Type: desktop-application
ID: grace.desktop
Package: grace
C: Grace
C: An XY plotting tool
pl: >-
<p>Grace jest narzędziem typu wskaż-i-kliknij, umożliwiającym użytkownikowi rysowanie wykresów X-Y. Program był wcześniej
znany jako Xmgr.</p>
<p>Niektóre z jego funkcji: skalowanie zdefiniowane przez użytkownika, zaznaczanie odstępów na osi, etykiety, symbole,
style linii, kolory, regresja wielomianowa, krzywe sklejane, obliczanie średnich kroczących, transformatory DFT/FFT, korelacja
wzajemna/autokorelacja, tryb wsadowy pozwalający na bezobsługowe kreślenie oraz obsługa drukowania do formatu PostScript,
FrameMaker i kilku formatów graficznych.</p>
de: >-
<p>Grace ist ein Tool, mit dem der Benutzer durch Mausklicks X-Y-Plots zeichnen kann. Dieses Programm hatte früher den
Namen Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Grace é uma ferramenta aponte-e-clique que possibilita ao usuário desenhar gráficos X-Y. Este programa antigamente
era conhecido como Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Grace je orodje kazanja in klikanja, ki omogoča izris grafov X-Y. Ta program je bil včasih znan kot Xmgr.</p>
<p>Nekaj od njegovih zmožnosti je: uporabniško določeno spreminjanje velikosti, oznake kljukic, simboli, slogi črt, polinomske
regresije, zlepke, tekoča povprečja, DFT/FFT navzkrižno/samodejno korelacijo, paketni način za nenamenjeno izrisovanje
grafov, podpora trdnih kopij za PostScript, FrameMaker in več vrst slik.</p>
ja: >-
<p>Grace は X-Y プロット図を作成するためのポイント & クリック (頂点を指 示してクリック) 操作を用いるツールです。このプログラムは、正式には Xmgr と呼ばれているものです。</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Grace — інструмент (із ряду «вкажи-та-клацни»), який дозволяє користувачу створювати двовимірні креслення. Раніше ця
програма називалась Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
C: >-
<p>Grace is a point-and-click tool that allows the user to draw X-Y plots. This is the program formerly known as Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
en: >-
<p>Grace is a point-and-click tool that allows the user to draw X-Y plots. This is the program formerly known as Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Grace is a point-and-click tool that allows the user to draw X-Y plots. This is the program formerly known as Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Grace — это инструмент рисования X-Y диаграмм в стиле «укажи и щёлкни». Ранее он была известен, как Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Grace est un outil pointer-et-cliquer qui permet à l'utilisateur de dessiner des tracés X-Y. Il s'agit du
programme anciennement connu sous le nom de Xmgr.</p>
<p>Quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques sont : mise à l'échelle définie par l'utilisateur, marques de graduation,
étiquettes, symboles, styles de ligne, couleurs, régression polynomiale, splines, statistiques, DFT/FFT, auto-corrélation,
corrélation croisée, mode console pour la création automatique de graphique, impression au format PostScript, FrameMaker
et plusieurs formats d'image.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Grace is a point-and-click tool that allows the user to draw X-Y plots. This is the program formerly known as Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
it: >-
<p>Grace è uno strumento punta-e-clicca che permette all'utente di disegnare grafici X-Y. Questo programma si chiamava
in precedenza Xmgr.</p>
<p>Alcune delle sue caratteristiche sono: scala definibile dall'utente, segni di intervallo sugli assi, etichette,
simboli, stile per le linee, colori, regressione polinomiale, spline, medie mobili, DFT/FFT, correlazione incrociata e
autocorrelazione, modalità non interattiva per il disegno senza supervisione, supporto per copie fisiche per PostScript,
FrameMaker e svariati formati immagine.</p>
da: >-
<p>Grace er et peg-og-klik-værktøj, der lader brugeren tegne X-Y-grafer. Programmet er det, som tidligere gik under navnet
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Grace is a point-and-click tool that allows the user to draw X-Y plots. This is the program formerly known as Xmgr.</p>
<p>A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors, polynomial regression,
splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation, batch mode for unattended plotting, and hardcopy support for
PostScript, FrameMaker and several image formats.</p>
- Education
- Math
- Science
- Motif
- name: grace_grace.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: grace_grace.png
width: 128
height: 128
- application/x-grace