⇦ | tvtime [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:08 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for tvtime in xenial

tvtime.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - AudioVideo
  C: '<p>This package provides a high quality television application for use with video capture cards.
    It processes the input from a capture card and displays it on a computer monitor or projector. Tvtime
    focuses on high visual quality, making it ideal for videophiles.</p><p>Main features: * deinterlaced
    output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources, or 50 frames per second
    for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality; * multiple deinterlacing
    algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available processor speed; * 16:9
    aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input from an external DVD
    player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the complete television
    experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal quality viewing
    of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  da: '<p>Denne pakke tilbyder en fjernsynsapplikation i høj kvalitet, der bruges sammen med kort, som
    indfanger videosignal. Den behandler de indfangne inddata fra kortet, og viser dem  en computerskærm
    eller med en projektor. Tvtime fokuserer  høj visuel kvalitet, hvilket gør den ideel for videofile.</p><p>Main
    features: * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources,
    or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality;
    * multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available
    processor speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input
    from an external DVD player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the
    complete television experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal
    quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  de: '<p>Die Anwendung »tvtime« ist ein qualitativ hochwertiges Programm zum Ansehen von Fernsehsendungen
    und für den Einsatz mit Video- Digitalisierungskarten. Es verarbeitet die Ausgabe einer Video- Digitalisierungskarte
    und zeigt sie auf einem Computer-Bildschirm oder einem Projektor an. Das Programm konzentriert sich
    auf hohe visuelle Qualität und macht es damit ideal für Video-Liebhaber.</p><p>Die wichtigsten Leistungsmerkmale:
    * Ausgabe per Deinterlacing bei der ganzen Halbbild-Wiederholrate von 59,94 Bildern pro Sekunde für
    NTSC-Quellen bzw. 50 Bildern pro Sekunde für PAL-Quellen. Dadurch werden weiche Bewegungen und eine
    hohe visuelle Qualität erzielt. * Mehrere Deinterlacing-Algorithmen, um die für den Video-Inhalt und
    die Geschwindigkeit des Hauptprozessors am besten geeignete Methode zu ermitteln. * Seitenverhältnis
    von 16:9 zum Erzielen der höchst-möglichen Auflösung, wenn der Eingang von einem externen DVD-Player
    oder digitalen Satelliten-Receiver gespeist wird. * Super-poliertes On-Screen-Display (OSD) für ein
    vollständiges TV-Erlebnis, mit einem funktionsreichen Menü-System. * Erkennung von »2:3 Pulldown«
    für optimale Qualität beim Betrachten von Filmmaterial aus NTSC-Quellen.</p>'
  fr: '<p>Ce paquet fournit une application de télévision de haute qualité pour une utilisation avec les
    cartes de capture vidéo. Il traite l''entrée d''une carte de capture et l''affiche sur un écran d''ordinateur
    ou un projecteur. Tvtime se concentre sur la haute qualité visuelle, le rendant idéal pour les vidéophiles.</p><p>Principales
    fonctionnalités : * sortie désentrelacée à taux plein entrelacé de 59,94 images par seconde pour les
    sources NTSC ou 50 images par seconde pour les sources PAL. Cela donne la douceur de mouvement et
    une grande qualité visuelle ; * algorithmes multiples de désentrelacement afin de trouver le mode
    le mieux adapté au contenu vidéo et à la vitesse du processeur disponible ; * format 16:9 utilisant
    la plus haute résolution disponible lorsque la source est un lecteur externe de DVD ou un récepteur
    satellite numérique ; * Affichage du menu à l''écran super astucieux écran pour une expérience de
    télévision complète avec un système de menu riche en fonctionnalités ; * détection du « 2:3 pulldown »
    pour une visualisation de qualité optimale des films à partir de sources NTSC.</p>'
  it: '<p>Questo pacchetto fornisce un''applicazione televisiva di alta qualità da usare con schede di
    acquisizione video. Elabora l''input da una scheda di acquisizione e lo visualizza su un monitor di
    computer o tramite un proiettore. L''obiettivo principale di Tvtime è un''alta qualità visiva il che
    lo rende ideale per videofili.</p><p>Main features: * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate
    of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources, or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness
    of motion and high visual quality; * multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode
    for the video content and available processor speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available
    resolution when processing input from an external DVD player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick
    on-screen-display for the complete television experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown"
    detection for optimal quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  ja: '<p>本パッケージはビデオキャプチャーカードと共に用いる高品質のテレビアプリケー ションを提供します。キャプチャーカードからの入力を処理し、コンピュータのモ ニタやプロジェクタに表示します。tvtime
    は高品質表示に重点を置いており、ビデ オマニアにとって理想的なプログラムです。</p><p>Main features: * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced
    rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources, or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives
    smoothness of motion and high visual quality; * multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the
    optimal mode for the video content and available processor speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the
    highest available resolution when processing input from an external DVD player or digital satellite
    receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the complete television experience, with a featureful
    menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  pl: '<p>Pakiet dostarcza wysokiej jakości aplikację telewizyjną do użytku z kartami przechwytującymi
    wideo. Przetwarza wejście karty przechwytującej i wyświetla je na ekranie monitora lub projektora.
