Type: desktop-application
ID: gbrainy.desktop
Package: gbrainy
ca@valencia: gbrainy
zh_CN: gbrainy
sk: gbrainy
hi: जी-बरैनी
sl: gbrainy
ug: gbrainy
C: gbrainy
fr: gbrainy
sr: г-кефало
uk: gbrainy
nb: gbrainy
hr: gbrainy
ca: gbrainy
af: gbrainy
hu: gbrainy
sv: gbrainy
nl: gbrainy
zh_TW: gbrainy
ar: ﺝذكي
lv: gbrainy
pl: Łamigłówka
ta: ஜி பிரைநீ
el: gbrainy
ast: gbrainy
id: gbrainy
cs: gbrainy
eo: gbrainy
gl: gbrainy
pt: gBrainy
es: gbrainy
ro: gbrainy
eu: gbrainy
te: జిబ్రెయినీ
ru: gbrainy
vi: gbrainy
th: gbrainy
tr: gbrainy
oc: gbrainy
da: gbrainy
ko: 지브레이니
it: gbrainy
de: gbrainy
pt_BR: gbrainy
en_GB: gbrainy
zh_HK: gbrainy
sr@latin: g-kefalo
fi: gbrainy
bs: gbrainy
ca@valencia: Jugueu a trencaclosques que desafien les vostres habilitats lògiques, verbals, de càlcul i memòria
zh_CN: 玩那些可以挑战您的逻辑、语言能力、计算和记忆的游戏
sk: Hrajte hry, ktoré preveria vaše logické, vyjadrovacie, matematické a pamäťové schopnosti
hi: खेल खेलें जो आपकी तर्क, मौखिक, गणना और स्मृति क्षमताओं से चुनौती लेती है
sl: Igrajte igre ki izzivajo vaše besedne sposobnosti, sposobnosti miselnega računanja, logike in pomnjenja
ug: تەپەككۇر، تىل، ھېسابلاش ۋە ئەستە ساقلاش قابىلىيىتىڭىزنى سىناپ كۆرۈڭ.
C: Play games that challenge your logic, verbal, calculation and memory abilities
fr: Mettre votre logique, expression, calcul mental et mémoire, à l'épreuve en vous amusant
sr: Играјте игре које су изазов за способности ваше логике, вербала, рачуна и меморије
uk: Грайте в ігри, які перевірять ваші здібності у логіці, математиці, запам'ятовуванні та допоможуть їх розвинути.
hr: Igrajte igre u kojima se testiraju vaša logika, verbalno izražavanje, matematičke operacije i kratkotrajno pamćenje
ca: Jugueu a trencaclosques que desafien les vostres habilitats lògiques, verbals, de càlcul i memòria
af: Speel speletjies wat logika, hoofrekene, verbale en geheuevaardighede op die proef stel
hu: Tedd próbára logikai, emlékező, verbális és fejszámoló képességeid
sv: Spela spel som utmanar dina logiska, verbala, räkne- och minnesfärdigheter
nl: Speel spelletjes die uw vaardigheden op het vlak van logisch denken, verbale vaardigheden, rekenen en geheugen op de
proef stellen
ar: العب ألعابًا تتحدى مهاراتك المنطقية، واللفظية، والحسابية، ومهارات الذاكرة.
lv: Spēlēt spēles, kuras izaicina tavas loģikas, verbālās, rēķināšanas un atmiņas spējas
pl: Gry logiczne, językowe, obliczeniowe i pamięciowe
ta: உங்கள் தருக்க, சொல்சார்ந்த, கணித மற்றும் மனப்பாட ஆற்றலுக்கு சவால் விடும் விளையாட்டை விளையாடவும்
el: Παίξτε παιχνίδια που ακονίζουν τη λογική, το λεξιλόγιο, τη μνήμη και τις αριθμητικές σας ικανότητες
ast: Xugar a los xuegos que desafíen les mios capacidaes lóxiques, verbales, cálculu y memoria
id: Mainkan permainan yang menantang kemampuan logika, verbal, kalkukasi, dan ingatan Anda.
