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.</p>

    <p>This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to configure and manage iTALC installations.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example,
    with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students&apos; screens and see if any of them need help. If
    so, the teacher can access the student&apos;s desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher&apos;s actions
    and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into &quot;demo-mode&quot;, where all the students&apos; screens
    show the contents of the teacher&apos;s screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students&apos; screens, killing games,
    powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.</p>

    <p>This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to configure and manage iTALC installations.</p>
- System
- Settings
  - education
  - classroom
  - teachers
  - students
  - remote control
  - computer-labs
  - name: italc-management-console_italc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: italc-management-console_italc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: italc