Type: desktop-application
ID: armagetronad.desktop
Package: armagetronad
C: Armagetron Advanced
C: 3d light cycle game
de: dreidimensionales Lichtradspiel
pl: >-
<p>Zasady są proste: grający jeździ lekkim pojazdem (rodzaj motocykla, który może skręcać jedynie o 90 stopni, pozostawia
za sobą ścianę i nie może być zatrzymany), musi unikać zderzenia się ze ścianą i próbować zmusić do tego przeciwnika.</p>
<p>Idea gry opiera się na filmie Disneya z 1982 o nazwie "Tron". Jeśli ktoś chciałby pojeździć sobie na jednym
z użytych w filmie demonów prędkości, ma teraz okazję.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced umożliwia grę z komputerowymi przeciwnikami, z innymi ludźmi za pośrednictwem sieci, lub z jednymi
i drugimi naraz.</p>
de: >-
<p>Die Regeln sind einfach: Sie fahren ein Licht(zwei)rad, das nur 90-Grad- Richtungsänderungen beherrscht, eine Wand
hinter sich lässt und nicht gestoppt werden kann. Sie müssen vermeiden, gegen eine der Wände zu fahren. Gleichzeitig müssen
Sie versuchen, Ihren Gegenspieler gegen die Wand fahren zu lassen.</p>
<p>Die Idee basiert auf dem Disney-Film »Tron« aus dem Jahr 1982. Wenn Sie sich jemals gewünscht haben, die Möglichkeiten
eines dieser »speed demons« aus dem Film auszuprobieren, ist das Ihre Chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced kann gegen KI-Gegner, andere Menschen im Netzwerk oder als eine Mischung aus beidem gespielt werden.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>As regras são simples: você dirige uma moto-luz (um tipo de motocicleta que só faz curvas em ângulos de 90 graus, deixa
uma parede sólida para trás e não pode ser parada) e tem que evitar chocar-se com as paredes enquanto, ao mesmo tempo,
tem que tentar fazer com que seus oponentes choquem-se contra elas.</p>
<p>A ideia é baseada no filme de 1982 da Disney chamado "Tron". Se você sempre quis experimentar uma daquelas
bestas velozes que aparecem no filme, esta é a sua chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced pode ser jogado contra IA, contra outros humanos através de uma rede, ou uma mistura de ambos.</p>
sk: >-
<p>Pravidlá sú jednoduché: jazdíte na svetelnej motorke (druh motorky, ktorá môže zatáčať iba v 90-stupňových uhloch a
za sebou zanecháva nezastaviteľnú stenu), musíte sa vyhnúť narazeniu do stien a zároveň sa musíte pokúsiť donútiť protivníka,
aby do nich narazil.</p>
<p>Myšlienka pochádza z Disneyho filmu „Tron“ z roku 1982. Ak ste sa niekedy chceli previezť na jednom z týchto rýchlych
diablov z filmu, máte príležitosť.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced možno hrať proti počítaču, proti iným ľuďom po sieti alebo zmes oboch.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Pravila so enostavna: vozite se na kolesu (neke vrste motor, ki se lahko obrne le za 90 stopinj, za sabo pušča zid
in ga ni mogoče zaustaviti) in se morate izogniti zaletavanju v zid in hkrati poskušate doseči, da se vanj zaletijo vaši
<p>Ideja je osnovana na Disneyevem filmu iz leta 1982 z imenom "Tron". Če ste si želeli biti eden od demonov
hitrosti v filmu, je to vaša priložnost.</p>
<p>Igro Armagetron Advanced lahko igrate proti računalniškim nasprotnikom, proti drugim ljudem preko omrežja ali preko
mešanica obeh.</p>
ja: >-
<p>ルールはシンプルです。ライトサイクル (一度に 90 度ずつしか回転できず、壁沿 いに走り、停止できない一種のバイク) に乗り、壁に当たるのを回避しつつ、同時 に敵を壁に当てようとすることです。</p>
<p>アイデアは、1982 年のディズニー映画 "Tron" に基づいています。 映画に出演したこれらのスピード狂を未だ試したことが無いならば、このゲームは 良いチャンスです。</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced は、AI プレイヤ、ネットワーク経由での他のユーザ、 又はそれらの両方と対戦できます。</p>
uk: >-
<p>Правила дуже прості: Ви їдете на легкому мотоциклі (класу мотобайк, який може повертати лише на 90 градусів за раз,
залишаючи стіни позаду і не зупиняючись) і повинні уникати зіткнення зі стінами, у той же час спробувати зіштовхнути Вашого
супротивника з ними.</p>
<p>Ідея гри запозичена з Діснеївського фільму 1982 року, що називається "Tron". Якщо Ви бажаєте спробувати одну
з цих супер можливостей із фільму — у Вас є шанс.</p>
<p>В „Armagetron Advanced“ Ви можете грати проти ботів, проти інших гравців через мережу або проти усіх разом.</p>
C: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
en: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
gl: >-
<p>As regras son sinxelas: conduces un luciciclo (un tipo de moto que só pode virar noventa graos de cada volta, deixa
unha parede detrás e non pode ser detida) e tes que evitar bater contra as paredes ao tempo que tes que tentar que o teu
adversario si bata contra elas.</p>
<p>A idea está baseada na película de Disney de 1982 chamada «Tron». Se algunha vez quixeches probar un deses demos de
velocidade que aparecen na película, velaquí tes a túa oportunidade.</p>
<p>O Armagetron Avanzado pode xogarse contra aversarios de intelixencia artificial, contra outros humanos pola rede ou
cunha mistura dos dous.</p>
