⇦ | gbirthday [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for gbirthday in universe

gbirthday.desktop - 0.6.10-0.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gbirthday.desktop
Package: gbirthday
  C: GBirthday
  C: Birthday reminder for E-Mail contacts
  pl: >-
    <p>GBirthday jest apletem pomagającym pamiętać o urodzinach przyjaciół i innych osób dodanych do listy kontaktów. Przypomnienia
    są wyświetlane w obszarze powiadomień. Dane mogą być przechowywane w wielu formatach książek adresowych, pliku CSV lub
    bazie danych MySQL.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>GBirthday — апплет, помогающий вспомнить о днях рождения ваших друзей и интернет-контактов. Использует область уведомлений
    для показа напоминаний. Данные могут храниться в ряде форматов адресных книг, неструктурированном файле CSV и базе данных
  fr: >-
    <p>GBirthday est une applet pour vous aider à vous souvenir de l&apos;anniversaire de vos amis et de vos contacts. Il
    utilise l&apos;espace de notification pour les alertes. Les données peuvent être stockées dans un certain nombre de formats
    de carnet d&apos;adresses, de fichiers plats CSV et de bases de données MySQL.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>GBirthday è un&apos;applet per aiutare a ricordare i compleanni di amici e contatti; usa l&apos;area di notifica per
    gli avvertimenti. I dati possono essere archiviati in svariati formati per rubrica, semplici file CSV e database MySQL.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>GBirthday er et panelprogram, der hjælper dig med at huske venners og kontaktpersoners fødselsdage. Det bruger statusfeltet
    til alarmer. Data kan lagres i en række adressebog-formater, flade CSV-filer og i en MySQL- database.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>GBirthday is an applet to help you remember your friends&apos; and contacts&apos; birthdays.  It uses the notifcation
    area for alerts.  Data can be stored in a number of address book formats, flat file CSV and MySQL database.</p>
- Office
  - name: gbirthday_gbirthday.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: gbirthday_gbirthday.png
    width: 128
    height: 128