⇦ | qpdfview [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:55 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for qpdfview in xenial

qpdfview.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Viewer
  - Office
  C: '<p>qpdfview is a simple tabbed document viewer which uses the Poppler library for PDF rendering
    and CUPS for printing and provides a clear and simple Qt graphical user interface. Support for the
    DjVu and PostScript formats can be added via plugins.</p><p>Current features include: - Outline, properties
    and thumbnail panes - Scale, rotate and fit - Fullscreen and presentation views - Continuous and multi-page
    layouts - Search for text (PDF and DjVu only) - Configurable toolbars - SyncTeX support (PDF only)
    - Partial annotation support (PDF only, Poppler version 0.20.1 or newer) - Partial form support (PDF
    only) - Persistent per-file settings - Support for DjVu and PostScript documents via plugins</p>'
  da: '<p>Qpdfview er en simpel faneopdelt dokumentfremviser, som benytter biblioteket Poppler til optegning
    af PDF og CUPS for udskrivning samt tilbyder en ren og simpel Qt-grafisk brugerflade. Understøttelse
    for DjVu- og PostScript-formater kan tilføjes via udvidelsesmoduler.</p><p>Current features include:
    - Outline, properties and thumbnail panes - Scale, rotate and fit - Fullscreen and presentation views
    - Continuous and multi-page layouts - Search for text (PDF and DjVu only) - Configurable toolbars
    - SyncTeX support (PDF only) - Partial annotation support (PDF only, Poppler version 0.20.1 or newer)
    - Partial form support (PDF only) - Persistent per-file settings - Support for DjVu and PostScript
    documents via plugins</p>'
  fr: '<p>qpdfview est une visionneuse simple de documents à onglets qui utilise la bibliothèque Poppler
    pour le rendu des fichiers PDF et CUPS pour l''impression et fournit une interface utilisateur graphique
    en Qt claire et simple. La prise en charge des formats DjVu et PostScript peut être ajoutée via des
    greffons.</p><p>Current features include: - Outline, properties and thumbnail panes - Scale, rotate
    and fit - Fullscreen and presentation views - Continuous and multi-page layouts - Search for text
    (PDF and DjVu only) - Configurable toolbars - SyncTeX support (PDF only) - Partial annotation support
    (PDF only, Poppler version 0.20.1 or newer) - Partial form support (PDF only) - Persistent per-file
    settings - Support for DjVu and PostScript documents via plugins</p>'
  it: '<p>qpdfview è un semplice visualizzatore di documenti a schede che usa la libreria Poppler per
    fare il rendering e CUPS per la stampa, e che fornisce un''interfaccia utente grafica Qt semplice
    e pulita. La gestione dei formati DjVu e PostScript può essere aggiunta per mezzo di plugin.</p><p>Current
    features include: - Outline, properties and thumbnail panes - Scale, rotate and fit - Fullscreen and
    presentation views - Continuous and multi-page layouts - Search for text (PDF and DjVu only) - Configurable
    toolbars - SyncTeX support (PDF only) - Partial annotation support (PDF only, Poppler version 0.20.1
    or newer) - Partial form support (PDF only) - Persistent per-file settings - Support for DjVu and
    PostScript documents via plugins</p>'
ID: qpdfview.desktop
  cached: qpdfview_qpdfview.png
    - viewer
    - document
    - presentation
    - pdf
    - ps
    - djvu
  C: qpdfview
Package: qpdfview
    - application/pdf
    - application/x-pdf
    - text/pdf
    - text/x-pdf
    - image/pdf
    - image/x-pdf
    - application/postscript
    - image/vnd.djvu
    - image/x-djvu
  C: A tabbed document viewer using Qt and the Poppler library.
Type: desktop-app