    Tvtime skupia się na wysokiej jakości obrazu, dzięki czemu jest on idealny dla wideofila.</p><p>Main
    features: * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources,
    or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality;
    * multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available
    processor speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input
    from an external DVD player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the
    complete television experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal
    quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  pt: '<p>Este pacote disponibiliza uma aplicação de televisão de alta qualidade para usar com placas
    de captura de vídeo. Processa a entrada de dados a partir da placa de captura e apresenta-a no monitor
    do computador ou projector. O tvtime foca-se em alta qualidade visual tornando-o ideal para ''vídeoófilos''.</p><p>Main
    features: * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources,
    or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality;
    * multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available
    processor speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input
    from an external DVD player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the
    complete television experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal
    quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Este pacote disponibiliza uma aplicação de televisão de alta qualidade para usar com placas
    de captura de vídeo. Processa a entrada de dados a partir da placa de captura e apresenta-a no monitor
    do computador ou projector. O tvtime foca-se em alta qualidade visual tornando-o ideal para ''vídeoófilos''.</p><p>Main
    features: * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources,
    or 50 frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality;
    * multiple deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available
    processor speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input
    from an external DVD player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the
    complete television experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal
    quality viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  ru: '<p>tvtime  высококачественное телевизионное приложение для работы с картами видеозахвата. Данные
    от карты обрабатываются и выводятся на монитор или проектор. В отличие от аналогов, tvtime ставит
    превыше всего качество картинки, что делает его идеальным для видеолюбителей.</p><p>Main features:
    * deinterlaced output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources, or 50
    frames per second for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality; * multiple
    deinterlacing algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available processor
    speed; * 16:9 aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input from an
    external DVD player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the complete
    television experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal quality
    viewing of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
  sl: '<p>Ta paket vsebuje visoko kakovosten program televizije za uporabo s karticami za zajemanje videa.
    Izhod iz kartice za zajemanje obdela in ga prikaže na računalniškem zaslonu ali projektorju. Tvtime
    se osredotoča na visoko kakovost videa, kar ga naredi idealnega za oboževalce videov.</p><p>Glavne
    zmožnosti: * razpleten izhod s polno hitrostjo zapletanja 59,94 sličic na sekundo za vire NTSC ali
    50 sličic na sekundo za vire PAL. S tem dosežete gladkost gibanja in visoko vidno kakovost, * več
    algoritmov razpletanja za iskanje optimalnega načina za vsebina videa in razpoložljivo hitrost procesorja,
    * način razmerja velikosti 16:9 za najvišje razpoložljve ločljivosti pri obdelovanju vhoda iz zunanjega
    predvajalnika DVD ali digitalnega satelitskega sprejemnika, * zelo gladek prikaz na zaslonu za celotno
    televizijsko izkušnjo s sistemskim menijem z veliko zmožnostmi * zaznavanje "potega navzdol 2:3" za
    optimalno kakovost gledanja vsebine filma iz virov NTSC.</p>'
  uk: '<p>tvtime  високоякісне телевізійне застосунок для роботи з картами відеозахоплення. Дані від
    карти обробляються та виводяться на монітор чи проектор. На відміну від аналогів, tvtime ставить понад
    усе якість картинки, що робить його ідеальним для відеолюбителів.</p><p>Main features: * deinterlaced
    output at a full interlaced rate of 59.94 frames per second for NTSC sources, or 50 frames per second
    for PAL sources. This gives smoothness of motion and high visual quality; * multiple deinterlacing
    algorithms for finding the optimal mode for the video content and available processor speed; * 16:9
    aspect ratio mode for the highest available resolution when processing input from an external DVD
    player or digital satellite receiver; * super-slick on-screen-display for the complete television
    experience, with a featureful menu system; * "2:3 pulldown" detection for optimal quality viewing
    of film content from NTSC sources.</p>'
ID: tvtime.desktop
  cached: tvtime_tvtime.png
  C: TVTime Television Viewer
Package: tvtime
  C: High quality television application
Type: desktop-app