Type: desktop-application
ID: ballz.desktop
Package: ballz
C: B.A.L.L.Z.
C: Platform game with some puzzle elements
de: >-
<p>Das ist ein Jump'n'Run mit Rätseln. Sie übernehmen die Kontrolle über eine Kugel, welche vom britischen Geheimdienst
genetisch verändert wurde. Ihre Mission ist es, die entführten britischen Soldaten aus einem Gefängnis im Iran zu befreien.</p>
<p>Das Spiel wurde auf der TINS-Competition in 72 Stunden programmiert. Die TINS-Competition ist vergleichbar mit dem
Speedhack-Wettbewerb. Der Name TINS resultiert aus dem rekursiven Akronym: »TINS is not Speedhack«.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>O jogo é de plataforma com alguns elementos enigmáticos. Você controla uma bola que é geneticamente modificada pelo
serviço secreto britânico. Sua missão é resgatar de uma prisão no Irã os soldados britânicos que foram capturados.</p>
<p>O jogo foi escrito em 72 horas na competição TINS, uma competição similar a Speedhack. O nome TINS é um acrônimo recursivo
para "TINS is not Speedhack" (TINS não é Speedhack).</p>
sk: >-
<p>Platformová hra s niektorými prvkami logických hier. Ovládate guľu, ktorá je geneticky upravená britskou tajnou službou.
Vašou misiou je zachrániť zajatých britských vojakov z väzenia v Iráne.</p>
<p>Hra bola napísaná za 72 hodín pre TINS, súťaž podobnú ako Speedhack. Názov TINS je rekurzívna skratka „TINS is not
Speedhack“ (TINS nie je Speedhack).</p>
pt: >-
<p>O jogo é uma plataforma com alguns elementos de puzzle. Você controla uma bola que foi modificada geneticamente pelos
serviços secretos Britânicos. A sua missão é resgatar soldados britânicos capturados de uma prisão no Irão.</p>
<p>O jogo foi escrito em 72 horas para a competição TINS, uma competição semelhante a Speedhack. O nome TINS é um acrônimo
recursivo para 'TINS is not Speedhack'.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Це гра настільна гра з елементами головоломки. Ви керуєте кулі, які генетично модифіковані Британською секретною службою.
Ваша місія — визволити Британських вояків з іранської в’язниці.</p>
<p>Гра була написана за 72 години на змаганнях TINS, що схожі на Speedhack. Назва TINS є рекурсією від 'TINS is not
C: >-
<p>The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the
British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran.</p>
<p>The game was written in 72 hours for the TINS competition, a competition similar to Speedhack. The name TINS is an
recursive acronym for 'TINS is not Speedhack'.</p>
en: >-
<p>The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the
British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran.</p>
<p>The game was written in 72 hours for the TINS competition, a competition similar to Speedhack. The name TINS is an
recursive acronym for 'TINS is not Speedhack'.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the
British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran.</p>
<p>The game was written in 72 hours for the TINS competition, a competition similar to Speedhack. The name TINS is an
recursive acronym for 'TINS is not Speedhack'.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Игра представляет собой платформер с элементами паззла. Вы управляете шаром, который генетически модифицирован Британской
секретной службой. Ваша миссия — спасти британских солдат из тюрьмы в Иране.</p>
<p>Игра написана за 72 часа для соревнования TINS, подобного Speedhack. Название TINS — это рекурсивный акроним «TINS
is not Speedhack».</p>
fr: >-
<p>Jeu de plateforme avec quelques éléments d'un jeu de puzzle. Vous prenez le contrôle d'une balle qui a été
génétiquement modifiée par les services secrets britanniques. Votre mission est de sauver les soldats britanniques retenus
captifs dans une prison en Iran.</p>
<p>Le jeu a été écrit en 72 heures pour la compétition TINS, compétition similaire à Speedhack. Le nom TINS est un acronyme
récursif pour « TINS is not Speedhack ».</p>
ja: >-
<p>このゲームはいくつかのパズルの要素を持つプラットフォームゲームです。あ なたはイギリスのシークレットサービスによって遺伝子操作されたボールの支 配権を握っています。あなたの使命は、捕虜となったイギリスの兵士をイラン の刑務所から救出することです。</p>
<p>このゲームは TINS コンペティションで 72 時間で書かれました。TINS は Speedhack と同様のコンペティションです。TINS とは 'TINS is not Speedhack' の再帰的頭字語です。</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the
British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran.</p>
<p>The game was written in 72 hours for the TINS competition, a competition similar to Speedhack. The name TINS is an
recursive acronym for 'TINS is not Speedhack'.</p>
it: >-
<p>Il gioco è un gioco a piattaforme con alcuni elementi di un rompicapo. Si ha il controllo di una palla che è geneticamente
modificata dal servizio segreto britannico. La missione è di salvare da una prigione in Iran dei soldati britannici che
sono stati catturati.</p>
<p>Il gioco è stato scritto in 72 ore per la competizione TINS, una competizione simile a Speedhack. Il nome TINS è un
acronimo ricorsivo di "TINS is not Speedhack".</p>
da: >-
<p>Spillet er et platformspil med nogle puslespilselementer. Du har kontrol over en bold som er blevet genetisk ændret
af den britiske efterretningstjeneste. Din mission er at redde tilfangetagne britiske soldater fra et fængsel i Iran.</p>
<p>Spillet blev skrevet på 72 timer for TINS-konkurrencen, en konkurrence der ligner Speedhack. Navnet TINS er et rekursivt
akronym for »TINS is not Speedhack« (TINS er ikke Speedhack).</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the
British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran.</p>
<p>The game was written in 72 hours for the TINS competition, a competition similar to Speedhack. The name TINS is an
recursive acronym for 'TINS is not Speedhack'.</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
- name: ballz_ballz.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: ballz_ballz.png
width: 128
height: 128