cs: Zahrát si hry, které vyzkoušejí vaše logické, slovní, početní a paměťové schopnosti
eo: Ludu ludojn ke defias vian logikajn, parolajn, kalkulajn kaj memorajn kapablojn
ro: Jucați jocuri care vă provoacă abilitățile de logică, verbale, de calcul și de memorie
pt: Divirta-se com jogos que desafiam as suas capacidades lógicas, verbais, de cálculo e de memória
es: Jugar a los juegos que desafíen mi capacidades lógicas, verbales, cálculo y memoria
gl: Xogar aos xogos que desafíen as miñas capacidades lóxicas, verbais, cálculo e memoria
eu: Zure logika, hitzak, kalkuluak eta memoriaren ahalmenak erronkan jartzen dituen jokora jokatu.
vi: Thử thách khả năng lô-gic, tính toán, ghi nhớ và từ vựng của bạn với các câu hỏi
ru: Играйте в игры, которые проверят ваши способности к логике, рассуждению, вычислению и запоминанию.
th: เล่นเกมท้าทายความสามารถทางตรรกะ ภาษา การคำนวณ และความจำของคุณ
tr: Sözlü, hesaplama ve hafıza kabiliyeti ile aklına meydan okuyarak oyunları oyna
oc: Metre vòstra logica, expression, calcul mental e memòria, a l'espròva amb de jòcs
da: Spil der udfordrer dine logiske og sproglige evner samt dine regne- og hukommelsesevner
ko: 당신의 논리 능력, 어휘 능력, 계산 능력, 암기 능력을 테스트할 게임을 해보세요
it: Metti alla prova le tue capacità logiche, verbali, di calcolo e di memoria
de: Spiele, die Ihre logischen, verbalen und Kopfrechenfähigkeiten sowie Ihr Gedächtnis herausfordern
pt_BR: Jogue jogos que desafiam suas habilidades lógicas, verbais, de cálculos e de memória
en_GB: Play games that challenge your logic, verbal, calculation and memory abilities
sr@latin: Igrajte igre koje su izazov za sposobnosti vaše logike, verbala, računa i memorije
fi: Pelaa pelejä, jotka haastavat loogiset, sanalliset, laskennalliset ja muistamiskykysi
bs: Igrajte igre, koje izazivaju vaše logičke, verbalne, računske i memorijske sposobnosti
de: >-
<p>Gbrainy ist eine Plattform für das Training des Gedächtnisses sowie der arithmetischen und logischen Fähigkeiten. Sie
bietet viele verschiedene Übungen unterschiedlicher Schwierigkeitsgrade. Es sollte etwas für jedes Alter und jeden Zweck
vorhanden sein: Kinder, deren Eltern deren Fähigkeiten entwickeln wollen; Erwachsene, die ihren Geist in Form halten wollen
oder es einfach zum Spaß ausprobieren; ältere Menschen, die Gedächtnisübungen machen sollten, und so weiter.</p>
<p>Gbrainy enthält die folgenden Spieltypen:</p>
<p> * Logikpuzzles: Spiele, um Ihr logisches Denken zu fördern. * Kopfrechnen: Spiele auf arithmetischen Operationen
basierend, um Ihre Kopfrechenfähigkeiten zu fördern. * Gedächtnistrainer: Spiele, um Ihr Kurzzeitgedächtnis zu
verbessern * Wortanalogien: Spiele, welche Ihr Sprachverständnis verbessern.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>gbrainy é uma plataforma para treinar as capacidades de memória, aritmética e lógica com muitos tipos diferentes de
exercícios de diferentes níveis de dificuldade. Deve ter alguma coisa para todas as idades e objectivos: garotos cujos
pais desejam que eles desenvolvam as suas capacidades, adultos que se querem manter em forma ou apenas divertir-se, pessoas
mais velhas com necessidade de exercitar a memória, etc.</p>
<p>Oferece os seguintes tipos de jogos:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
sk: >-
<p>gbrainy je platforma na trénovanie pamäti, aritmetických a logických schopností pomocou mnohých typov testov rôznej
zložitosti. Obsahuje úlohy pre všetky vekové kategórie a účely: pre deti, ktorým chcú ich rodičia rozvíjať schopnosti,
pre dospelých, ktorí si chcú udržať pamäť v kondícii, pre starších ľudí, ktorí chcú precvičovať svoju pamäť, atď.</p>
<p>Obsahuje nasledujúce typy hier:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
sl: >-
<p>gbrainy je program za trening spomina, aritmetičnih in logičnih zmožnosti z veliko vrstami različnih vaj na različnih
težavnostnih ravneh. Ima nekaj za vse starosti in namene: otroke, katerih starši želijo razviti njihove zmožnosti, odrasle,
ki želijo svoj um obdržati v formi in starejše ljudi, ki morda potrebujejo nekaj spominskih vaj, itn.</p>
<p>Zagotavlja naslednje vrste iger:</p>
<p> * Logične uganke: igre zasnovane za preizkus vaših sposobnosti sklepanja in razmišljanja. * Miselno računanje:
igre osnovane na aritmetičnih operacijah, zasnovane za dokaz vaših sposobnosti miselnega računanja. * Treningi spomina:
