Type: desktop-application
ID: dreamchess.desktop
Package: dreamchess
C: DreamChess
C: a 3D chess game
de: ein Schachspiel in 3D
de: >-
<p>DreamChess bietet 3D-OpenGL-Grafiken und verschiedene Schachbretter, vom klassischen Holzbrett bis zur Wohnung.</p>
<p>Eine durchschnittlich starke Schach-Engine ist bereits enthalten: »Dreamer«. Sollte diese für Sie zu schwach sein,
können Sie irgendeine andere XBoard-kompatible Schach-Engine verwenden, darunter auch die bekannten »Crafty« und »GNU
<p>Zu den weiteren Leistungsmerkmalen zählen u.A. Listen auf dem Bildschirm, die Spielzüge in SAN-Notation enthalten,
eine Rückgängig-Funktion und das Speichern von Spielständen im PGN-Format.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard- compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
sl: >-
<p>DreamChess ima 3D grafiko OpenGL, ki zagotavlja različne igralne figure od lesenih do ploskih.</p>
<p>Vključen je srednje zmogljiv programnik šaha Dreamer. V primeru da je ta programnik za vas preslab, lahko uporabite
katerikoli z XBoard združljiv programnik vključno s priljubljenima Crafty in GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Druge zmožnosti vključujejo seznama premika na zaslonu z zapisom SAN, zmožnost razveljavi in shranjevanje iger v vrsti
pt: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard- compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
C: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard-compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
uk: >-
<p>DreamChess використовує 3D OpenGL графіку та пропонує різні типи шахівниць, починаючи від класичної дерев’яної до пласкої.</p>
<p>Включено помірно сильний шаховий рушій: Dreamer. Тим не менш, якщо цей рушій заслабкий для Вас, Ви можете використовувати
будь-який XBoard- сумісний шаховий рушій, включаючи популярні Crafty та GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Інші можливості: список кроків на екрані з використанням SAN-нотації, можливість скасування кроків та збереження гри
у формат PGN.</p>
en: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard-compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
ru: >-
<p>DreamChess использует 3D OpenGL графику и предлагает различные типы шахматных досок, начиная от классической деревянной
до плоской.</p>
<p>Включен умеренно сильный шахматный движок: Dreamer. Тем не менее, если этот движок слабый для вас, вы можете использовать
любой XBoard- совместимый шахматный движок, включая популярный Crafty и GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Другие возможности: список шагов на экране, использующий SAN записи, возможность отмены шагов и сохранение игры в формат
gl: >-
<p>O DreamChess conta con gráficos OpenGL en 3D e fornece diversos conxuntos de taboleiros, desde o clásico de madeira
até o plano.</p>
<p>Inclúese un motor de xadrez relativamente forte: Dreamer. Porén, se este motor resultar demasiado feble, é posíbel
empregar calquera outro motor de xadrez compatíbel con XBoard, incluído o popular Crafty e o GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Outras funcionalidades inclúen listas de movementos na pantalla empregando a notación SAN, desfacer e gardar partidas
no formato PGN.</p>
es: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard- compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
fr: >-
<p>DreamChess dispose de graphismes 3D OpenGL et offre le choix de plusieurs échiquiers, allant du plus classique en bois
à des échiquiers plats.</p>
<p>Un moteur d'échecs de force moyenne est inclus : Dreamer. Toutefois, si ce moteur est trop faible pour vous, alors
vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel autre moteur d'échecs compatible XBoard, y compris les populaires Crafty
et GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Les autres caractéristiques comprennent les listes de mouvements à l'écran en utilisant la notation SAN, la possibilité
d'annulation et la sauvegardes au format PGN.</p>
fi: >-
<p>DreamChess käyttää 3D OpenGL -grafiikkaa ja tuo mukanaan useita shakkilautoja ja -nappuloita klassisista puulaudoista
<p>Pakettiin sisältyy kohtuullisen vahva shakkimoottori Dreamer. Mikäli moottori on liian heikko vastustaja, voit käyttää
mitä tahansa XBoard- yhteensopivaa shakkimoottoria. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi suosittu Crafty ja GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Muita ominaisuuksia ovat siirtoluettelon esittäminen SAN-merkinnällä, siirtojen peruutus ja pelien tallentaminen PGN-muodossa.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard- compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard- compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
ja: >-
<p>DreamChess は三次元の OpenGL グラフィックが特徴であり、古典的な木製からフラット までの各種チェス盤を提供します。</p>
<p>Dreamer というかなり強力なチェスエンジンが含まれますが、このエンジンはあなたには チェスエンジンを利用できます。</p>
<p>SAN 表記を使ったオンスクリーンの移動リスト、アンドゥ機能や PGN フォーマットでのゲーム 保存といった他の機能も含まれます。</p>
it: >-
<p>DreamChess ha una grafica 3D OpenGL e fornisce vari set per scacchi, da quelli classici di legno a pezzi piatti.</p>
<p>È incluso un motore per scacchi moderatamente forte: Dreamer. Tuttavia, se questo motore fosse troppo debole per i
propri scopi, si può usare qualsiasi altro motore di scacchi compatibile con XBoard, inclusi i popolari Crafty e GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Tra le altre caratteristiche sono inclusi elenco delle mosse sullo schermo in notazione SAN, funzione di annullamento
e salvataggio delle partite in formato PGN.</p>
da: >-
<p>DreamChess indeholder 3D OpenGL-grafik og tilbyder forskellige skakbrætsæt, der varierer fra klassisk udseende træbræt
til simple flade bræt.</p>
<p>En moderat stærk skakmotor er inkluderet: Dreamer. Hvis denne motor er for svag for dig, kan du dog bruge en anden
XBoard-kompatibel skakmotor, inklusiv den populære Crafty og GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Andre funktioner inkluderer en liste over flytninger som vises på skærmen (denne bruger SAN-notation), fortrydelsesfunktionalitet
og mulighed for at gemme spil i PGN-formatet.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>DreamChess features 3D OpenGL graphics and provides various chess board sets, ranging from classic wooden to flat.</p>
<p>A moderately strong chess engine is included: Dreamer. However, should this engine be too weak for you, then you can
use any other XBoard- compatible chess engine, including the popular Crafty and GNU Chess.</p>
<p>Other features include on-screen move lists using SAN notation, undo functionality, and savegames in PGN format.</p>
- Game
- BoardGame
- chess
- board
- strategy
- name: dreamchess_dreamchess.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: dreamchess_dreamchess.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: dreamchess