⇦ | kicad [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:08 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for kicad in xenial

gerbview.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: gerbview.desktop
  cached: kicad_gerbview.png
  stock: gerbview
  C: GerbView
Package: kicad
    - application/x-gerbview-project
  C: View gerber files
Type: desktop-app

eeschema.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: eeschema.desktop
  cached: kicad_eeschema.png
  stock: eeschema
  C: Eeschema
Package: kicad
    - application/x-eeschema-schematic
  C: Design an electronic schematic
  fr: Dessiner des schémas électroniques
Type: desktop-app

pcbnew.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: pcbnew.desktop
  cached: kicad_pcbnew.png
  stock: pcbnew
  C: Pcbnew
Package: kicad
    - application/x-pcbnew-pcb
  C: Layout a printed circuit board
Type: desktop-app

pcbcalculator.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: pcbcalculator.desktop
  cached: kicad_pcbcalculator.png
  stock: pcbcalculator
  C: Pcb Calculator
Package: kicad
    - application/x-pcbcalculator-project
  C: Calculator for various electronics related computations
Type: desktop-app

kicad.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: kicad.desktop
  cached: kicad_kicad.png
  stock: kicad
  C: KiCad
Package: kicad
    - application/x-kicad-project
  C: Design a printed circuit board
  fr: Concevoir un circuit imprimé
Type: desktop-app

cvpcb.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: cvpcb.desktop
  cached: kicad_cvpcb.png
  stock: cvpcb
  C: CvPcb
Package: kicad
    - application/x-cvpcb-project
  C: Assign footprints to symbols (part of KiCad)
Type: desktop-app

