Type: desktop-application
ID: gpsprune.desktop
Package: gpsprune
C: GpsPrune
C: Visualize, edit and prune GPS tracks
de: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>Sie kann Daten aus beliebigen textbasierten Formaten, (zum Beispiel durch Tabulatoren oder Kommas gegliederte Dateien),
XML oder direkt von einem GPS-Empfänger laden. Die Daten können angezeigt (als Kartenansicht mit OpenStreetMap-Bildern
und als Höhenprofil), bearbeitet (z.B. Punkte und Bereiche löschen, Wegpunkte sortieren, Touren komprimieren) und in verschiedenen
Textformaten gespeichert werden. Das Programm kann auch Daten als GPX-Datei oder als KML/KMZ für den Import in Google
Earth exportieren oder an einen GPS-Empfänger senden.</p>
<p>Eine beispielhafte Anwendung von GpsPrune ist Aufbereitung von Touren durch das Löschen überflüssiger Punkte, die entweder
durch Fehler oder durch ungewollte Umwege aufgezeichnet wurden. GpsPrune kann auch verwendet werden, um Touren zu vergleichen
und zu kombinieren, die Daten zwischen verschieden Formaten umzuwandeln, Touren zu komprimieren oder Daten nach Google
Earth zu exportieren. Auch können die Daten analysiert werden, um Entfernungen, Höhen und so weiter zu ermitteln.</p>
<p>Darüber hinaus ist GpsPrune in der Lage, die Touren dreidimensional anzuzeigen. Sie können das Modell drehen und aus
verschiedenen Richtungen betrachten. Das Modell kann auch in das POV-Format exportiert werden, um mit POV-Ray ein schönes
Bild zu erzeugen. Sie können auch Höhen- und Geschwindigkeitsdiagramme erstellen. Auch JPEGs können geladen, deren Koordinaten
aus den EXIF-Tags bestimmt und Miniaturansichten im KMZ-Format (für die Verwendung als Popups in Google Earth) exportiert
werden. Wenn Ihre Fotos noch nicht mit Koordinaten versehen sind, können ihnen mit GpsPrune Datenpunkte zugeordnet werden
(entweder manuell oder automatisch mit Hilfe der Foto-Zeitstempel) und diese Koordinaten in die EXIF-Tags geschrieben
C: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>It can load data from arbitrary text-based formats (for example, any tab-separated or comma-separated file) or XML,
or directly from a GPS receiver. It can display the data (as map view using OpenStreetMap images and as altitude profile),
edit this data (for example delete points and ranges, sort waypoints, compress tracks), and save the data (in various
text-based formats). It can also export data as a GPX file, or as KML/KMZ for import into Google Earth, or send it to
a GPS receiver.</p>
<p>Some example uses of GpsPrune include cleaning up tracks by deleting wayward points - either recorded by error or by
unintended detours. It can also be used to compare and combine tracks, convert to and from various formats, compress tracks,
export data to Google Earth, or to analyse data to calculate distances, altitudes and so on.</p>
<p>Furthermore, GpsPrune is able to display the tracks in 3d format and lets you spin the model round to look at it from
various directions. You can also export the model in POV format so that you can render a nice picture using Povray. You
can also create charts of altitudes or speeds. It can also load Jpegs and read their coordinates from the EXIF tags, and
export thumbnails of these photos to Kmz format so that they appear as popups in Google Earth. If your photos don't
have coordinates yet, GpsPrune can be used to connect them (either manually or automatically using the photo timestamps)
to data points, and write these coordinates into the EXIF tags.</p>
en: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>It can load data from arbitrary text-based formats (for example, any tab-separated or comma-separated file) or XML,
or directly from a GPS receiver. It can display the data (as map view using OpenStreetMap images and as altitude profile),
edit this data (for example delete points and ranges, sort waypoints, compress tracks), and save the data (in various
text-based formats). It can also export data as a GPX file, or as KML/KMZ for import into Google Earth, or send it to
a GPS receiver.</p>
<p>Some example uses of GpsPrune include cleaning up tracks by deleting wayward points - either recorded by error or by
unintended detours. It can also be used to compare and combine tracks, convert to and from various formats, compress tracks,
export data to Google Earth, or to analyse data to calculate distances, altitudes and so on.</p>
