⇦ | gargoyle-free [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:59 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for gargoyle-free in xenial

gargoyle.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Game
  C: '<p>Gargoyle is an Interactive Fiction (text adventure) player that supports all the major interactive
    fiction formats.</p><p>Most interactive fiction is distributed as portable game files. These portable
    game files come in many formats. In the past, you used to have to download a separate player (interpreter)
    for each format of IF you wanted to play. Instead, Gargoyle provides unified player.</p><p>Gargoyle
    is based on the standard interpreters for the formats it supports: .taf (Adrift games, played with
    Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, played with Geas),
    .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures), .gam/.t3
    (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine games, played with Frotz, Nitfol or Bocfel),
    .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform or Superglús games compiled to the Glulxe VM in Blorb archives,
    played with Git or Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine games in Blorb archives, played with Frotz).</p><p>(note:
    do not confuse the Git Glux interpreter with the Git DVCS or the GNU Interactive Tools)</p><p>Gargoyle
    also features graphics, sounds and Unicode support.</p><p>Technically all the bundled interpreters
    support the Glk API to manage I/O (keyboard, graphics, sounds, file) in IF games. Gargoyle provides
    a Glk implementation called garglk that displays texts and images in a graphical Gtk window, with
    care on typography.</p><p>Limitations:</p><p>* This free version of gargoyle does not include the
    non-free Hugo interpreter (and uses a different, free monospace font).</p><p>* While Gargoyle can
    display in-game pictures, it does not provide a way to display the cover art present in some Blorb
    archives.</p><p>* The TADS interpreter doesn''t support HTML TADS; you can play the games, but will
    miss the hyperlinks.</p>'
  da: '<p>Gargoyle er en Interactive Fiction-afspiller (teksteventyr), som understøtter alle de største
    interactive fiction-formater.</p><p>Det meste interactive fiction er distribueret som flytbare spilfiler.
    Disse flytbare spilfiler kommer i mange formater. Tidligere skulle du hente en separat afspiller (fortolker)
    for hvert format af IF, du ønskede at spille. I stedet for dette tilbyder Gargoyle en ensartet afspiller.</p><p>Gargoyle
    er baseret  standardfortolkerne for formaterne programmet understøtter: .taf (Adrift games, played
    with Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, spillet med
    Geas), .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures),
    .gam/.t3 (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine-spil, spillet med Frotz, Nitfol
    eller Bocfel), .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform- eller Superglússpil kompileret til Glulxe VM
    i Blorbarkiver, spillet med Git eller Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine-spil i Blorbarkiver,
    spillet med Frotz).</p><p>(Bemærk: forveksl ikke Git Glux-fortolkeren med Git DVCS eller GNU Interactive
    Tools).</p><p>Gargoyle har også understøttelse for grafik, lyde og Unicode.</p><p>Teknisk understøtter
    alle de medfølgende fortolkere Glk API''en i at håndtere I/O (tastatur, grafik, lyde, fil) i IF-spil.
    Gargoyle tilbyder en Glk-implementering kaldt garglk, som viser tekster og billeder i et grafisk Gtk-vindue,
    med opmærksomhed  typografi.</p><p>Begrænsninger:</p><p>* This free version of gargoyle does not
    include the non-free Hugo interpreter (and uses a different, free monospace font).</p><p>* Selvom
    Gargoyle kan vise billeder inden fra spillet,  tilbyder det ikke en måde at vise omslagene i nogle
    af Blorbarkiverne.</p><p>* TADS-fortolkeren understøtter ikke HTML TADS; du kan spille disse spil,
    men de vil mangle hyperhenvisningerne.</p>'
  es: '<p>Gargoyle is an Interactive Fiction (text adventure) player that supports all the major interactive
    fiction formats.</p><p>Most interactive fiction is distributed as portable game files. These portable
    game files come in many formats. In the past, you used to have to download a separate player (interpreter)
    for each format of IF you wanted to play. Instead, Gargoyle provides unified player.</p><p>Gargoyle
    is based on the standard interpreters for the formats it supports: .taf (Adrift games, played with
    Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, played with Geas),
    .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures), .gam/.t3
    (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine games, played with Frotz, Nitfol or Bocfel),