igre zasnovane za izziv vašega kratkoročnega spomina. * Besedne analogije: igre, ki izzivajo vašo besedno sposobnost.</p>
pt: >-
<p>gbrainy é uma plataforma para treinar as capacidades de memória, aritmética e lógica com muitos tipos diferentes de
exercícios de diferentes níveis de dificuldade. Deve ter alguma coisa para todas as idades e objectivos: garotos cujos
pais desejam que eles desenvolvam as suas capacidades, adultos que se querem manter em forma ou apenas divertir-se, pessoas
mais velhas com necessidade de exercitar a memória, etc.</p>
<p>Oferece os seguintes tipos de jogos:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
uk: >-
<p>За допомогою платформи gBrainy можна тренувати пам’ять, арифметичні та логічні навички вправами різної ступені складності.
Вона підходить усім віковим групам: малятам, чиї батьки бажають розвинути їх можливості, дорослим, які бажають тримати
свої розумові здібності в нормі або просто бажають розважитись, літнім людям, які потребують певних вправ для тренування
пам’яті, тощо.</p>
<p>Присутні наступні види ігор:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
C: >-
<p>gbrainy is a platform to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities with many sorts of different exercises
of different difficulty levels. It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want them to develop
their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need
to do some memory exercises, etc.</p>
<p>It provides the following types of games:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
en: >-
<p>gbrainy is a platform to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities with many sorts of different exercises
of different difficulty levels. It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want them to develop
their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need
to do some memory exercises, etc.</p>
<p>It provides the following types of games:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
sr: >-
<p>г-кефало је платформа за обуку меморијских, аритметичких и логичких способности са разним вежбама различитих нивоа
тежине. Требало би да има понешто за све узрасте и намене: за децу чији родитељи би желели да она развију своје способности,
за одрасле који желе да одрже свој ум у форми или желе да га испробају чисто забаве ради, за оне старије који би можда
требали мало можданих активности, итд.</p>
<p>Обезбеђује следеће врсте игара:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>gbrainy is a platform to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities with many sorts of different exercises
of different difficulty levels. It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want them to develop
their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need
to do some memory exercises, etc.</p>
<p>It provides the following types of games:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
ru: >-
<p>gbrainy — платформа для тренировки памяти, арифметических и логических способностей, содержащая большое разнообразие
упражнений разных уровней сложности. Там обязательно найдётся что-нибудь для любого возраста и любых целей: для детей,
родители которых хотят развить их способности; для взрослых, желающих поддерживать свой мозг в тонусе или просто развлечься;
для пожилых людей, которым врачи порекомендовали выполнять упражнения для памяти и т.д.</p>
<p>Предоставляет следующие типы игр:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
gl: >-
<p>gbrainy é unha plataforma para adestrar as capacidades memorísticas, aritméticas e lóxicas con moitos tipos de exercicios
diferentes de diferentes niveis de dificultade. Debería haber algo para todas as idades e propósitos: cativos cuxos pais
queren que desenvolvan as súas capacidades, adultos que desexen manter a súa mente en forma ou que queiran probar só pola
diversión, persoas maiores que tal vez precisen de exercicios de memoria, etc.</p>
<p>Fornece os tipos de xogos seguintes:</p>
<p> * Quebracabezas lóxicos: xogos deseñados para retar as destrezas de razoamento e pensamento * Cálculo mental:
xogos baseados en operacións aritméticas deseñadas para probar as destrezas de cálculo mental. * Adestradores de memoria:
