Type: desktop-application
ID: aeolus.desktop
Package: aeolus
C: Aeolus
C: Organ Emulator
pl: >-
<p>Aeolus jest zsyntezowanym (tj. nie bazującym na próbkach) emulatorem organów piszczałkowych, który powinien być wystarczająco
dobry do znajdowania przyjemności z gry na organach. Jest to syntezator programowy, zoptymalizowany tak, aby w każdej
chwili umożliwić użytkownikowi ustawienie brzmienia instrumentu za pomocą całego mnóstwa przełączników.</p>
<p>Główne cechy instrumentu: trzy manuały i jeden pedał, pięć różnych systemów strojenia, regulacja dostrojenia, kontrola
nad przebiegiem procesu MIDI, stereo, wyjścia surround lub Ambisonics, elastyczne sterowanie systemem audio obejmujące
duży pogłos sal koncertowych.</p>
<p>Aeolus nie jest zbyt zasobożerny i powinien już pracować na maszynach z procesorem 1GHz i 256Mb pamięci RAM.</p>
de: >-
<p>Aeolus ist ein synthetischer Orgelemulator (d.h. keine Samples), der gut genug sein sollte, dass ein Organist gerne
damit spielt. Dieser Softwaresynthesizer wurde für diese Aufgabe optimiert, mit potentiell hunderten Reglern für jedes
Register, mit denen der Benutzer seinen Instrument »eine Stimme geben kann«.</p>
<p>Die Haupteigenschaften des Standardinstruments sind: drei Manuale und ein Pedal, fünf verschiedene Temperamente, variable
Abstimmung, natürlich MIDI-Steuerung, Ausgabe in Stereo, Raumklang oder Ambisonics, flexible Klangregler inklusive einem
großen Kirchenhall.</p>
<p>Aeolus ist nicht sehr CPU-hungrig und sollte ohne Probleme auf einem Rechner mit z.B. 1 Ghz und 256 Mb laufen.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Aeolus é um emulador de órgão sintetizado (i.e. não amostrado -- "not sampled") que deveria ser bom o bastante
para fazer com que um tocador de órgãos se divertisse tocando-o. É um software de sintetização otimizado para este trabalho,
possivelmente com centenas de controles para cada parada, que habilitam o usuário a "dar voz" ao seu instrumento.</p>
<p>Principais recursos do instrumento padrão: três manuais e um pedal, cinco diferentes temperamentos, ajuste variável,
obviamente controle MIDI, estéreo, "surround" ou saída Ambisonics, controles de áudio flexíveis incluindo um
"reverb" de uma igreja grande.</p>
<p>Aeolus não é muito faminto por CPU, e deveria ser executado sem problemas em uma máquina, e.g., 1GHz com 256MB.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Aeolus je sintetiziran (torej ne vzorčen) posnemovalnik cevi orgel, ki bi moral biti dovolj dober, da bodo organisti
z veseljem igrali nanj. Je programski sintetizator optimiziran za ta posel z morda stotinami nadzora za vsak premor, kar
uporabniku omogoči "uglasitev" svojega instrumenta.</p>
<p>Glavne zmožnosti privzetega instrumenta: trije manuali in en pedal, pet različnih temperatur, spremenljivo uglaševanja,
nadzor MIDI, stereo ali izhod Ambisonics, prilagodljiv nadzor zvoka vključno z odmevom velikih cerkva.</p>
<p>Aeolus ne potrebuje veliko CPE in bi moral brez težav delovati na računalniku z 1 GHz CPE in 256 MB pomnilnika.</p>
C: >-
<p>Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy
playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that
enable the user to "voice" his instrument.</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Aeolus is not very CPU-hungry, and should run without problems on a e.g. a 1GHz, 256Mb machine.</p>
en: >-
<p>Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy
playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that
enable the user to "voice" his instrument.</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Aeolus is not very CPU-hungry, and should run without problems on a e.g. a 1GHz, 256Mb machine.</p>
sr: >-
<p>Аеолус је синтетизован (тј. не узоркован) спојни емулатор оргуља који би требао да буде довољно добар да омогући оргуљашу
да ужива свирајући на њему. Ово је софтверски синтетизатор оптимизован за овај посао, са хиљадама могућних управљања за
сваки корак, који омогућава кориснику да „огласи“ свој инструмент.</p>
<p>Главне функције основног инструмента: три ручице и једна педала, пет различитих темперамента, променљиво дотеривање,
МИДИ управљање током, стерео, окружење или Двозвучни излаз, прилагодљива управљања звуком укључујући дуги црквени одјек.</p>
<p>Аеолус не захтева снажан процесор, и требао би да ради без проблема и на рачунарима са процесором од 1GHz и меморијом
од 256Mb.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy
playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that
enable the user to "voice" his instrument.</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Aeolus is not very CPU-hungry, and should run without problems on a e.g. a 1GHz, 256Mb machine.</p>
gl: >-
<p>O Aeolus é un emulador de órgano de tubos sintetizado (ou sexa, non con mostras) que debería ser suficientemente bon
para que un organista poda gozar con el. É un sintetizador de software optimizado para esta tarefa, con posibelmente centos
de controles para cada rexistro, o que permiten que o usuario lle dea «voz» ao seu instrumento.</p>
<p>As funcionalidades principais do instrumento principal son: tres manuais e un pedal, cinco temperamentos diferentes,
afinación variábel, control MIDI, por suposto, saída estéreo, surround ou Ambisonics, controles de son flexíbeis, incluído
un eco grande de igrexa.</p>
<p>O Aeolos non tira moito da CPU e deberíase poder executar sen problemas en, por exemplo, unha máquina de 1GHz e 257Mb.</p>
es: >-
<p>Aeolus es un simulador (no muestreado) de órgano de tubos sintetizado que debería ser suficientemente bueno para que
un organista disfrute tocándolo. Es un programa de sintetizador optimizado para esta tarea, con cientos de controles posibles
para cada registro, esto permite al usuario darle «voz» a su instrumento.</p>
<p>Las principales características del instrumento por defecto: tres manuales y un pedal, cinco temperamentos diferentes,
sintonización variable, por supuesto control MIDI, estéreo, surround o salida a través de Ambisonics, controles de audio
flexibles incluyendo un gran efecto de reverberación tipo catedral.</p>
<p>Aeolus no es un devora CPU, ya que puede funcionar sin problemas en un equipo de 1Ghz y 256Mb de Ram.</p>
zh_TW: >-
<p>Aeolus 是合成式 (而非取樣式) 管樂模擬器,令讓您樂在其中。其為軟體合成器,每個音階都有數百種控制方式,讓您可「吹奏」該樂器。</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Aeolus 對電腦 CPU 要求不太高,即使在 1GHz, 256Mb 的電腦也可順利運作。</p>
fr: >-
<p>Aeolus est un synthétiseur (c'est à dire qu'il n'utilise pas d'échantillons) qui émule un orgue.
