⇦ | wesnoth-1.12-core [universe]
Last updated on: 2025-02-10 23:17 [UTC]

Metadata for wesnoth-1.12-core in universe

wesnoth-1.12_editor.desktop - 1:1.12.6-1+deb9u1build0.18.04.1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: wesnoth-1.12_editor.desktop
Package: wesnoth-1.12-core
  de: Battle for Wesnoth Karteneditor (1.12)
  lt: Mūšio dėl Vesnoto žemėlapių redaktorius (1.12)
  fi: Taistelu Wesnothista Kenttäeditori (1.12)
  C: Battle for Wesnoth Map Editor (1.12)
  vi: Chỉnh sửa bản đồ Trận chiến vì Wesnoth (1.12)
  pt: Editor de mapas de Wesnoth (1.12)
  cs: Editor map Bitvy o Wesnoth (1.12)
  gl: Editor de mapas do Noroeste (1.12)
  sr@ijekavianlatin: Uređivač mapa Boja za Vesnot (1.12)
  sr: Уређивач мапа Боја за Веснот (1.12)
  es: Editor de mapas de Wesnoth (1.12)
  fr: Éditeur de cartes Wesnoth (1.12)
  tr: Wesnoth Savaşı Harita Düzenleyici (1.12)
  hu: Harc Wesnothért pályaszerkesztő (1.12)
  it: Editor delle mappe per Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr@latin: Uređivač mapa Boja za Vesnot (1.12)
  sr@ijekavian: Уређивач мапа Боја за Веснот (1.12)
  de: Ein Karteneditor für Battle for Wesnoth
  lt: Žemėlapių redaktorius Mūšio dėl Vesnoto žemėlapiams
  fi: Kenttäeditori Wesnothin kenttiä varten
  C: A map editor for Battle for Wesnoth maps
  vi: Một chương trình chỉnh sửa bản đồ cho Trận chiến vì Wesnoth
  pt: Um editor para criar mapas para o jogo de Wesnoth
  cs: Editor map pro Bitvu o Wesnoth
  gl: Editor de mapas de “A batalla polo Noroeste”.
  tr: Wesnoth savaşı haritaları için harita düzenleyici
  sr: Уређивач за мапе намењене Боју за Веснот
  es: 'Un editor de mapas para: La batalla por Wesnoth'
  fr: Un éditeur de cartes pour La Bataille pour Wesnoth
  hu: A Harc Wesnothért játék pályaszerkesztője
  it: Un tool per creare e modificare mappe di Battle for Wesnoth
  sr@latin: Uređivač za mape namenjene Boju za Vesnot
  pl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Walka o kontrolę nad wioskami przy użyciu różnych jednostek, posiadających wady i zalety w zależności od typu terenu
    i przeciwko różnego typu atakom. Jednostki mogą zbierać doświadczenie i zyskiwać poziomy oraz są przenoszone między kolejnymi
    scenariuszami w kampanii.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kämpfen Sie um die Kontrolle von Dörfern, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Einheiten benutzen, die Vor- und Nachteile in
    verschiedenen Geländearten und gegen verschiedene Angriffsarten besitzen. Einheiten erlangen Erfahrung, gelangen auf höhere
    Stufen und werden in einer Kampagne von einem Szenario ins nächste übernommen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalhe pelo controle de aldeias, usando várias unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. Unidades ganham experiência e avançam de nível e são levadas de um cenário a um
    seguinte em uma campanha.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Bitka o ovládnutie dedín pomocou rozličných jednotiek, ktoré majú výhody a nevýhody v rozličných typoch terénov a voči
    rozličným typom útokov. Jednotky získavajú skúsenosti a postupujú o úrovne a prenášajú sa v rámci kampane medzi mapami.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Lute pelo controle das aldeias, utilizando uma variedade de unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes
    tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades ganham experiência e avançam níveis, e são transportadas
    de um cenário para o próximo numa campanha.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Битва за поселення, використовуючи різноманітні бойові одиниці, які мають свої переваги та недоліки у різних місцевостях
    і при різних типах атак. Одиниці набирають певний досвід та підвищують свій рівень, й можуть переходити із одного сценарію
    до наступного протягом кампанії.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Сражайтесь за контроль над поселениями с помощью различных военных подразделений, каждое из которых имеет свои плюсы
