Type: desktop-application
ID: bluefish.desktop
Package: bluefish
de: Bluefish Editor
fa: ویراستار بلوفیش
pl: Edytor Bluefish
pt_BR: Bluefish Editor
sk: Bluefish editor
zh_CN: Bluefish 编辑器
ro: Editorul Bluefish
ja: Bluefish エディタ
C: Bluefish Editor
uk: Редактор Bluefish
en: Bluefish Editor
cs: Editor Bluefish
gl: Bluefish Editor
pt: Editor Bluefish
es: Editor Bluefish
fr: Éditeur Bluefish
eu: Bluefish editorea
ru: Веб-редактор Bluefish
nb: Bluefish skriveprogram
hu: Bluefish szerkesztő
ca: Editor Bluefish
it: Editor Bluefish
da: Bluefish Redigeringsprogram
nl: Bluefish Editor
nn: Bluefish skriveprogram
ko: Bluefish 편집기
de: Editorprogramm zur Webentwicklung
fa: ویرایشگر ویراستار برای توسعه وب
pl: Edytor stron www
pt_BR: Editor de Desenvolvimento Web
zh_CN: 网页开发编辑器
ja: ウェブ開発エディタ
C: Web Development Editor
uk: Редактор для веб-розробки
en: Web Development Editor
cs: Editor pro vývojáře webů
gl: Editor de desenvolmento web
pt: Editor de Desenvolvimento Web
es: Editor de desarrollo web
fr: Éditeur de développement web
eu: Web garapenerako editorea
ru: Редактор для веб-разработки
nb: Skriveprogram for nettsideutvikling
hu: A webfejlesztők szerkesztője
ca: Editor de Desenvolupament Web
it: Editor di Sviluppo Web
da: Redigeringsprogram til webudvikling
nl: Webontwikkelingseditor
nn: Skriveprogram for nettsideutvikling
ko: 웹 개발 편집기
pl: >-
<p>Bluefish to rozbudowany edytor przeznaczony dla programistów oraz web deweloperów. Posiada wiele opcji przydatnych
podczas tworzenia stron internetowych, pisania skryptów oraz programowania. Obsługuje szeroką gamę języków programowania
oraz języków znaczników, a ponadto umożliwia:</p>
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>Program zapewnia odpowiednią szybkość działania przy małym obciążeniu systemu.</p>
<p>Walidacja dokumentów CSS/HTML/XML wymaga zainstalowania aplikacji: csstidy, tidy, welint oraz/lub xmllint. Podgląd
stron WWW dostępny jest przy użyciu przeglądarki internetowej, która umożliwia otwieranie lokalnych plików poprzez uruchomienie
jej z odpowiednimi parametrami wiersza poleceń. Obsługa języków PHP i Python realizowana jest poprzez aplikacje php-codesniffer
i pylint. Wśród nieoznaczonych jako sugerowane, ale jednocześnie obsługiwane narzędzia, znajdują się: make, php5-cli oraz
de: >-
<p>Bluefish ist ein leistungsstarker Editor für Programmierer und Webentwickler mit vielen Optionen zum Schreiben von
Webseiten, Skripten und Programmcode. Er unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Programmier- und Markup-Sprachen. Darüber hinaus
bietet er zahlreiche Funktionen wie z.B.</p>
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>Trotzdem ist Bluefish leichtgewichtig und schnell.</p>
<p>Für die Validierung von CSS/HTML/XML-Dokumenten benötigen Sie csstidy, tidy, weblint und/oder xmllint. Für die Vorschau
von Webseiten benötigen Sie einen Webbrowser, der ihm auf der Befehlszeile übergebene lokale Dateien anzeigen kann. Für
PHP oder Python unterstützt Bluefish php- codesniffer und pylint. Perl, php5-cli, make und java-compiler sind zwar nicht
vorgeschlagen, werden aber unterstützt.</p>
C: >-
<p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>
<p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
en: >-
<p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>
<p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Bluefish — мощный редактор, предназначенный для программистов и web- разработчиков. Он имеет множество опций для создания
web-сайтов, сценариев и кода программ. Bluefish поддерживает различные языки программирования, языки разметки и имеет
множество особенностей, среди которых:</p>
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>Несмотря на все возможности, всё ещё быстр и легковесен.</p>
<p>Для проверки документов CSS/HTML/XML вам потребуется csstidy, tidy, weblint и/или xmllint. Для предварительного просмотра
необходим web- браузер, способный отображать локальные файлы, указанные через параметры командной строки. Для PHP или
Python в Bluefish поддерживается php- codesniffer и pylint. Не предлагаемые, но поддерживаемые инструменты: make, perl,
php5-cli и java-compiler.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>
<p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Bluefish est un éditeur puissant visant les programmeurs et développeurs web, avec beaucoup d'options pour écrire
des sites web, des scripts et programmer. Bluefish prend en charge un grand nombre de langages de programmation et de
balisage et dispose de nombreuses fonctionnalités, dont :</p>
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>Il reste léger et rapide malgré toutes ces fonctionnalités.</p>
<p>Pour la validation de documents CSS, HTML ou XML, il est nécessaire d'avoir csstidy, tidy, weblint et/ou xmllint.
