⇦ | gtklick [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for gtklick in universe

gtklick.desktop - 0.6.4-5 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gtklick.desktop
Package: gtklick
  C: gtklick
  C: A Simple Metronome
  de: >-
    <p>gtklick ist ein einfaches Metronom mit einer einfach zu bedienenden GTK+- Oberfläche, das den JACK-Sound-Server unterstützt.</p>

    <p>Es verfügt über verschiedene Töne zur Auswahl, frei wählbare Takte und Beat- Muster, einen Geschwindigkeitstrainer
    und kann Profile speichern und wiederherstellen. gtklick ist als Frontend zu klick implementiert und verwendet OSC-Nachrichten
    zur Kommunikation mit dem Backend.</p>

    <p>Der direkte Aufruf von klick auf der Kommandozeile bietet zusätzliche Möglichkeiten wie Tempo-Karten und die Synchronisation
    mit JACK-Transport.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Gtklick — простий метроном з простим у використанні GTK+-інтерфейсом, який підтримує звуковий сервер JACK.</p>

    <p>Він характеризується різними звуками, серед яких ви можете обрати той що вам до вподоби, довільними моделями метрів
    (музичних розмірів) та ритмів, тренажером швидкості та можливістю зберігати і відновлювати профілі. Gtklick реалізований
    як зовнішній інтерфейс до Klick та використовує OSC- повідомлення для зв’язку з рушієм.</p>

    <p>Використання Klick безпосередньо з командного рядка пропонує додаткові можливості, такі як карти зміни темпів та синхронізацію
    з механізмом JACK.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>gtklick is a simple metronome with an easy-to-use GTK+ interface, supporting the JACK sound server.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gtklick is a simple metronome with an easy-to-use GTK+ interface, supporting the JACK sound server.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>gtklick is a simple metronome with an easy-to-use GTK+ interface, supporting the JACK sound server.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>gtklick — простой метроном с интерфейсом GTK+, поддерживающий звуковой сервер JACK.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Gtklick est un métronome simple avec une interface GTK+ facile à utiliser, prenant en charge le serveur de son JACK.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>gtklick is a simple metronome with an easy-to-use GTK+ interface, supporting the JACK sound server.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>gtklick è un semplice metronomo con un&apos;interfaccia GTK+ facile da usare, con il supporto per il server sonoro

    <p>Ha diversi suoni tra cui si può scegliere, metriche e modelli di battito arbitrari, un allenatore per la velocità e
    l&apos;abilità di salvare e ripristinare profili. gtklick è implementato come frontend per klick e usa i messaggi OSC
    per comunicare con il backend.</p>

    <p>L&apos;uso diretto di klick dalla riga di comando offre funzionalità addizionali, come mappe del tempo e sincronizzazione
    con il trasporto JACK.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>gtklick is a simple metronome with an easy-to-use GTK+ interface, supporting the JACK sound server.</p>

    <p>It features different sounds to choose from, arbitrary meters and beat patterns, a speed trainer, and the ability to
    save and restore profiles. gtklick is implemented as a frontend to klick and uses OSC messages to communicate with the

    <p>Using klick directly on the command line offers additional features like tempo maps and synchronization with JACK transport.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Music
  - audio
  - sound
  - jackd,metronome,click,klick,beat
  - name: gtklick_gtklick.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gtklick_gtklick.png
    width: 128
    height: 128