    и минусы на разных типах ландшафта и против различных типов атак. Подразделения набирают опыт и получают новые уровни,
    их можно использовать в последующих кампаниях.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario
    ao seguinte nunha campaña.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Farklı saldırılara ve farklı yeryüzü türlerine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları olan çok sayıda birimi kullanarak köylerin
    fethi için savaşın. Birimler git gide deneyim kazanır ve bölümlere atlayarak, sonraki görevde tekrar kullanılabilirler.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Wesnoth propose un affrontement pour le contrôle de villages en utilisant diverses unités qui ont des avantages ou
    désavantages suivant le type de terrain ou contre différents types d&apos;attaques. Les unités peuvent gagner de l&apos;expérience
    et progresser en niveau et peuvent être rappelées depuis le scénario précédent dans les campagnes.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Taistele kylien herruudesta käyttäen erilaisia yksiköitä, joilla on heikkoutensa ja vahvuutensa erilaisissa maastoissa
    ja erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Joukot saavat kokemusta ja saavuttavat edistymistasoja. Joukkosi jatkavat skenaariosta
    toiseen kampanjan edetessä.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>村々の支配権を巡り、さまざまな種類の地形や攻撃方法に対して利点や弱点を持つ 多種多様な部隊を使って戦闘を繰り広げます。部隊は経験値を得てレベルを上昇で き、ある作戦中のあるシナリオから次のシナリオに経験値やレベルを持ち越せます。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battaglia per il controllo di villaggi che usa una gamma di unità con vantaggi e svantaggi in tipi di terreno differenti
    e contro diversi tipi di attacchi. Le unità acquisiscono esperienza e avanzano di livello; in una campagna vengono mantenute
    da uno scenario al successivo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kæmp om kontrol over landsbyer med brug af et væld af enheder, der har fordele og ulemper i forskellige typer terræn
    og mod forskellige typer angreb. Enheder samler erfaring og stiger i grader, der overføres fra et scenarie til det næste
    i en kampagne.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
  - name: wesnoth-1.12-core_wesnoth-1.12_editor-icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: wesnoth-1.12_editor-icon

wesnoth-1.12.desktop - 1:1.12.6-1+deb9u1build0.18.04.1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: wesnoth-1.12.desktop
Package: wesnoth-1.12-core
  de: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  lt: Mūšis dėl Vesnoto (1.12)
  sk: Bitka o Wesnoth (1.12)
  dk: Kampen om Wesnoth (1.12)
  fi: Taistelu Wesnothista (1.12)
  C: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  vi: Trận chiến vì Wesnoth (1.12)
  he: הקרב על ווסנות' (1.12)
  cs: Bitva o Wesnoth (1.12)
  gl: A batalla polo Noroeste (1.12)
  pt: A Batalha por Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr: Бој за Веснот (1.12)
  es: La batalla por Wesnoth (1.12)
  fr: La Bataille pour Wesnoth (1.12)
  eu: Wesnotheko Guda (1.12)
  ru: Битва за Веснот (1.12)
  tr: Wesnoth Savaşı (1.12)
  sr@ijekavianlatin: Boj za Vesnot (1.12)
  hu: Harc Wesnothért (1.12)
  ca: Batalla per Wesnoth (1.12)
  af: Die Stryd vir Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr@ijekavian: Бој за Веснот (1.12)
  it: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr@latin: Boj za Vesnot (1.12)
  de: Rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel im Fantasyszenario
  lt: Fantastinis ėjimais pagrįstas strateginis žaidimas
  sk: Ťahová strategická hra z prostredia fantasy
  dk: Et fantasy træk-baseret strategi-spil
  fi: Vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategiapeli
  C: A fantasy turn-based strategy game
  vi: Một trò chơi chiến lược dựa trên lượt đi theo phong cách thần thoại
  he: משחק אסטרטגיה ופנטסיה מבוסס מהלכים
  cs: Tahová strategická hra ve fantastickém prostředí
  gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas ambientado nun mundo fantástico.
