⇦ | trigger-rally [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:56 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for trigger-rally in xenial

trigger-rally.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Game
  - ActionGame
  C: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with a
    number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When racing
    a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win a race
    if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger is highly customisable, and it's easy to add
    new levels and vehicles.</p><p>System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated video card.</p>
  da: <p>Trigger et et frit 3D-rallyspil. Sjov for hele familien!</p><p>Der medfølger en række udfordringer
    med Trigger, hvor du skal konkurrere i flere baner for at gennemføre hver udfordring.</p><p>Når du
    kører en bane, så skal du nå flere steder markeret med pulserende ringe i rækkefølge. Du vinder et
    løb hvis du når den sidste markering i tide.</p><p>Trigger kan konfigureres på mange måder, og det
    er nemt at tilføje nye niveauer og biler.</p><p>Systemkravene består af et OpenGL-accelereret videokort.</p>
  de: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger kann gut angepasst werden. Es ist einfach,
    neue Strecken und Fahrzeuge hinzuzufügen.</p><p>System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated
    video card.</p>
  es: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger es altamente personalizable, y es fácil
    agregar nuevos niveles y vehículos.</p><p>System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated video
  fr: <p>Trigger est jeu libre de courses de voitures de rallye en 3D. Du plaisir pour toute la famille
    !</p><p>Trigger contient un certain nombre de défis où vous devez courir plusieurs courses pour finir
    chaque défi.</p><p>Quand vous êtes en course, vous devez atteindre plusieurs emplacements dans l'ordre
    marqués par des anneaux brillants. Vous gagnez une course si vous atteignez le dernier emplacement
    dans les temps.</p><p>Il est fortement configurable et il est facile d'ajouter de nouveaux niveaux
    et véhicules.</p><p>Le pré-requis système est une carte vidéo OpenGL accélérée.</p>
  it: <p>Trigger è un gioco 3D libero di corse rally automobilistiche. Divertente per tutta la famiglia!</p><p>Trigger
    contiene diverse sfide, nelle quali bisogna correre su molti tracciati per finire ogni sfida.</p><p>Quando
    si sta correndo su un tracciato bisogna raggiungere in sequenza molte postazioni che sono segnate
    da anelli pulsanti. Si vince se si raggiunge l'ultima postazione in tempo.</p><p>Trigger è molto personalizzabile
    ed è facile aggiungere nuovi livelli ed automobili.</p><p>I requisiti del sistema consistono in una
    scheda video con accelerazione hardware OpenGL.</p>
  ja: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger は高度なカスタマイズが可能であり、新しいレベルや車を簡単に追加できます。</p><p>System
    Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated video card.</p>
  pt: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger é altamente personalizável, e é fácil
    de acrescentar novos níveis e veículos.</p><p>System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated
    video card.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger é altamente personalizável  e é muito
    fácil de adicionar novos níveis e veículos.</p><p>System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated
    video card.</p>
  ru: <p>Trigger — это свободное 3D-авторалли. Забава для всей семьи!</p><p>Trigger содержит несколько
    соревнований. Чтобы завершить каждое из них, нужно проехать несколько гоночных треков.</p><p>Участвуя
    в гонках на треке, нужно последовательно достичь нескольких мест, отмеченных пульсирующими кольцами.
    Вы побеждаете в гонке, если вовремя добрались до последнего отмеченного места.</p><p>Trigger имеет
    множество настроек, позволяет легко добавлять новые уровни и машины.</p><p>Требуется видеокарта с
    хорошей поддержкой OpenGL.</p>
  sl: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger je visoko prilagodljiv in omogoča enostavno
    dodajanje novih stopenj in vozil.</p><p>Sistemske zahteve vključujejo grafično kartico, ki pospešuje
  uk: <p>Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!</p><p>Trigger comes with
    a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge.</p><p>When
    racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win
    a race if you reach the last location in time.</p><p>Trigger має безліч налаштувань, дозволяє легко
    додавати нові рівні й машини.</p><p>Потрібна відеокарта з гарною підтримкою OpenGL.</p>
ID: trigger-rally.desktop
  cached: trigger-rally_trigger-rally.png
  stock: trigger-rally
    - rally
    - cars
    - racing
    - tracks
  C: Trigger
Package: trigger-rally
  C: 3D rally racing car game
  de_de: 3D Rally-Autorennen
  fr_fr: un jeu de rally en 3D
  ro_ro: Un joc în 3D cu curse de raliu
Type: desktop-app