Il devrait être suffisamment bon pour que les organistes trouvent du plaisir à en jouer. C'est un synthétiseur logiciel
optimisé pour cette tâche, avec des centaines de réglages possibles pour chaque jeu, ce qui permet à l'utilisateur
de pouvoir faire « chanter » son instrument.</p>
<p>Les principales fonctionnalités de l'instrument sont : trois claviers, une pédale, cinq tempéraments différents,
un accordage réglable, un contrôle MIDI naturellement, des sorties en stéréo, « surround » ou « Ambisonics », des réglages
audio flexibles incluant l'acoustique résonnante d'une grande église.</p>
<p>Aeolus consomme peu de ressources et devrait tourner sans problème sur une machine de 1GHz avec 256Mo de mémoire.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Aeolus - это эмулятор органа который синтезирует звук (не использует семплы). Звук вполне хорош, чтоб понравиться музыканту.
Синтезатор прекрасно справляется со своими функциями. В нём существуют сотни настроек для каждого клапана, позволяющие
"вызвучить" инструмент.</p>
<p>Основные особенности инструмента оп умолчанию: три клавиатуры и одна педаль, пять темпераций, изменяемый музыкальный
строй, MIDI управление, конечно, стерео и гибкое управление звуком, включая реверберацию в большой церкви.</p>
<p>Aeolus не очень требователен к ресурсам CPU и может без проблем работать на компьютере с 1GHz, 256Mb.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy
playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that
enable the user to "voice" his instrument.</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Aeolus is not very CPU-hungry, and should run without problems on a e.g. a 1GHz, 256Mb machine.</p>
hu: >-
<p>Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy
playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that
enable the user to "voice" his instrument.</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Az Aeolus nem túl CPU-éhes, és probléma nélkül futnia kellene például egy 1Ghz-es, 256MB-os gépen.</p>
it: >-
<p>Aeolus è un emulatore di canna d'organo sintetizzato (cioè non campionato), che dovrebbe essere abbastanza realistico
da permettere ad un organista di suonarlo con piacere. È un software di sintetizzazione ottimizzato a questo scopo, con
la possibilità di centinaia di controlli per ogni registro, in modo tale che l'utente possa dare "voce"
al proprio strumento.</p>
<p>Le principali caratteristiche dello strumento predefinito sono: tre manuali e un pedale, cinque diversi temperamenti,
accordatura variabile, naturalmente controllo MIDI, uscita di tipo stereo, surround o Ambisonics, controlli audio flessibili
incluso un forte riverbero tipo chiesa.</p>
<p>Aeolus non richiede risorse eccessive, e dovrebbe girare senza problemi su, per esempio, macchine con CPU da 1GHz e
256Mb di RAM.</p>
da: >-
<p>Aeolus er en syntetiseret (dvs. ikke samplet) orgelemulator, som bør være god nok til, at en organist kan nyde at spille
på det. Det er en programsynthesizer optimeret for dette job, med hundredvis af kontroller for hvert stop, som gør at
brugeren kan »voice« sit instrument.</p>
<p>Vigtigste funktioner for standardinstrumentet: tre manualer og en pedal, fem forskellige temperamenter, variabel tuning,
MIDI-kontrol, stereo-, surround- eller Ambisonics-lydudgang, fleksibel lydkontrol inklusive en stor kirkerumklang.</p>
<p>Aeolus kræver ikke megen cpu, og bør kunne afvikles uden problemer på f.eks. en 1 GHz, 256 Mb maskine.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Aeolus is a synthesised (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy
playing it. It is a software synthesiser optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that
enable the user to "voice" his instrument.</p>
<p>Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning,
MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb.</p>
<p>Aeolus is not very CPU-hungry, and should run without problems on a e.g. a 1GHz, 256Mb machine.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
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- jackd
- synth
- name: aeolus_audio-x-generic.png
width: 64
height: 64
- aeolus.desktop