Type: desktop-application
ID: garlic.desktop
Package: garlic
C: Garlic Protein Visualization
en_GB: Garlic Protein Visualisation
C: Visualize and investigate proteins and some geometric objects
en_GB: Visualise and investigate proteins and some geometric objects
de: >-
<p>Garlic wurde zur Untersuchung von Membranproteinen geschrieben. Es kann dazu benutzt werden, andere Proteine sowie
einige geometrische Objekte darzustellen. Diese Version von garlic erkennt das PDB-Format in der Version 2.1. Garlic kann
auch dazu benutzt werden, Proteinsequenzen zu analysieren.</p>
<p>Es benötigt nur die X-Bibliotheken, keine anderen Bibliotheken werden gebraucht.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
zh_CN: >-
<p>Garlic 是为研究膜蛋白设计的,也可以用于观察研究其它蛋白质以及一些生物结构。该版本的 garlic 可以识别 2.1 版 PDB 格式文件。Garlic 还可以用于分析蛋白序列。</p>
<p>它只依赖于 X 库,无需其它库。</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Garlic é escrito para a investigação de proteínas de membrana. Ele pode ser usado para visualizar outras proteínas,
bem como alguns objetos geométricos. Esta versão do garlic reconhece o formato PDB versão 2.1. O garlic também pode ser
usado para analisar seqüências de proteínas.</p>
<p>Ele só depende das bibliotecas X, nenhuma outra biblioteca é necessária.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
sk: >-
<p>Garlic je napísaný na vyšetrovanie membránových bielkovín. Je možné ho použiť na vizualizáciu iných bielkovín a tiež
niektorých geometrických objektov. Táto verzia Garlic pozná formát PDB verzie 2.1. Garlic je možné použiť na analýzu bielkovinových
<p>Závisí iba na knižniciach X, nie sú potrebné žiadne iné knižnice.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
ja: >-
<p>garlic は、膜タンパク質の調査用に書かれました。おそらく、他のタンパク質や幾 何学図形の視覚化にも使用できるでしょう。本バージョンの garlic は、PDB 形式 のバージョン 2.1 を認識します。garlic はタンパク質配列の解析にも使用できます。</p>
<p>X ライブラリのみに依存し、他のライブラリは不要です。</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Garlic написаний для вивчення мембранних білків. Програма може бути використана для візуалізації інших білків, а також
деяких геометричних об’єктів. Дана версія garlic розпізнає формат PDB версії 2.1. Також garlic може бути використаний
для аналізу протеїнових ланцюжків.</p>
<p>Програма залежить лише від бібліотек X. Інших залежностей немає.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
C: >-
<p>Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as
some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein
<p>It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
en: >-
<p>Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as
some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein
<p>It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as
some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein
<p>It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Garlic написан для изучения мембранных белков. Программа может быть использована для визуализации других белков, а
также некоторых геометрических объектов. Данная версия garlic распознает формат PDB версии 2.1. Также garlic может быть
использован для анализа протеиновых цепочек.</p>
<p>Программа зависит лишь от библиотек X. Других зависимостей нет.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
es: >-
<p>Garlic está escrito para la investigación de membranas proteínicas. Se puede utilizar para visualizar otras proteínas
así como algunos objetos geométricos. Esta versión de Garlic reconoce el formato PDB versión 2.1. Garlic también se puede
utilizar para analizar secuencias de proteínas.</p>
<p>Sólo depende de las bibliotecas de X, no se necesita ninguna otra biblioteca.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Garlic a été écrit pour l'analyse des protéines membranaires. Il permet aussi de visualiser les autres protéines,
ainsi que d'autres objets géométriques. Cette version de Garlic reconnaît le format PDB version 2.1. Garlic peut
aussi être utilisé pour analyser des séquences protéiques.</p>
<p>Il dépend uniquement des bibliothèques X, aucune autre bibliothèque n'est nécessaire.</p>
<p>Parmi ses fonctionnalités : - la position et l'épaisseur de la tranche sont visibles dans une petite fenêtre.
- les liaisons atomiques et les atomes sont traités comme des objets indépendants pour le dessin. - les couleurs
des atomes et des liaisons dépendent de leur position. Cinq modes cartographiques sont disponibles (comme pour la
tranche). - Capacité d'afficher une image stéréographique. - Capacité d'afficher d'autres objets géométriques,
comme une membrane. - L'information atomique est disponible pour l'atome pointé par la souris. Pas besoin
de clic, il suffit de déplacer le pointeur sur la structure ! - Capacité à charger plus d'une structure. - Capacité
à représenter les diagrammes de Ramachandran, les roues hélicoïdales, les diagrammes de Venn, le diagramme du moment
hydrophobe et d'hydrophobicité moyenne. - L'invite de commande est disponible au bas de la fenêtre principale.
Il a la possibilité d'afficher un message d'erreur et une ligne de commande.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as
some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein
<p>It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
it: >-
<p>Garlic è stato scritto per lo studio di proteine della membrana. Può essere usato per visualizzare altre proteine ed
anche altri oggetti geometrici. Questa versione di garlic riconosce il formato PDB versione 2.1. Garlic può anche essere
usato per analizzare sequenze proteiche.</p>
<p>Dipende solamente dalle librerie X, non sono necessarie altre librerie.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
nl: >-
<p>Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as
some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein
<p>It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed.</p>
<p>Kenmerken omvatten: - De plaat positie en dikte zijn zichtbaar in een klein venster. - Zowel atoombindingen als atomen
worden behandeld als onafhankelijk te tekenen objecten. - De atoom- en atoombindings-kleuren zijn afhankelijk van
de positie. Vijf mapping modi zijn beschikbaar (zoals voor slab). - Kan stereo-beeld weergeven. - Kan andere geometrische
objecten weergeven, zoals membranen. - Atoominformatie is beschikbaar als u uw muis over een atoom beweegt. Klik niet,
u hoeft alleen uw muis boven de structuur te houden! - Kan meer dan een structuur laden. - Kan Ramachandran-plot,
‘helical wheel’, Venndiagrammen, gemiddeld hydrofobiciteit en ‘hydrophobic moment plot’ tekenen. - De opdrachtprompt
is beschikbaar op de onderkant van het hoofdvenster. Het is in staat om een foutmelding en een commando string
weer te geven.</p>
da: >-
<p>Garlic er skrevet for undersøgelse af membranproteiner. Det kan bruges til at visualisere andre proteiner, samt nogle
geometriske objekter. Denne version af Garlic genkender PDB-formatet i version 2.1. Garlic kan også bruges til at analysere
<p>Programmet afhænger kun af X-bibliotekerne, ingen andre biblioteker er krævet.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as
some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein
<p>It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed.</p>
<p>Features include: - The slab position and thickness are visible in a small window. - Atomic bonds as well as atoms
are treated as independent drawable objects. - The atomic and bond colors depend on position. Five mapping modes
are available (as for slab). - Capable to display stereo image. - Capable to display other geometric objects, like membrane.
- Atomic information is available for atom covered by the mouse pointer. No click required, just move the mouse pointer
over the structure! - Capable to load more than one structure. - Capable to draw Ramachandran plot, helical wheel,
Venn diagram, averaged hydrophobicity and hydrophobic moment plot. - The command prompt is available at the bottom
of the main window. It is able to display one error message and one command string.</p>
- Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Education
- name: garlic_garlic.png
width: 64
height: 64
- garlic.desktop