xogos deseñados para retar a memoria de curto prazo * Analoxías verbais: xogos que retan as aptitudes verbais.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Gbrainy est une plateforme d'entraînement de la mémoire et des capacités arithmétiques et logiques proposant de
nombreuses variétés d'exercices de différents niveaux de difficulté. Il y en a pour tous les âges et tous les objectifs⋅:
les enfants dont les parents souhaitent développer leurs capacités, les adultes qui souhaitent conserver leur esprit en
forme ou juste essayer pour le plaisir, les personnes plus âgées qui peuvent avoir besoin de pratiquer des exercices de
mémoire, etc.</p>
<p>Elle fournit les types de jeux suivants⋅:</p>
<p> * Puzzles logiques: jeux conçus pour challenger votre capacités mentales et de raisonnement. * Calcul mental:
jeux basés sur des opérations arithmétiques visant à prouver vos compétences de calcul mental. * Entraînement de
la mémoire: jeux conçus pour développer votre mémoire à court terme. * Analogies verbales: des jeux qui défient
vos aptitudes verbales.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>gbrainy is a platform to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities with many sorts of different exercises
of different difficulty levels. It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want them to develop
their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need
to do some memory exercises, etc.</p>
<p>It provides the following types of games:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
it: >-
<p>gbrainy è un gioco per allenare la memoria e le capacità aritmetiche e logiche con molti tipi di esercizi diversi con
gradi di difficoltà differenti. Dovrebbe contenere qualcosa per ogni età e per ogni scopo: per i bambini i cui genitori
vogliono che aumentino le loro capacità, per gli adulti che vogliono tenere in forma la propria mente o semplicemente
provarlo per gioco, anziani che potrebbero avere bisogno di fare esercizi di memoria...</p>
<p>Fornisce i seguenti tipi di gioco:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
da: >-
<p>gbrainy er en måde at træne hukommelse, hovedregning og logik via mange forskellige øvelser på forskellige sværhedsgrader.
Der bør være noget for alle aldre og til alle formål: Børn hvis forældre ønsker, at de udvikler deres evner, voksne som
vil holde hjernen i form eller bare vil spille for sjov, ældre som har brug for hukommelsestræning, et cetera.</p>
<p>Spillet indeholder de følgende spiltyper:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>gbrainy is a platform to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities with many sorts of different exercises
of different difficulty levels. It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want them to develop
their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need
to do some memory exercises, etc.</p>
<p>It provides the following types of games:</p>
<p> * Logic Puzzles: games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental Calculation: games based
on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory Trainers: games designed to
challenge your short term memory. * Verbal Analogies: games that challenge your verbal aptitude.</p>
- Game
- LogicGame
- spiel
- logik
- gedächtnis
- knobeln
- gehirn
- gra
- logiczna
- pamięć
- ćwiczenia
- trening
- zabawa
- mózg
- spēle
- loģika
- atmiņa
- smadzenes
- ķircināšana
- jogo
- lógica
- memória
- cérebro
- quebra-cabeça
- igra
- logika
- spomin
- možgani
- urejenje
- trening
- test
- preizkus
- game
- logic
- memory
- teaser
- brain
- joc
- logică
- memorie
- creier
- jogo
- lógica
- memória
- teaser
- cérebro
- mente
- game
- logic
- memory
- teaser
- brain
- hra
- logická
- paměť
- pamatování
- hlavolam
- mozek
- игра
- логика
- меморија
- мозгалица
- кефало
- ум
- памет
- oyun
- mantık
- bellek
- bulmaca
- beyin
- zeka
- juego
- lógica
- memoria
- cerebro
- rompecabezas
- jeu
- logique
- mémoire
- casse-tête
- cerveau
- spel
- logik
- minne
- tankenöt
- hjärna
- játék
- logika
- memória
- fejtörő
- agy
- joc
- lògica
- memòria
- enginy
- cervell
- igra
- logika
- memorija
- mozgalica
- kefalo
- um
- pamet
- spil
- logik
- hukommelse
- drilleopgave
- hjerne
- game
- spel
- logic
- logisch
- memory
- geheugen
- teaser
- denkspelletje
- brain
- hersens
- name: gbrainy_gbrainy.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: gbrainy_gbrainy.png
width: 128
height: 128
- gbrainy.desktop