tr: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
es: >-
<p>Las reglas son sencillas: conduces un ciclo ligero (un tipo de motocicleta que solo puede girar 90 grados en cada
instante, deja un muro detrás suyo y no se puede parar) y tienes que evitar chocar con los muros y a la vez hacer que
tu oponente se choque en ellos.</p>
<p>La idea se basa en la película de Disney de 1982 «Tron». Si alguna vez quisiste intentar probar uno de esos demonios
de la velocidad que se ven en la película, esta es tu oportunidad.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced puede jugarse contra oponentes IA, contra otros humanos en una red, o mezclando ambos tipos de
fr: >-
<p>Les règles du jeu sont simples : vous pilotez une moto lumineuse (un genre de moto qui ne peut tourner qu'à 90
degrés, qui laisse un mur derrière elle et qui ne peut être arrêtée) et devez éviter de percuter les murs tout en essayant
de pousser vos adversaires à l'accident.</p>
<p>Ce jeu est basé sur le film « Tron » des studios Disney, sorti en 1982. Si vous voulez essayer un des véhicules du
film, ce jeu est fait pour vous.</p>
<p>Le jeu peut être joué à plusieurs en réseau, seul contre des joueurs simulés par l'ordinateur ou en mélangeant
les deux modes.</p>
pt: >-
<p>As regras são simples: você monta um veículo de luz (uma espécie de moto que apenas pode virar 90 graus de cada vez,
deixa uma parede por onde passa e não pode ser parada) e tem que evitar chocar com as paredes enquanto que ao mesmo tempo
tenta fazer com que os seus adversários choquem com elas.</p>
<p>A ideia é baseada num filme da Disney de 1982 chamado "Tron". Se alguma vez desejou incorporar um desses
demónios da velocidade do filme, esta é a sua oportunidade.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced pode ser jogado contra oponentes de inteligência artificial, contra outros humanos numa rede, ou
numa mistura de ambos.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Правила просты: вы едете на световом мотоцикле (который может выполнять повороты только на 90°, оставляет за собой
стену и не может быть остановлен) и стараетесь избежать столкновения со стенами, в то же время пытаясь заставить противника
врезаться в них.</p>
<p>Идея позаимствована из диснеевского фильма 1982 года «Tron». Если вы мечтали оседлать один из этих скоростных монстров
из фильма — это ваш шанс.</p>
<p>В Armagetron Advanced можно играть с противниками, управляемыми искусственным интелектом, с другими людьми по сети,
или с теми и другими одновременно.</p>
hu: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
it: >-
<p>Le regole sono semplici: si guida un "Moto-ciclo" (un tipo di motocicletta che può curvare solo a 90 gradi,
lascia un muro solido alle sue spalle e non può essere fermato) e si deve evitare di sbattere contro i muri cercando,
allo stesso tempo, di farci sbattere i propri avversari.</p>
<p>L'idea è basata sul film Disney del 1982 intitolato "Tron". Se avete mai desiderato provare uno di quei
demoni della velocità presenti nel film, questa è la vostra occasione.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced può essere giocato contro avversari AI, contro altri giocatori in rete o un mix dei due.</p>
da: >-
<p>Reglerne er enkle: Du kører på en let cykel (en slags motorcykel som kun kan dreje 90 grader ad gangen, forlader en
væg og kan ikke stoppes) og skal undgå at køre ind i vægge, og på samme tid skal du forsøge at få din modstander til at
køre ind i dem.</p>
<p>Ideen er baseret på Disneyfilmen fra 1982 med navnet »Tron«. Hvis du på et tidspunkt har ønsket at forsøge dig med
en af disse fartdjævle fra filmen, så er chancen her.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced kan enten spilles mod computermodstandere eller mod andre over netværket eller via en blanding
af begge.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a
wall behind and cannot be stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you have to try to get
your opponent to run into them.</p>
<p>The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron". If you ever wanted to take a try at one of
those speed demons features in the movie, this is your chance.</p>
<p>Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other humans over the network, or a mixture of both.</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
- tron-like
- light
- cycle
- 3D
- multiplayer
- networked
- server
- name: armagetronad_armagetronad.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: armagetronad_armagetronad.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: armagetronad_armagetronad.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: a/ar/armagetronad.desktop/7FB53DF7FE234BBDDFB0AB2B31ECD8A9/icons/128x128/armagetronad_armagetronad.png
width: 128
height: 128
- armagetronad.desktop
- application/x-armagetronad