  pt: Um jogo de fantasia estratégico em turnos
  sr: Фантазијска стратешка игра на потезе
  es: Un juego de estrategia basado en turnos con un tema de fantasía
  fr: Un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour dans un univers fantastique
  eu: Giro fantastikoan eta txandetan oinarritutako estrategia jokoa
  ru: Фантастическая пошаговая стратегия
  tr: Fantastik, sırayla oynanan bir strateji oyunu
  hu: Fantasy stílusú, körökre osztott, stratégiai játék
  ca: Un joc fantàstic d'estrategia per torns
  af: '''n Fantasie beurt-basis strategie-spel'
  sr@latin: Fantazijska strateška igra na poteze
  it: Un gioco strategico a turni con ambientazione fantasy
  pl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Walka o kontrolę nad wioskami przy użyciu różnych jednostek, posiadających wady i zalety w zależności od typu terenu
    i przeciwko różnego typu atakom. Jednostki mogą zbierać doświadczenie i zyskiwać poziomy oraz są przenoszone między kolejnymi
    scenariuszami w kampanii.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kämpfen Sie um die Kontrolle von Dörfern, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Einheiten benutzen, die Vor- und Nachteile in
    verschiedenen Geländearten und gegen verschiedene Angriffsarten besitzen. Einheiten erlangen Erfahrung, gelangen auf höhere
    Stufen und werden in einer Kampagne von einem Szenario ins nächste übernommen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalhe pelo controle de aldeias, usando várias unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. Unidades ganham experiência e avançam de nível e são levadas de um cenário a um
    seguinte em uma campanha.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Bitka o ovládnutie dedín pomocou rozličných jednotiek, ktoré majú výhody a nevýhody v rozličných typoch terénov a voči
    rozličným typom útokov. Jednotky získavajú skúsenosti a postupujú o úrovne a prenášajú sa v rámci kampane medzi mapami.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Lute pelo controle das aldeias, utilizando uma variedade de unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes
    tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades ganham experiência e avançam níveis, e são transportadas
    de um cenário para o próximo numa campanha.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Битва за поселення, використовуючи різноманітні бойові одиниці, які мають свої переваги та недоліки у різних місцевостях
    і при різних типах атак. Одиниці набирають певний досвід та підвищують свій рівень, й можуть переходити із одного сценарію
    до наступного протягом кампанії.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Сражайтесь за контроль над поселениями с помощью различных военных подразделений, каждое из которых имеет свои плюсы
    и минусы на разных типах ландшафта и против различных типов атак. Подразделения набирают опыт и получают новые уровни,
    их можно использовать в последующих кампаниях.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario
    ao seguinte nunha campaña.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Farklı saldırılara ve farklı yeryüzü türlerine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları olan çok sayıda birimi kullanarak köylerin
    fethi için savaşın. Birimler git gide deneyim kazanır ve bölümlere atlayarak, sonraki görevde tekrar kullanılabilirler.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Wesnoth propose un affrontement pour le contrôle de villages en utilisant diverses unités qui ont des avantages ou
    désavantages suivant le type de terrain ou contre différents types d&apos;attaques. Les unités peuvent gagner de l&apos;expérience
    et progresser en niveau et peuvent être rappelées depuis le scénario précédent dans les campagnes.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Taistele kylien herruudesta käyttäen erilaisia yksiköitä, joilla on heikkoutensa ja vahvuutensa erilaisissa maastoissa
    ja erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Joukot saavat kokemusta ja saavuttavat edistymistasoja. Joukkosi jatkavat skenaariosta
    toiseen kampanjan edetessä.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>村々の支配権を巡り、さまざまな種類の地形や攻撃方法に対して利点や弱点を持つ 多種多様な部隊を使って戦闘を繰り広げます。部隊は経験値を得てレベルを上昇で き、ある作戦中のあるシナリオから次のシナリオに経験値やレベルを持ち越せます。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battaglia per il controllo di villaggi che usa una gamma di unità con vantaggi e svantaggi in tipi di terreno differenti
    e contro diversi tipi di attacchi. Le unità acquisiscono esperienza e avanzano di livello; in una campagna vengono mantenute
    da uno scenario al successivo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kæmp om kontrol over landsbyer med brug af et væld af enheder, der har fordele og ulemper i forskellige typer terræn
    og mod forskellige typer angreb. Enheder samler erfaring og stiger i grader, der overføres fra et scenarie til det næste
    i en kampagne.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
  - name: wesnoth-1.12-core_wesnoth-1.12-icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: wesnoth-1.12-icon