bitmap2component.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Development
  - Electronics
  C: '<p>Kicad is a suite of programs for the creation of printed circuit boards. It includes a schematic
    editor, a PCB layout tool, support tools and a 3D viewer to display a finished &amp; fully populated
    PCB.</p><p>Kicad is made up of 5 main components:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic
    editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  de: '<p>Kicad ist ein Satz von Programmen für Entwurf von Platinen. Er enthält Programme für den Entwurf
    von Schaltplänen und Platinen, Hilfsprogramme und ein 3D-Ansichtsprogramm zur Anzeige einer fertigen,
    voll bestückten Platine.</p><p>Kicad hat fünf Hauptbestandteile:</p><p>* kicad - project manager *
    eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector
    for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fi: '<p>Kicad on ohjelmistopaketti piirilevyjen tuotantoon. Se sisältää piirikaavioeditorin, työkalun
    piirilevyn asetteluun, aputyökaluja sekä ohjelman valmiin piirilevyn tarkasteluun komponentteineen
    3D-näkymänä.</p><p>Kicad koostuu viidestä pääkomponentista:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema
    - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for
    components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their
    components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation
    files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function
    * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have
    corresponding 3D models</p>'
  fr: '<p>Kicad est une suite de programmes pour la création de cartes de circuits imprimés. Il inclut
    un éditeur de schémas, un outil de couche PCB, des outils de support et un afficheur 3D pour voir
    le PCB fini et pleinement peuplé.</p><p>Kicad est composé de 5 parties :</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  it: '<p>Kicad è una suite di programmi per la creazione di circuiti stampati. Include un editor di schemi,
    uno strumento per la composizione di PCB, strumenti di supporto e un visualizzatore 3D per mostrare
    un PCB finito e completamente popolato.</p><p>Kicad è composto da 5 componenti principali:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ja: '<p>Kicad はプリント基板回路の製作用プログラム集です。 回路図エディタ、PCB 配置ツール、サポートツールおよび完成した PCB および 素子が完全に実装された PCB の三次元ビューアを含みます。</p><p>Kicad
    は以下に示す 5 種類の主要要素から構成されます:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew -
    PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pl: '<p>Kicad to zestaw programów do tworzenia płytek drukowanych. Zawiera edytor schematów, narzędzie
    do składania płytek drukowanych (PCB), narzędzia do obsługi i trójwymiarowego przeglądania płytek
    drukowanych w ostatecznej formie.</p><p>Kicad składa się z 5 głównych elementów:</p><p>* kicad - project
    manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt: '<p>Kicad é um conjunto de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos (PCBs). Ele
    inclui um editor de esquemas, uma ferramenta para a disposição do PCB, ferramentas de apoio e um visualizador
    3D para apresentar um PCB terminado e totalmente povoado.</p><p>Kicad é composto por 5 componentes
    principais:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor *
    gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema
    and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily
    create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components,
    footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available
    for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>Kicad é uma suíte de programas para a criação de placas de circuitos impressos. Ele inclui
    um editor de esquemáticos, uma ferramenta de layout de PCB, ferramentas de suporte e um visualizador
    3D para exbir um PCB pronto e totalmente preenchido.</p><p>Kicad é composto de 5 componentes principais:</p><p>*
    kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer
    * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library
    managers and editors for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and
    exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key
    words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components
    and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  ru: '<p>Kicad  это набор программ для проектирования печатных плат. Включает в себя редактор схем,
    средство трассировки печатных плат, средства трёхмерного просмотра печатных плат в конечном виде.</p><p>Kicad
    состоит из 5 основных компонентов:</p><p>* kicad - управление проектом * eeschema - редактор схем
    * pcbnew - редактор печатных плат * gerbview - просмотр файлов GERBER * cvpcb - подбор посадочных
    мест для компонентов</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sk: '<p>Kicad je sada programov na tvorbu dosiek plošných spojov. Obsahuje editor schém, nástroj na
    rozloženie tlačeného spoja, podporné nástroje a 3D prehliadač na zobrazenie dokončeného a plne osadeného
    plošného spoja.</p><p>Kicad pozostáva z piatich hlavných komponentov:</p><p>* kicad - project manager
    * eeschema - schematic editor * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint
    selector for components</p><p>Libraries: * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors
    for their components and footprints * You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items
    * Documentation files can be associated with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast
    search by function * Very large libraries are available for schematic components and footprints *
    Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
  sl: '<p>Kicad je zbirka programov za ustvarjanje natisnjenih vezij. Vključuje urejevalnik shem, orodje
    razporeditve PCB, podporna orodja in 3D pregledovalnik za prikaz končanih in polno naseljenih PCB-jev.</p><p>Kicad
    je narejen iz 5 glavnih sestavnih delov:</p><p>* kicad - upravljalnik projektov, * eeschema - urejevalnik
    shem, * pcbnew - urejevalnik PCB, * gerbview - pregledovalnik GERBER, * cvpcb - izbirnik prstnih odtisov
    za sestavne dele</p><p>Knjižnice: * Tako eeschema in pcbnew imate upravljalnike knjižnice in urejevalnike
    za svoje sestavne dele in odtise stopal. * Enostavno lahko ustvarite, uredite in izmenjujete predmete
    knjižnice. * Datoteke dokumentacije lahko povežete s sestavnimi deli, odtisi stopal in ključnimi besedami,
    kar omogoča hitro iskanje po funkcijah * Za shematske sestavne dele in odtise stopal so na voljo zelo
    velike knjižnice * Večina sestavnih delov ima ustrezne 3D modele</p>'
  uk: '<p>Kicad  це набір програм для проектування друкованих плат. Включає в себе редактор схем, засіб
    трасування друкованих плат, засоби тривимірного перегляду друкованих плат у кінцевому вигляді.</p><p>Kicad
    складається з 5-ти основних компонентів:</p><p>* kicad - project manager * eeschema - schematic editor
    * pcbnew - PCB editor * gerbview - GERBER viewer * cvpcb - footprint selector for components</p><p>Libraries:
    * Both eeschema and pcbnew have library managers and editors for their components and footprints *
    You can easily create, edit, delete and exchange library items * Documentation files can be associated
    with components, footprints and key words, allowing a fast search by function * Very large libraries
    are available for schematic components and footprints * Most components have corresponding 3D models</p>'
ID: bitmap2component.desktop
  cached: kicad_bitmap2component.png
  stock: bitmap2component
  C: Bitmap to Component Converter
Package: kicad
    - application/x-bitmap2component-project
  C: Create a component from a bitmap for use with KiCad
Type: desktop-app