Pour prévisualiser le travail, un navigateur web capable d'afficher les fichiers locaux depuis la ligne de commande
est requis. Pour PHP ou Python, Bluefish prend en charge php-codesniffer et pylint. Les outils non suggérés mais pris
en charge sont make, perl, php5-cli et java-compiler.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>
<p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
it: >-
<p>Bluefish è un potente editor pensato per i programmatori e gli sviluppatori web, con molte opzioni per scrivere siti
web, script e codice di programmazione. Bluefish gestisce una varietà di linguaggi di programmazione e a marcatori ed
ha molte funzionalità, ad esempio:</p>
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>È tuttavia sempre leggero e veloce.</p>
<p>Per la convalida di documenti CSS/HTML/XML è necessario csstidy, tidy, weblint o xmllint. Per il funzionamento delle
anteprime è necessario un browser web in grado di visualizzare i file locali che gli vengono passati sulla riga di comando.
Per PHP o Python, bluefish gestisce php-codesniffer e pylint. Gli strumenti non suggeriti ma gestiti sono: make, perl,
php5-cli e java-compiler.</p>
da: >-
<p>Bluefish er et funktionsrigt redigeringsprogram målrettet programmører og netudviklere med mange indstillinger til
at skrive netsider, skripter og programmeringskode. Bluefish understøtter en bred vifte af programmerings- og opmærkningssprog
og har mange funktioner f.eks.</p>
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>men er stadig enkel og hurtig.</p>
<p>Til validering af CSS/HTML/XML-dokumenter skal du bruge csstidy, tidy, weblint og/eller xmllint. Forhåndsvisning virker
kun, hvis du bruger en internetbrowser, som kan vise lokale filer angivet til programmet på kommandolinjen. For PHP eller
Python understøtter bluefish php-codesniffer og pylint. Værktøjer, som ikke anbefales, men dog understøttes, er make,
perl, php5-cli og java-compiler.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many options to write websites,
scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programming and markup languages and has many features,
<p> - Customizable code folding, auto indenting and completion - Support for remote files operation over FTP, SFTP, HTTPS,
WebDAV, etc. - Site upload and download - Powerful search and replace engine - Customizable integration of external
programs such as lint, make, etc - Snippets plugin to automate often used code - Code-aware in-line spell checking
- Zencoding or Emmet support - Bookmarks panel</p>
<p>but is still lightweight and fast.</p>
<p>For validation of CSS/HTML/XML documents you need csstidy, tidy, weblint and/or xmllint. For preview to work, you need
a web browser that can view local files given to it on the command line. For PHP or Python bluefish supports php-codesniffer
and pylint. Tools not suggested but supported are make, perl, php5-cli and java-compiler.</p>
- Development
- WebDevelopment
- Programmierung
- Code
- Web
- Editor
- Entwicklung
- Python
- برنامه نویسی
- ' کد'
- ' وب'
- ' ویرایشگر'
- ' توسعه'
- ' اچ تی ام ال '
- ' پی اچ پی'
- ' پایتون'
- programowanie
- kod
- sieć
- edytor
- rozwój
- html
- php
- python
- programming
- code
- web
- editor
- development
- html
- php
- python
- programming
- code
- web
- editor
- development
- html
- php
- python
- програмування
- код
- редактор
- веб
- інтернет
- розробка
- пітон
- programování
- kód
- kódování
- web
- www
- editor
- vývoj
- html
- php
- python
- programación
- código
- web
- editor
- desarrollo
- html
- php
- python
- programmation
- code
- web
- éditeur
- ' développement'
- html
- php
- python
- programmering
- kode
- web
- editor
- utvikling
- html
- php
- python
- programozás
- kód
- web
- szerkesztő
- fejlesztés
- html
- php
- python
- programació
- codi
- web
- editor
- desenvolupament
- html
- php
- python
- programmazione
- codice
- web
- editor
- sviluppo
- html
- php
- python
- programmering
- kode
- web
- editor
- udvikling
- html
- php
- python
- programming
- code
- web
- ontwikkeling
- development
- html
- php
- python
- programming
- code
- web
- editor
- development
- html
- php
- python
- name: bluefish_bluefish.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: bluefish_bluefish.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: bluefish_bluefish.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: bluefish
- url: b/bl/bluefish.desktop/3C7320C767ACC6DD7CDD4EDC24A8FE0B/icons/128x128/bluefish_bluefish.png
width: 128
height: 128
- bluefish.desktop
- text/html
- text/css
- text/x-javascript
- text/x-python
- text/x-perl
- application/x-php
- text/x-java
- text/javascript
- text/x-php
- application/x-cgi
- application/x-javascript
- application/x-perl
- application/x-python
- application/xhtml+xml
- text/mathml
- text/x-csrc
- text/x-chdr
- text/x-dtd
- text/x-sql
- text/xml
- application/x-bluefish-project