⇦ | xine-ui [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:54 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for xine-ui in xenial

xine.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Application
  - AudioVideo
  - Player
  C: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian
    for more information!</p>
  da: <p>Dette er en X11-baseret grafisk brugerflade for afspilningsbiblioteket libxine. Programmet tilbyder
    xine, en temabaseret medieafspiller som kan afspille alle de lyd-/videoformater som understøttes af
    libxine. Aktuelt er det MPEG1/2, nogle AVI- og Quicktimefiler, nogle metoder for netværksstrømme og
    diskbaserede medier (vcd, svcd, dvd). En mere fuldstændig liste kan findes på http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>De
    fleste dvd'er på markedet i dag er afspilningsbeskyttet af Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine tilbyder
    ikke kode som kan fjerne denne beskyttelse på grund af juridiske tvivlsspørgsmål. Se /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for yderligere information!</p>
  de: <p>Dies ist eine X11-basierte Benutzeroberfläche für die libxine-Video- Wiedergabebibliothek. Sie
    stellt xine bereit, eine Oberflächen-basierte Medienwiedergabe, die alle Audio-/Video-Formate wiedergeben
    kann, welche von libxine unterstützt werden. Derzeit sind dies u.a. MPEG1/2, einige AVI- und Quicktime-Dateien,
    einige Netzwerk-Streaming-Methoden und Disk- basierte Medien (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Eine vollständigere
    Liste finden Sie unter http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Die meisten kommerziellen DVDs
    heutzutage sind durch das Content Scrambling System (CSS) wiedergabegeschützt. Xine enthält aufgrund
    der unklaren Rechtslage keinen Code, um diese DVDs zu entschlüsseln. Werfen Sie einen Blick in /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian
    für weitere Informationen!</p>
  en_AU: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  en_CA: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  en_GB: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  es: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  fr: <p>C'est une interface graphique basée sur X11 pour la bibliothèque de lecteur vidéo libxine. Elle
    fournit un lecteur multimédia qui supporte les thèmes graphiques et qui peut jouer tous les formats
    audio et vidéo que supporte libxine. Actuellement, ceci inclut les fichiers MPEG1/2, certains fichiers
    AVI et QuickTime, des flux réseau et les médias basés sur des disques (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Une liste
    plus complète peut être trouvée à l'adresse http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/</p><p>La plupart
    des DVD actuellement sur le marché sont protégés à la lecture par le Content Scrambling System (CSS).
    Xine ne fournit aucun code pour décoder ces DVD à cause des contraintes légales. Voyez /usr/share/doc
    /xine-ui/README.Debian pour plus d'informations.</p>
  gl: <p>Esta é unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada en X11 para a biblioteca de reprodución de vídeo
    libxine. Fornece xine, un reprodutor de multimedia baseado en temas que pode reproducir todos os formatos
    de son e de vídeo recoñecidos por libxine. Na actualidade, estes inclúen MPEG1/2, algúns ficheiros
    AVI e Quicktime, algúns métodos de fluxos de rede e recursos baseados en disco (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Pode
    atopar unha lista máis completa en http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>A maioría dos DVD que
    hai hoxe no mercado teñen protección da reprodución co Sistema de Barallado de Contido (CSS). Xine
    non fornece ningún código para desbarallar eses DVD por causa de incertezas legais. Mire en /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian
    para máis información!</p>
  it: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  ja: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  pl: <p>This is an X11 based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides xine, a skin based
    media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes
    MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD,
    DVD). A more complete list can be found on http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Most DVDs on
    the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling System (CSS). Xine does not provide
