⇦ | scilab-cli [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:04 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for scilab-cli in xenial

scilab-cli.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Science
  - Math
  C: <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical
    functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...)
    and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p><p>This package
    provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine
    or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.</p>
  da: <p>Scilab er en matricebaseret videnskabelig programpakke. Scilab indeholder hundreder af indbyggede
    matematiske funktioner, rige datastrukturer (inklusive polynomier, rationelle lineære systemer, lister
    etc ...) og der medfølger et antal videnskabelige værktøjsbokse for kontrol, signalprocessering ...</p><p>This
    package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing
    engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.</p>
  de: <p>Scilab ist ein matrixorientiertes, wissenschaftliches Softwarepaket. Es enthält hunderte integrierter
    mathematischer Funktionen und reichhaltige Datenstrukturen (einschließlich Polynome, Brüche, lineare
    Systeme, Listen usw.). Beigelegt sind auch diverse spezifische Werkzeugsätze für Steuerung, Signalverarbeitung,
    ...</p><p>This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab
    as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.</p>
  fr: <p>Scilab est un ensemble de logiciels scientifiques basés sur des matrices. Scilab contient des
    centaines de fonctions mathématiques intégrées, des structures de données riches (notamment les polynômes,
    les rationnels, les systèmes linéaires, les listes, etc.) et est livré avec un certain nombre de boîtes
    à outils spécifiques pour le contrôle, le traitement du signal, ...</p><p>Ce paquet fournit Scilab
    comme interpréteur de lignes de commandes (CLI). Ce paquet fournit Scilab comme un moteur de calcul
    ou un interpréteur de scripts. Veuillez installer le paquet « scilab » pour avoir toutes les fonctionnalités.</p>
  it: <p>Scilab è un pacchetto software scientifico basato su matrici. Scilab contiene centinaia di funzioni
    matematiche incorporate, ricche strutture di dati (inclusi polinomi, razionali, sistemi lineari, liste,
    ecc.) e viene fornito con diversi toolbox specifici per controlli, elaborazione di segnali, ...</p><p>This
    package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing
    engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.</p>
  ja: <p>Scilab は行列ベースの科学ソフトウェアパッケージです。 Scilab には何百もの組み込み数学関数、豊富なデータ構造 (多項式、有理数、線形 系、リストなど) が含まれ、制御、信号処理など向けに特有のツールボックスが付
    属します。</p><p>This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides
    Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all
  uk: <p>Scilab — пакет наукового ПЗ, в основі якого лежить робота з матрицями. Scilab містить сотні вбудованих
    математичних функцій, різноманітні структури даних (зокрема поліноми, раціональні дроби, лінійні системи,
    списки тощо) та поставляється з блоками для керування, обробки сигналів тощо.</p><p>This package provides
    Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script
    interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.</p>
ID: scilab-cli.desktop
  cached: scilab-cli_scilab.png
  C: Scilab CLI
Package: scilab-cli
  C: Scientific software package for numerical computations
  de: eine Wissenschaftssoftware für numerische Berechnungen
  fr: Logiciel scientifique de calcul numérique
  ru: Научная программа для численных расчётов
Type: desktop-app