⇦ | pcmanx-gtk2 [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:00 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for pcmanx-gtk2 in xenial

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  C: <p>PCManX is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It aimed
    to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability to
    process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>This version is developed with
    pure gtk2 and xft, thus has much low dependency.</p>
  da: <p>PCManX er en nylig udviklet GPL'et version af PCMan, en fuld funktionsdygtig og kendt BBS-klient.
    Dens formål var at være nem at bruge men stadig have mange funktioner som telnetklient med BBS-browsing
    og evnen til at behandle dobbeltbyte tegn. Nogle lækre funktioner som tabbed- browsing, automatisk
    logind og en indbygget ANSI-redigering der aktiverer farveredigering af tekst tilbydes også.</p><p>Denne
    version er udviklet med ren gtk2 og xft og har derfor meget lav afhængighed.</p>
  de: <p>PCManX ist eine neu entwickelte GPL-Version des bekannten, vollständigen Mailbox-Clients PCMan.
    Sie will ein vollständiger, leicht zu bedienender Telnet-Client sein, der Mailbox-Browsing mit der
    Fähigkeit ermöglicht, Doppelbyte-Zeichen zu verarbeiten. Einige praktische Funktionen, wie Registernavigation
    (tabbed-browsing), automatisches Anmelden und ein eingebauter ANSI-Editor, der farbiges Editieren
    von Text ermöglicht, werden ebenfalls bereit gestellt.</p><p>Diese Version ist nur mit gtk2 und xft
    entwickelt worden und deshalb mit wenig Abhängigkeiten behaftet.</p>
  fr: <p>PCManX est une version nouvellement développée sous licence GPL de PCMan, un célèbre client BBS
    riche en fonctionnalités. Il ambitionne d'être un client telnet simple d'emploi mais toujours riche
    en fonctionnalités, facilitant la navigation BBS avec la capacité de traiter des caractères double
    octet. Quelques fonctions pratiques comme la navigation par onglets, la connexion automatique et un
    éditeur ANSI intégré permettant l'édition de texte coloré sont également fournies.</p><p>Cette version
    est uniquement développée avec gtk2 et xft, et a donc bien peu de dépendances.</p>
  it: <p>PCManX è una versione GPL di nuovo sviluppo di PCMan, un famoso e completo client per BBS. Mirava
    ad essere un client telnet facile da usare e al tempo stesso ricco di funzionalità che facilitasse
    la navigazione di BBS con la capacità di interpretare caratteri a due byte. Sono fornite anche alcune
    comode funzionalità come navigazione con schede, login automatico e un editor ANSI incorporato che
    permette la scrittura di testo colorato.</p><p>Questa versione è sviluppata con gtk2 e xft puri, perciò
    ha molte poche dipendenze.</p>
  ja: <p>PCManX is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It aimed
    to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability to
    process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>このバージョンは gtk2 と xft のみを使って開発されているので、他のライブラリへの
  nl: <p>PCManX is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It aimed
    to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability to
    process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>Deze versie is ontwikkeld in puur
    gtk2 en xft, en heeft daarom weinig afhankelijkheden.</p>
  pt: <p>PCManX is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It aimed
    to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability to
    process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>Esta versão foi desenvolvida com
    gtk2 e xft puros, assim tem poucas dependências.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>PCManX is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It
    aimed to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability
    to process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>Esta versão é desenvolvida com
    gtk2 e xft puros, assim contém muito menos dependências.</p>
  uk: <p>PCManX — заново розроблена GPL версія PCMan, відомого повнофункціонального клієнта BBS. Він призначений
    бути ще й легким у користуванні повнофункціональним telnet-клієнтом, що полегшує перегляд BBS з можливістю
    обробляти двобайтові символи. Також надає деякі зручні функції, такі як перегляд з вкладками, автоматичний
    вхід та вбудований редактор ANSI з можливістю редагування кольорового тексту.</p><p>Ця версія розроблена
    з використанням тільки gtk2 та xft і тому має набагато менше залежностей.</p>
  zh_CN: <p>PCManX is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It
    aimed to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability
    to process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>&lt;这个版本用纯粹的gtk2和xft开发,因此有低的依赖性.&gt;</p>
ID: pcmanx.desktop
  cached: pcmanx-gtk2_pcmanx.png
  C: PCManX BBS Client
  zh_cn: PCManX BBS 连线软件
  zh_tw: PCManX BBS 連線軟體
Package: pcmanx-gtk2
  C: PCManX BBS Client
  zh_cn: PCManX BBS 用 GTK+ 2.x 开发的自由 BBS 连接软件
  zh_tw: PCManX BBS 用 GTK+ 2.x 開發的自由 BBS 連線軟體
Type: desktop-app