    any code to descramble those DVDs, because of legal uncertainties. Have a look at /usr/share/doc/xine-
    ui/README.Debian for more information!</p>
  pt: <p>Isto é uma GUI baseada em X11 para a biblioteca de reprodução de vídeo libxine. Disponibiliza
    o xine, um reprodutor de médias com base de peles, que pode reproduzir todos os formatos áudio/vídeo
    que a libxine suporta. Correntemente, isto inclui MPEG1/2, alguns AVI e ficheiros Quicktime, alguns
    métodos de 'streaming' em rede e médias baseadas em discos (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Uma lista mais completa
    pode ser encontrada em http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>A maioria dos DVDs no mercado actual
    estão protegidos de reprodução pelo Content Scrambling System (CSS). O Xine não disponibiliza nenhum
    código para descodificar esses DVDs, devido a incertezas legais. Veja em /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian
    para mais informação.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Isto é uma GUI baseada em X11 para a biblioteca de reprodução de vídeo libxine. Disponibiliza
    o xine, um reprodutor de médias com base de peles, que pode reproduzir todos os formatos áudio/vídeo
    que a libxine suporta. Correntemente, isto inclui MPEG1/2, alguns AVI e ficheiros Quicktime, alguns
    métodos de 'streaming' em rede e médias baseadas em discos (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Uma lista mais completa
    pode ser encontrada em http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>A maioria dos DVDs no mercado actual
    estão protegidos de reprodução pelo Content Scrambling System (CSS). O Xine não disponibiliza nenhum
    código para descodificar esses DVDs, devido a incertezas legais. Veja em /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian
    para mais informação.</p>
  ru: <p>В пакете содержится графический интерфейс на основе X11 для библиотеки видеопроигрывателя libxine,
    которая позволяет базовой сборке xine проигрывать аудио/видео форматы, поддерживаемые libxine. В настоящее
    время, она поддерживает проигрывание MPEG1/2, некоторых AVI и Quicktime файлов, содержит несколько
    методов по работе с сетевым потоком и форматами дисковых носителей (VCD,SVCD,DVD). Полный список на
    странице http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Большинство продаваемых сегодня в магазинах DVD
    защищены системой CSS (Content Scrambling System). Xine не поддерживает каких-либо методов "борьбы"
    с такими DVD из-за юридических разногласий. Подробней об этом можно прочитать в файле /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian!</p>
  sl: <p>To je na X11 osnovan grafični uporabniški vmesnik za knjižnico predvajalnika videa libxine. Zagotavlja
    xine, na preoblekah osnovan predvajalnik predstavnosti, ki lahko predvaja vse vrste videa/zvoka, ki
    jih podpira libxine. Trenutno to vključuje MPEG1/2, nekatere datoteke AVI in Quicktime, nekatere načine
    pretakanja preko omrežja in na diskih osnovane medije (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Bolj popoln seznam možnosti
    lahko najdete na http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Večina DVD-jev, ki je danes na trgu,
    vsebuje zaščito CSS. Xine zaradi pravne negotovosti ne zagotavlja kode za njihovo predvajanje. Za
    več podrobnosti si oglejte /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian!</p>
  uk: <p>У пакунку міститься графічний інтерфейс на основі X11 для бібліотеки відеопрогравача libxine,
    яка дозволяє базовій збірці xine програвати аудіо та відео формати, підтримувані libxine. На даний
    час вона підтримує програвання MPEG1/2, деяких файлів AVI й Quicktime, містить кілька методів по роботі
    з мережевим потоком та форматами дискових носіїв (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Повний список на сторінці http://xinehq.de/index.php/features/.</p><p>Сьогодні
    більшість DVD в магазинах захищені системою CSS (Content Scrambling System). Xine не підтримує будь-які
    методи „боротьби“ з такими DVD через юридичні розбіжності. Детальніше про це можна прочитати у файлі
ID: xine.desktop
  cached: xine-ui_xine.png
  stock: xine
  C: xine
Package: xine-ui
    - x-content/video-dvd
    - x-content/audio-cdda
    - x-content/video-vcd
    - x-content/video-svcd
    - x-content/video-dvd
    - x-content/video-svcd
    - x-content/video-vcd
  C: Video Player
Type: desktop-app