<p>Furthermore, GpsPrune is able to display the tracks in 3d format and lets you spin the model round to look at it from
various directions. You can also export the model in POV format so that you can render a nice picture using Povray. You
can also create charts of altitudes or speeds. It can also load Jpegs and read their coordinates from the EXIF tags, and
export thumbnails of these photos to Kmz format so that they appear as popups in Google Earth. If your photos don't
have coordinates yet, GpsPrune can be used to connect them (either manually or automatically using the photo timestamps)
to data points, and write these coordinates into the EXIF tags.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>It can load data from arbitrary text-based formats (for example, any tab- separated or comma-separated file) or XML,
or directly from a GPS receiver. It can display the data (as map view using OpenStreetMap images and as altitude profile),
edit this data (for example delete points and ranges, sort waypoints, compress tracks), and save the data (in various
text-based formats). It can also export data as a GPX file, or as KML/KMZ for import into Google Earth, or send it to
a GPS receiver.</p>
<p>Some example uses of GpsPrune include cleaning up tracks by deleting wayward points - either recorded by error or by
unintended detours. It can also be used to compare and combine tracks, convert to and from various formats, compress tracks,
export data to Google Earth, or to analyse data to calculate distances, altitudes and so on.</p>
<p>Furthermore, GpsPrune is able to display the tracks in 3d format and lets you spin the model round to look at it from
various directions. You can also export the model in POV format so that you can render a nice picture using Povray. You
can also create charts of altitudes or speeds. It can also load Jpegs and read their coordinates from the EXIF tags, and
export thumbnails of these photos to Kmz format so that they appear as popups in Google Earth. If your photos don't
have coordinates yet, GpsPrune can be used to connect them (either manually or automatically using the photo timestamps)
to data points, and write these coordinates into the EXIF tags.</p>
ru: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>Умеет загружать данные из произвольных текстовых форматов (например, из файлов с данными, разделённых табуляцией или
запятыми), или XML, или непосредственно с GPS-приёмника. Может показывать данные (в виде карты с использованием изображений
OpenStreetMap или в виде высотного профиля), редактировать эти данные (например, удалять точки и линии, сортировать путевые
точки, сжимать треки) и сохранять данные (в различных текстовых форматах). Может также экспортировать данные в файл GPX,
в KML/KMZ для импорта в Google Earth, или отправлять их на GPS-приёмник.</p>
<p>Одним из примеров использования GpsPrune может быть очистка треков за счёт удаления отклонившихся от линии трека точек
— записанных по ошибке или из- за непреднамеренного отклонения от маршрута. Может также использоваться для сравнения и
объединения треков, преобразования между различными форматами, сжатия треков, экспорта данных в Google Earth или для анализа
данных с целью вычисления расстояний, высот и т.п.</p>
<p>Более того, GpsPrune способен отображать треки в трёхмерном формате и позволяет вам поворачивать модель, чтобы рассмотреть
её с разных сторон. Можно также экспортировать модель в формат POV, чтобы выполнить её улучшенную отрисовку с помощью
Povray. Можно создавать карты высот или скоростей. Можно загружать файлы Jpeg, читать их координаты из тегов EXIF и экспортировать
миниатюры этих фотографий в формат Kmz, чтобы они отображались как всплывающие изображения в Google Earth. Если в фотографиях
отсутствуют данные геолокации, GpsPrune позволяет связать их (вручную или автоматически, используя метку времени фотографии)
с точками данных и записать полученные координаты в теги EXIF.</p>
fr: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>Il peut charger des données depuis des fichiers texte (par exemple, un fichier séparé par des tabulations ou des virgules),
XML ou directement à partir d'un récepteur GPS. Il peut afficher les données (sur une carte en utilisant des images
d'OpenStreetMap et en tant que profil d'altitude), éditer ces données (suppression des points et des plages,
tri des points de passage, compression des routes) et sauvegarder les données (dans divers formats basés sur du texte).
