Type: desktop-application
ID: acm.desktop
Package: acm
C: turn-based space empire and galactic conquest computer game (client)
de: >-
<p>Eine Luftkampfsimulation für mehrere Spieler. Die Spieler tragen Luftkämpfe gegeneinander aus, wobei ihnen Wärme-suchende
Raketen und Bordkanonen zur Verfügung stehen.</p>
<p>Zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen zählen: * Simulation mit 6 Freiheitsgraden * Simulation von Bugrad- und Spornradfahrwerken
* Strukturelle Begrenzungen der negativen und positiven Lastvielfachen * Standardatmosphäre * Wettererscheinungen, wie
Tageslicht/Nacht, Nebel und Wind * Klassische Instrumente, u.A. Magnetkompass, Wendezeiger, Libelle, Fahrtmesser,
künstlicher Horizont, Höhenmesser und Variometer * Navigation: HSI mit RNAV-Rechner und Funkkompass (ADF) * Head-Up-Display
(HUD) und Trägheitsnavigationssystem * Autopiloten: Höhe halten, Steigrate halten, Fahrt halten, dem VOR-Radial folgen,
dem ILS-Gleitpfad folgen, Querruder/Seitenruderkoordination * Mehrere zivile und militärische Flugzeugmodelle werden
mitgeliefert * Zwei Szenarien werden mitgeliefert: Dallas (Texas) und Italien mit Hunderten von Landeplätzen und Funkstationen</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>A multi-player aerial combat simulation. Players engage in air to air combat against one another using heat seeking
missiles and cannons.</p>
<p>Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. *
Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and
inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS
glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries
provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Večigralski klasični simulator letalskega boja. Igralci se drug z drugim spopadejo v zraku z izstrelki, ki iščejo toploto,
in topovi.</p>
<p>Glavne zmožnosti vključujejo: * simulacija s 6 prostostnimi stopnjami. * simulacija pristajanja z dvema in tremi
kolesi. * strukturna omejitev pozitivne/negativne navpične obremenitve. * običajna atmosfera. * Vreme: dan/noč, megla,
veter. * Inštrumenti vključno z magnetnim kompasom, indikatorjem obrata in, kazalnikom hitrosti zraka, višine in
nagiba and bank indicator, kazalnikom višine in kazalnikom navpične hitrosti. * Krmarjenje: HSI z računalom RNAV,
ADF. * Prikaz na zaslonu (HUD) in inercijski referenčni sistem referenčni sistem. * Auto-piloti: drži višino, drži hitrost
vzpenjanje, drži hitrost, sledi radiju VOR, sledi poti letenja ILS, uskladitev rudder/ailerons coordination.???? *
Več modelov letal, tako vojaških in civilnih. * dva scenarija: področje Dallas (Texas) in področje Italije s stotinami
stez in radijskih postaj.</p>
C: >-
<p>A multi-player aerial combat simulation. Players engage in air to air combat against one another using heat seeking
missiles and cannons.</p>
<p>Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. *
Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and
inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS
glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries
provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.</p>
en: >-
<p>A multi-player aerial combat simulation. Players engage in air to air combat against one another using heat seeking
missiles and cannons.</p>
<p>Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. *
Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and
inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS
glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries
provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Мультиплеерная игра симулирующая воздушный бой. Игроки сражаются в воздухе против друг друга, используя ракеты и пушки</p>
<p>Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. *
Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and
inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS
glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries
provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.</p>
gl: >-
<p>Unha simulación de combate aéreo para varios xogadores. Os xogadores entran en combate aire-aire entre si empregando
mísiles e canóns térmicos.</p>
<p>Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. *
Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and
inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS
glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries
provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.</p>
es: >-
<p>Un simulador de combate aéreo multijugador. Jugadores participan en combates aéreos en contra del otro usando misiles
buscadores de calor y cañones.</p>
<p>Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. *
Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind.
* Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator,
altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and
inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS
glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries
provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Une simulation de combat aérien en mode multijoueur. Les joueurs engagent le combat dans les airs, ils font usage de
missiles à tête chercheuse et de canons.</p>
<p>Les fonctionnalités principales comprennent : * Simulation avec 6 degrés de liberté. * Simulation de trains d'atterrissage
à deux ou trois roues. * Limite structurelle à la charge verticale positive/négative. * Atmosphère standard. * Météo :
jour/nuit, brouillard, vent. * Instruments classiques, comprenant boussole magnétique, indicateur de virage et de
dérapage, anémomètre, indicateur d'horizon et de pente, altimètre, variomètre. * Navigation : HSI avec calculateur
RNAV, ADF. * Affichage tête-haute (HUD) et système de référence inertiel. * Pilotes automatiques : maintien de l'altitude,
maintien de l'ascension, maintien de la vitesse, suivi du radial VOR, suivi de la trajectoire de descente de l'ILS,
coordination gouverne/ailerons. * Plusieurs modèles d'aéronefs disponibles, à la fois civils et militaires. * Deux
paysages fournis : région de Dallas (Texas) et région Italie avec des centaines de pistes et de stations radio.</p>
nl: >-
<p>A multi-player aerial combat simulation. Players engage in air to air combat against one another using heat seeking
missiles and cannons.</p>
<p>Belangrijkste kenmerken zijn: * Simulatie met 6 graden van vrijheid. * Drie- of tweewiel landingsgestel. * Structurele
beperking van de verticale positieve/negatieve lading. * Standaard atmosfeer. * Weer: dag/nacht, mist, wind. * Klassieke
instrumenten, met inbegrip van magnetisch kompas, bocht-en indicator, snelheidsmeter, helling- en ‘bank’-indicator,
hoogte-indicator, variometer. * Navigatie: HSI met RNAV rekenmachine, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) en ‘inertial reference
system’. * Automatische piloot: hoogte, stijging of snelheid behouden, volg VOR-radial volg ILS-glijpad, roer/rolroeren
coördinatie. * Diverse vliegtuigen modellen uitgevoerd, zowel civiele als militaire. * Twee landschappen worden meegeleverd:
Dallas (Texas) en Italië met honderden banen en radiostations.</p>
- Game
- Simulation
- aerial
- comabt
- simulation
- name: acm_acm.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: acm_acm.png
width: 128
height: 128