⇦ | python-lunch [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:08 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for python-lunch in xenial

lunch.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - System
  - RemoteAccess
  - Network
  C: <p>Lunch is a simple distributed process launcher and manager for GNU/Linux.</p><p>With Lunch, one
    can launch software processes on several different computers and make sure they keep running. This
    software was created to suit the needs of new media artists for live performances and interactive
    installations. It respawns the software that crash and provides a mean to manage dependencies between
    running processes.</p><p>This package provides the lunch library for Python. as well as the command-line
    lunch utility which can be invoked with a GTK+ user interface.</p>
  de: <p>Lunch ist ein einfache(r) verteilte(r) Prozessstarter und -verwaltung für GNU/Linux.</p><p>With
    Lunch, one can launch software processes on several different computers and make sure they keep running.
    This software was created to suit the needs of new media artists for live performances and interactive
    installations. It respawns the software that crash and provides a mean to manage dependencies between
    running processes.</p><p>This package provides the lunch library for Python. as well as the command-line
    lunch utility which can be invoked with a GTK+ user interface.</p>
  fr: <p>Lunch est un lanceur et un gestionnaire simple de processus distribués pour GNU/Linux.</p><p>Avec
    Lunch, on peut lancer des processus logiciels sur plusieurs ordinateurs différents et s'assurer qu'ils
    continuent à tourner. Ce logiciel a été créé pour répondre aux besoins des artistes des nouveaux médias
    pour des spectacles et les installations interactives. Il relance le logiciel qui plante et fournit
    un moyen de gérer les dépendances entre les processus en cours d'exécution.</p><p>Ce paquet fournit
    la bibliothèque de Lunch pour Python ainsi que l'utilitaire Lunch en ligne de commande qui peut être
    invoqué avec une interface utilisateur GTK+.</p>
  gl: <p>Lunch é un iniciador e xestor de procesos distribuídos sinxelo para GNU/Linux.</p><p>Con Lunch
    pódense iniciar procesos de software en varios computadores diferentes e asegurarse de que se manteñan
    en execución. Este software foi creado para adecuarse ás necesidades de artistas de novos medios durante
    as súas actuacións ao vivo e instalacións interactivas. Reinicia o software que quebra e fornece un
    modo de xestionar as dependencias entre os procesos en execución.</p><p>Este paquete fornece a biblioteca
    lunch para Python, así como a utilidade lunch para a liña de ordes, que pode ser invocada cunha interface
    de usuario en GTK.</p>
  it: <p>Lunch è un semplice avviatore e gestore di processi distribuiti per GNU/Linux.</p><p>Con Lunch
    è possibile avviare processi software su molti computer diversi e assicurarsi che restino in esecuzione.
    Questo software è stato creato per coprire le esigenze di artisti dei nuovi media per spettacoli dal
    vivo e installazioni interattive. Riavvia il software andato in crash e fornisce un mezzo per gestire
    le dipendenze tra processi in esecuzione.</p><p>Questo pacchetto fornisce la libreria lunch per Python,
    così come l'utilità lunch a riga di comando che può essere invocata con un'interfaccia utente GTK+.</p>
ID: lunch.desktop
  cached: python-lunch_lunch.png
  C: Lunch
Package: python-lunch
  C: Distributed Process Launcher
  fr: Launceur de processus distribué
Type: desktop-app