Type: desktop-application
ID: org.kde.kinfocenter
Package: kinfocenter
he: מרכז המידע
ca@valencia: Centre d'informació
zh_CN: 信息中心
sk: Informačné centrum
sl: Podatkovno središče
C: Info Center
fr: Centre d'informations
sr: Инфоцентар
uk: Центр інформації
ca: Centre d'informació
sv: Informationscentral
hu: Rendszerinformáció
nl: Informatiecentrum
zh_TW: 資訊中心
nn: Informasjonssenter
lt: Info centras
ar: مركز المعلومات
pl: Ośrodek informacji
ia: Centro de Info
el: Κέντρο πληροφοριών
cs: Informační centrum
id: Info Center
gl: Centro de información
pt: Centro de Informações
es: Centro de información
et: Infokeskus
eu: Info-gunea
ru: Информация о системе
sr@ijekavianlatin: Infocentar
tr: Bilgi Merkezi
da: Infocenter
it: Centro delle informazioni
ko: 정보 센터
sr@ijekavian: Инфоцентар
de: Infozentrum
pt_BR: Centro de Informações
en_GB: Info Centre
sr@latin: Infocentar
fi: Infokeskus
ca@valencia: Resum centralitzat i pràctic de la informació del sistema
zh_CN: 中心化和方便的系统信息展示
sk: Centralizovaný a pohodlný prehľad systémových informácií
sl: Priročen pregled številnih podatkov o sistemu
C: Centralized and convenient overview of system information
fr: Aperçu centralisé et pratique des informations système
sr: Централизован и удобан преглед системских података
uk: Централізований та зручний огляд усіх даних щодо системи
ca: Resum centralitzat i pràctic de la informació del sistema
sv: Centraliserad och bekväm översikt av systeminformation
hu: A rendszerjellemzők központosított és kényelmes áttekintése
nl: Gecentraliseerd en prettig overzicht van systeeminformatie
zh_TW: 集中且方便的系統資訊總覽
nn: Sentralisert og praktisk oversikt over systeminformasjon
lt: Vienoje vietoje suprantamai pateikiama sistemos informacija
ar: نظرة عامّة ومركزيّة على معلومات النّظام
pl: Scentralizowany i wygodny przegląd informacji systemowych
el: Συγκεντρωτική και βολική σύνοψη των πληροφοριών συστήματος
id: Ikhtisar informasi sistem yang terpusat dan serasi
pt: Visão geral centralizada e conveniente da informação do sistema
gl: Resumo centralizado e cómodo de información do sistema.
es: Resumen centralizado y práctico de información sobre el sistema
et: Mugav tsentraliseeritud süsteemi teabe ülevaade
eu: Sistemaren informazioaren bilgune eta ikuspegi praktikoa
ru: Централизованный и удобный просмотр информации о системе
sr@ijekavianlatin: Centralizovan i udoban pregled sistemskih podataka
tr: Sistem bilgisinin merkezi ve uygun özeti
sr@ijekavian: Централизован и удобан преглед системских података
it: Riepilogo centralizzato e comodo delle informazioni di sistema
ko: 시스템 정보를 한 눈에 보기
da: Centraliseret og bekvem oversigt over systeminformation
de: Zentrale Übersicht über Systeminformationen
pt_BR: Resumo centralizado e conveniente das informações do sistema
en_GB: Centralised and convenient overview of system information
sr@latin: Centralizovan i udoban pregled sistemskih podataka
fi: Järjestelmätietojen keskitetty ja mukava yleisnäkymä
sk: >-
<p>KInfoCenter vám poskytuje centralizovaný a pohodlný prehľad vášho systému a pracovného prostredia.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
C: >-
<p>The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
en: >-
<p>The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
it: >-
<p>kinfocenter fornisce una panoramica centralizzata e comoda del sistema e dell'ambiente desktop.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
da: >-
<p>Kinfocenter tilbyder dig et centraliseret og nemt overblik over dit system og skrivebordsmiljø.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.</p>
<p>The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information
center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.</p>
- System
- name: kinfocenter_hwinfo.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: kinfocenter_hwinfo.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: kinfocenter_hwinfo.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: hwinfo
- url: org/kde/kinfocenter/C5F1D340EFA20BE4E29C15747C27E23C/icons/128x128/kinfocenter_hwinfo.png
width: 128
height: 128
- org.kde.kinfocenter.desktop