⇦ | gemanx-gtk2 [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:53 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for gemanx-gtk2 in xenial

gemanx.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Application
  - Network
  C: <p>PCMan X is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It aimed
    to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability to
    process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 is a fork of PCMan
    X, including many patches to make it works better with BBS in mainland China.</p>
  da: <p>PCMan X er en nylig udviklet GPL'et version af PCMan, en fuld funktionsdygtig og kendt BBS-klient.
    Dens formål var at være nem at bruge men stadig have mange funktioner som telnetklient med BBS-browsing
    og evnen til at behandle dobbeltbyte tegn. Nogle lækre funktioner som tabbed- browsing, automatisk
    logind og en indbygget ANSI-redigering der aktiverer farveredigering af tekst tilbydes også.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2
    er en forgrening af PCMan X, inklusiv mange rettelser så den fungerer bedre med BBS i Kina.</p>
  de: <p>PCMan X ist eine neu entwickelte GPL-Version des bekannten, vollständigen BBS-Clients PCMan.
    Sie will ein vollständiger, leicht zu bedienender Telnet-Client sein, der BBS-Browsing mit der Fähigkeit
    ermöglicht, Doppel- Byte-Zeichen zu verarbeiten. Einige handliche Funktionen, wie Registernavigation
    (tabbed-browsing), automatisches Anmelden (auto-login) und ein eingebauter ANSI-Editor, der farbiges
    Editieren von Text ermöglicht, werden ebenfalls bereit gestellt.</p><p>Gemanx-gtk2 ist ein Zweig von
    PCMan X, inklusive vieler Patches, die das Programm besser mit BBS im kontinentalen China arbeiten
  fr: <p>PCMan X est un développement sous licence GPL de PCMan, un client BBS très complet. Il se veut
    facile à utiliser tout en offrant toutes les fonctionnalités d'un client telnet qui facilite le parcours
    du BBS avec une capacité de traitement des caractères sur 2 octets. Certaines fonctions pratiques,
    comme la navigation par onglets, la connexion automatique et un éditeur ANSI avec coloration du texte,
    sont également fournies.</p><p>L'application gemanx-gtk2 est un clone de PCMan X auquel de nombreux
    correctifs ont été ajoutés pour qu'il fonctionne mieux avec les BBS en Chine continentale.</p>
  it: <p>PCMan X è una versione GPL di nuovo sviluppo di PCMan, un famoso e completo client per BBS. Mirava
    ad essere un client telnet facile da usare e al tempo stesso ricco di funzionalità che facilitasse
    la navigazione di BBS con la capacità di interpretare caratteri a due byte. Sono fornite anche alcune
    comode funzionalità come navigazione con schede, login automatico e un editor ANSI incorporato che
    permette la scrittura di testo colorato.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 è un fork di PCMan X che include molte
    patch che lo fanno funzionare meglio con le BBS della Cina continentale.</p>
  ja: <p>PCMan X はフル機能の有名な BBS クライアントである PCMan の新規開発された GPL 版です。使いやすく、さらにフル機能の telnet クライアントが目標であり、 多バイト文字の処理が必要な
    BBS の閲覧を楽にします。タブブラウザ、自動ログイン、 そして色付きテキスト編集が可能な組み込みの ANSI エディタといった 便利な機能も提供されます。</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 is
    a fork of PCMan X, including many patches to make it works better with BBS in mainland China.</p>
  nl: <p>PCMan X is een nieuw ontwikkelde GPL versie van PCMan, een uitgebreide BBS-client. Aanvankelijk
    bedoeld als een gebruiksvriendelijke en toch complete telnet cliënt die BBS browsen aanbied met de
    mogelijkheid van het afhandelen van dubbel-byte karakters. Enkele handige functies zijn tabbed- browsen,
    auto-login en een ingebouwde ANSI verwerker voor verwerken van gekleurde teksten.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2
    is a fork of PCMan X, including many patches to make it works better with BBS in mainland China.</p>
  pt: <p>PCMan X é um novo desenvolvimento do PCMan em versão GPL, um famoso cliente BBS totalmente funcional.
    É orientado a ser um cliente telnet fácil de usar e no entanto cheio de funcionalidades facilitando
    a navegação em BBS com a habilidade de processar caracteres de duplo byte. Também estão disponíveis
    algumas funcionalidades úteis como navegação por separadores, login automático e um editor ANSI que
    permite edição de texto colorido.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 is a fork of PCMan X, including many patches to
    make it works better with BBS in mainland China.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>PCMan X é uma versão mais recente GPL do PCMan, um completo e famoso cliente de BBS. Tem como
    objetivo ser fácil de usar e ainda assim ser um cliente telnet completo, facilitando a navegação nas
    BBS com a habilidade de processar caracteres de dois bytes. Algumas funções convenientes como navegação
    por abas, autenticação automática e um editor ANSI embutido com suporte à edição de textos coloridos
    também são fornecidas.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 is a fork of PCMan X, including many patches to make it works
    better with BBS in mainland China.</p>
  ru: <p>PCMan X is a newly developed GPL'd version of PCMan, a full-featured famous BBS client. It aimed
    to be an easy-to-use yet full-featured telnet client facilitating BBS browsing with the ability to
    process double-byte characters. Some handy functions like tabbed-browsing, auto-login and a built-in
    ANSI editor enabling colored text editing are also provided.</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 — форк PCMan X, включающий
    много патчей, улучшающих его работу с китайскими BBS.</p>
  zh_CN: <p>&lt;PCMan X是一个新开发的GPL版本的PCMan,一个功能齐全的著名的BBS客户端. 它的目标是做一个 容易使用而功能齐全的telent客户端,促进BBS浏览,并且能够处理双字节字符.
    它还提供了一些方便的功能 ,例如标签式浏览,自动登录和内置的支持彩色字符编辑的ANSI编辑器&gt;</p><p>gemanx-gtk2 is a fork of PCMan X, including
    many patches to make it works better with BBS in mainland China.</p>
ID: gemanx.desktop
  cached: gemanx-gtk2_gemanx.png
  C: GeMan X BBS Client
  zh_cn: GeMan X BBS 连线软件
  zh_tw: GeMan X BBS 連線軟體
Package: gemanx-gtk2
  C: GeMan X BBS Client
  zh_cn: GeMan X BBS 用 GTK+ 2.x 开发的自由 BBS 连接软件
  zh_tw: GeMan X BBS 用 GTK+ 2.x 開發的自由 BBS 連線軟體
Type: desktop-app