Type: desktop-application
ID: qfractalnow.desktop
Package: fractalnow
C: QFractalNow
C: Fractal images generator
de: >-
<p>FractalNow stellt Benutzern Werkzeuge bereit, um Bilder von verschiedenen Arten an Fraktalen schnell und einfach zu
<p>Es besteht aus einem Befehlszeilenprogramm (FractalNow) und einem grafischen Werkzeug (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>Mit dem grafischen Werkzeug, das auf Qt-Bibliotheken basiert, können Benutzer Fraktale intuitiv entdecken und Bilder
<p>Beide Werkzeuge sind multithreaded und implementieren fortgeschrittene Algorithmen und Heuristiken. Dadurch ist die
Berechnung sehr schnell, verglichen mit den meisten existierenden freien Generatoren von Fraktalen.</p>
C: >-
<p>FractalNow provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily.</p>
<p>It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and a graphical tool (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>The graphical tool, based on Qt library, allows users to explore fractals intuitively and generate pictures.</p>
<p>Both tools are entirely multi-threaded and implement advanced algorithms and heuristics that make computation very
fast compared to most existing free fractal generators.</p>
en: >-
<p>FractalNow provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily.</p>
<p>It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and a graphical tool (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>The graphical tool, based on Qt library, allows users to explore fractals intuitively and generate pictures.</p>
<p>Both tools are entirely multi-threaded and implement advanced algorithms and heuristics that make computation very
fast compared to most existing free fractal generators.</p>
ru: >-
<p>FractalNow предоставляет пользователям инструменты для быстрой и простой генерации изображений различных типов фракталов.</p>
<p>Имеется как инструмент командной строки (FractalNow), так и инструмент с графическим интерфейсом (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>Графический инструмент, основанный на библиотеке Qt, позволяет интуитивно понятным образом исследовать фракталы и генерировать
<p>Оба инструмента используют многопоточность и реализуют усовершенствованные алгоримы и эвристические процедуры, делающие
вычисление очень быстрым по сравнению с большинством существующих свободных генераторов фракталов.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>FractalNow provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily.</p>
<p>It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and a graphical tool (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>The graphical tool, based on Qt library, allows users to explore fractals intuitively and generate pictures.</p>
<p>Both tools are entirely multi-threaded and implement advanced algorithms and heuristics that make computation very
fast compared to most existing free fractal generators.</p>
fr: >-
<p>FractalNow fournit aux utilisateurs des outils pour générer des images de différents types de fractales rapidement
et facilement.</p>
<p>Il est composé à la fois d'un outil en ligne de commande (FractalNow) et d'un outil graphique (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>L'outil graphique, basé sur la bibliothèque Qt, permet aux utilisateurs d'explorer les fractales de manière
intuitive et de générer des images.</p>
<p>Ces deux outils sont entièrement à fils d'exécution multiples et mettent en œuvre des algorithmes avancés et heuristiques
qui rendent le calcul très rapide par rapport à la plupart des générateurs de fractales libres existants.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>FractalNow provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily.</p>
<p>It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and a graphical tool (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>The graphical tool, based on Qt library, allows users to explore fractals intuitively and generate pictures.</p>
<p>Both tools are entirely multi-threaded and implement advanced algorithms and heuristics that make computation very
fast compared to most existing free fractal generators.</p>
it: >-
<p>FractalNow fornisce agli utenti gli strumenti per generare immagini di vari tipi di frattali in modo veloce e facile.</p>
<p>È composto da uno strumento a riga di comando (FractalNow) e da uno grafico (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>Lo strumento grafico, basato sulla libreria Qt, permette agli utenti di esplorare i frattali in modo intuitivo e di
generare immagini.</p>
<p>Entrambi gli strumenti sono completamente multi-thread e implementano algoritmi avanzati e metodi euristici per rendere
i calcoli molto veloci in confronto alla maggior parte dei generatori di frattali liberi esistenti.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>FractalNow provides users with tools to generate pictures of various types of fractals quickly and easily.</p>
<p>It is made of both a command line (FractalNow) and a graphical tool (QFractalNow).</p>
<p>The graphical tool, based on Qt library, allows users to explore fractals intuitively and generate pictures.</p>
<p>Both tools are entirely multi-threaded and implement advanced algorithms and heuristics that make computation very
fast compared to most existing free fractal generators.</p>
- Education
- Science
- Math
- name: fractalnow_qfractalnow.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: fractalnow_qfractalnow.png
width: 128
height: 128