Il peut également exporter des données sous forme de fichier GPX ou KML/KMZ à importer dans Google Earth, ou l'envoyer
à un récepteur GPS.</p>
<p>Quelques exemples d'utilisation de GpsPrune comprenant le nettoyage des routes en supprimant les points erronés
(soit enregistrés par erreur soit par des détours inattendus). Il peut également être utilisé pour comparer et combiner
des routes, convertir vers et à partir de différents formats, compresser les routes, exporter des données vers Google
Earth, analyser les données pour calculer les distances, les altitudes, etc.</p>
<p>En outre, GpsPrune est capable d'afficher les routes au format 3D et vous permet de faire tourner le modèle de
façon à le regarder dans plusieurs directions. Vous pouvez également exporter le modèle au format POV de sorte que vous
pouvez produire une belle image avec Povray. Vous pouvez également créer des graphiques des altitudes ou des vitesses.
Il peut également charger les images Jpeg et lire leurs coordonnées depuis leurs balises EXIF. Il exportera des vignettes
Kmz de sorte qu'elles apparaissent comme des fenêtres pop-up dans Google Earth. Si vos photos ne possèdent pas de
coordonnées GPS, GpsPrune peut être utilisé pour les connecter (soit manuellement, soit automatiquement en utilisant l'horodatage
de photos) aux points de données, et d'écrire ces coordonnées dans les balises EXIF.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>It can load data from arbitrary text-based formats (for example, any tab- separated or comma-separated file) or XML,
or directly from a GPS receiver. It can display the data (as map view using OpenStreetMap images and as altitude profile),
edit this data (for example delete points and ranges, sort waypoints, compress tracks), and save the data (in various
text-based formats). It can also export data as a GPX file, or as KML/KMZ for import into Google Earth, or send it to
a GPS receiver.</p>
<p>Some example uses of GpsPrune include cleaning up tracks by deleting wayward points - either recorded by error or by
unintended detours. It can also be used to compare and combine tracks, convert to and from various formats, compress tracks,
export data to Google Earth, or to analyse data to calculate distances, altitudes and so on.</p>
<p>Furthermore, GpsPrune is able to display the tracks in 3d format and lets you spin the model round to look at it from
various directions. You can also export the model in POV format so that you can render a nice picture using Povray. You
can also create charts of altitudes or speeds. It can also load Jpegs and read their coordinates from the EXIF tags, and
export thumbnails of these photos to Kmz format so that they appear as popups in Google Earth. If your photos don't
have coordinates yet, GpsPrune can be used to connect them (either manually or automatically using the photo timestamps)
to data points, and write these coordinates into the EXIF tags.</p>
it: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>Può caricare i dati da formati a scelta testuali (per esempio, qualsiasi file con dati separati da tabulazioni o virgole)
o XML o direttamente da un ricevitore GPS. Può visualizzare i dati (come vista a mappa usando immagini OpenStreetMap e
come profilo di altitudine), modificarli (per esempio cancellare punti e intervalli, ordinare i punti di interesse, comprimere
tracciati) e salvarli (in vari formati testuali). Può anche esportare i dati in file GPX o come KML/KMZ per l'importazione
in Google Earth oppure inviarli ad un ricevitore GPS.</p>
<p>Alcuni esempi d'uso di GpsPrune includono la pulizia dei tracciati cancellando punti fuori percorso, registrati
per errore o per deviazioni non intenzionali. Può anche essere usato per confrontare e combinare percorsi, per convertire
da e verso vari formati, comprimere percorsi, esportare i dati in Google Earth o per analizzare i dati calcolando distanze,
altitudini e così via.</p>
<p>GpsPrune inoltre è capace di visualizzare i percorsi in formato 3D e permette di girare il modello per guardarlo da
direzioni diverse. Si può anche esportare il modello in formato POV in modo da poter ottenere una bella immagine usando
