Type: desktop-application
ID: gtkguitune.desktop
Package: gtkguitune
C: gtkGuitune
it_IT: Accorda la chitarra
C: Tune your Guitar
pl: >-
<p>gtkGuitune jest linuksowym programem do strojenia gitar i innych instrumentów przy użyciu metody wyzwalania Schmitta,
czyli zliczania liczby impulsów pomiędzy dwoma poziomami wyzwalania w ustalonym okresie czasu.</p>
de: >-
<p>gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e.
counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>gtkGuitune 是一个给吉他或其它乐器调音的 Linux 程序,使用 Schmitt 触发方式,即在 一个给定的时间范围内,计数两个触发器之间的触发次数。</p>
sl: >-
<p>gtkGuitune je program Linux za uglaševanje kitar in drugih inštrumentov z načinom Schmittovega proženja, štetjem številom
prožen med dvema stopnjama proženja v določeni količini časa.</p>
ja: >-
<p>gtkGuitune は、シュミットトリガ法を使ってギターや他の楽器を調律するための Linux プログラムです。同手法は、一定時間内に 2 つのトリガレベル間のトリガ数 を数えるものです。</p>
C: >-
<p>gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e.
counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.</p>
en: >-
<p>gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e.
counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.</p>
cs: >-
<p>gtkGuitune je linuxový program pro ladění kytar a dalších instrumentů pomocí Schmittovy spouštěcí metody, např. výpočtem
počtu spuštění mezi dvěma úrovněmi spuštění v určitém časovém úseku.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e.
counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.</p>
gl: >-
<p>O gtkGuitune é un programa para Linux para afinar guitarras e outros instrumentos empregando o método de disparo de
Schmitt, isto é, contando o número de disparos entre dous niveis de disparo nunha cantidade de tempo determinada.</p>
ru: >-
<p>gtkGuitune — программа для Linux для настройки гитар и других инструментов, используя метод триггера Шмитта, т.е. подсчёт
количества переключений между двумя уровнями за определённое количество времени.</p>
fr: >-
<p>gtkGuitune est un programme pour Linux permettant d'accorder les guitares et d'autres instruments en utilisant
la méthode dite de bascule de Schmitt (ou « trigger de Schmitt »), c'est-à-dire en comptant les bascules entre deux
niveaux pendant une durée donnée.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e.
counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.</p>
it: >-
<p>gtkGuitune è un programma Linux per accordare chitarre e altri strumenti usando il metodo del trigger di Schmitt, cioè
contando il numero di variazioni tra le due soglie del trigger in un dato periodo di tempo.</p>
da: >-
<p>gtkGuitune er et Linuxprogram for tuning af guitarer og andre instrumenter med metoden Schmitt-udløsning. Det vil sige
optælling af antallet af udløsere mellem to udløserniveauer i en bestemt tidsperiode.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>gtkGuitune is a Linux program for tuning guitars and other instruments by using the method of Schmitt-triggering, i.e.
counting the number of triggerings between two trigger levels in a certain amount of time.</p>
- AudioVideo
- name: gtkguitune_guitune_logo.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gtkguitune_guitune_logo.png
width: 128
height: 128