Povray. Si possono anche creare grafici delle altitudini o della velocità. Può inoltre caricare JPEG e leggere le loro
coordinate dai dati EXIF ed esportare miniature di tali immagini in formato KMZ, in modo che appaiano come riquadri a
comparsa in Google Earth. Se le proprie immagini non hanno già le coordinate, si può usare GpsPrune per collegarle (sia
manualmente sia automaticamente usando la data e ora della foto) a punti dati e scrivere queste coordinate nei tag EXIF.</p>
da: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>Programmet kan indlæse data fra arbitrære tekstbaserede formater (for eksempel alle indryksadskilte (tab) eller kommaadskilte
filer) eller XML, eller direkte fra en GPS-modtager. Programmet kan vise dataene (som kortvisning med brug af OpenStreetMap-billeder
og som en højdeprofil), redigere disse data (for eksempel slette punkter og intervaller, sortere forbindelsespunkter,
komprimere ruter) og gemme dataene (i forskellige tekstbaserede formater). Programmet kan også eksportere data som en
GPX- fil, eller som KML/KMZ for import til Google Earth, eller sende dataene til en GPS-modtager.</p>
<p>Some example uses of GpsPrune include cleaning up tracks by deleting wayward points - either recorded by error or by
unintended detours. It can also be used to compare and combine tracks, convert to and from various formats, compress tracks,
export data to Google Earth, or to analyse data to calculate distances, altitudes and so on.</p>
<p>Furthermore, GpsPrune is able to display the tracks in 3d format and lets you spin the model round to look at it from
various directions. You can also export the model in POV format so that you can render a nice picture using Povray. You
can also create charts of altitudes or speeds. It can also load Jpegs and read their coordinates from the EXIF tags, and
export thumbnails of these photos to Kmz format so that they appear as popups in Google Earth. If your photos don't
have coordinates yet, GpsPrune can be used to connect them (either manually or automatically using the photo timestamps)
to data points, and write these coordinates into the EXIF tags.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. It's a tool for
preparing GPS data before you go on a trip, and for playing with your collected GPS data after you get home again.</p>
<p>It can load data from arbitrary text-based formats (for example, any tab- separated or comma-separated file) or XML,
or directly from a GPS receiver. It can display the data (as map view using OpenStreetMap images and as altitude profile),
edit this data (for example delete points and ranges, sort waypoints, compress tracks), and save the data (in various
text-based formats). It can also export data as a GPX file, or as KML/KMZ for import into Google Earth, or send it to
a GPS receiver.</p>
<p>Some example uses of GpsPrune include cleaning up tracks by deleting wayward points - either recorded by error or by
unintended detours. It can also be used to compare and combine tracks, convert to and from various formats, compress tracks,
export data to Google Earth, or to analyse data to calculate distances, altitudes and so on.</p>
<p>Furthermore, GpsPrune is able to display the tracks in 3d format and lets you spin the model round to look at it from
various directions. You can also export the model in POV format so that you can render a nice picture using Povray. You
can also create charts of altitudes or speeds. It can also load Jpegs and read their coordinates from the EXIF tags, and
export thumbnails of these photos to Kmz format so that they appear as popups in Google Earth. If your photos don't
have coordinates yet, GpsPrune can be used to connect them (either manually or automatically using the photo timestamps)
to data points, and write these coordinates into the EXIF tags.</p>
- Education
- Science
- Geoscience
- gps
- gpx
- kml
- kmz
- tracks
- waypoints
- routes
- name: gpsprune_gpsprune.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gpsprune_gpsprune.png
width: 128
height: 128
- application/gpx+xml