    .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform or Superglús games compiled to the Glulxe VM in Blorb archives,
    played with Git or Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine games in Blorb archives, played with Frotz).</p><p>(note:
    do not confuse the Git Glux interpreter with the Git DVCS or the GNU Interactive Tools)</p><p>Gargoyle
    also features graphics, sounds and Unicode support.</p><p>Technically all the bundled interpreters
    support the Glk API to manage I/O (keyboard, graphics, sounds, file) in IF games. Gargoyle provides
    a Glk implementation called garglk that displays texts and images in a graphical Gtk window, with
    care on typography.</p><p>Limitaciones:</p><p>* This free version of gargoyle does not include the
    non-free Hugo interpreter (and uses a different, free monospace font).</p><p>* While Gargoyle can
    display in-game pictures, it does not provide a way to display the cover art present in some Blorb
    archives.</p><p>* The TADS interpreter doesn''t support HTML TADS; you can play the games, but will
    miss the hyperlinks.</p>'
  fr: '<p>Gargoyle est un interpréteur pour fictions interactives (aventure en mode texte) prenant en
    charge tous les principaux formats de fictions interactives.</p><p>Une grande partie des fictions
    interactives est distribuée en tant que fichiers de jeu portables. Ces derniers se présentent sous
    différents formats. Par le passé, vous deviez télécharger un lecteur séparé (interpréteur) pour chaque
    format IF auquel vous désiriez jouer. A la place, Gargoyle fournit un lecteur unifié.</p><p>Gargoyle
    est basé sur les interpréteurs standards pour les formats qu''il prend en charge : .taf (jeux Adrift,
    lus avec Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (jeux Quest, lus avec
    Geas), .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures),
    .gam/.t3 (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (jeux Inform Z-Machine, lus avec Frotz, Nitfol ou
    Bocfel), .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (jeux Inform ou Superglús compilés vers la MV Glulxe dans des
    archives Blorb, lus avec Git ou Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (jeux Inform Z-Machine dans des archives Blorb,
    lus avec Frotz).</p><p>(Note : ne pas confondre l’interpréteur Glux Git avec le système de contrôle
    de version distribuée Git ou les outils interactifs GNU)</p><p>Gargoyle propose aussi une prise en
    charge des graphismes, des sons et d''Unicode.</p><p>Techniquement, tous les interpréteurs prennent
    en charge l''API Glk pour gérer des E/S (clavier, graphismes, sons, fichier) dans des jeux IF. Gargoyle
    fournit une mise en œuvre de Glk appelée garglk qui affiche textes et images dans une fenêtre Gtk
    graphique, prenant soin de la typographie.</p><p>Limitations :</p><p>* Cette version libre de gargoyle
    ne comprend pas l''interpréteur Hugo non- libre (et utilise une police monospace libre défférente).</p><p>*
    Bien que Gargoyle puisse afficher des images en cours de jeu, il ne fournit aucun moyen d''afficher
    les jaquettes présentes dans certaines archives Blorb.</p><p>* L''interpréteur TADS ne prend pas en
    charge le HTML TADS ; vous pouvez lire les jeux, mais il manquera les hyperliens.</p>'
  ru: '<p>Gargoyle  проигрыватель игр в жанре «Interactive Fiction» (текстовых приключенческих игр),
    поддерживающий все основные их форматы.</p><p>Большинство игр «interactive fiction» распространяются
    в виде переносимых игровых файлов различных форматов. Раньше для каждого формата был необходим отдельный
    проигрыватель (интерпретатор). Gargoyle предоставляет унифицированный проигрыватель для разных форматов.</p><p>Gargoyle
    is based on the standard interpreters for the formats it supports: .taf (Adrift games, played with
    Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, played with Geas),
    .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures), .gam/.t3
    (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine games, played with Frotz, Nitfol or Bocfel),
    .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform or Superglús games compiled to the Glulxe VM in Blorb archives,
    played with Git or Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine games in Blorb archives, played with Frotz).</p><p>(примечание:
    не путайте интерпретатор Git Glux с системой распределённого контроля версий Git или GNU Interactive
    Tools)</p><p>В Gargoyle также имеется графика, звуки и поддержка Unicode.</p><p>Technically all the
    bundled interpreters support the Glk API to manage I/O (keyboard, graphics, sounds, file) in IF games.
    Gargoyle provides a Glk implementation called garglk that displays texts and images in a graphical
    Gtk window, with care on typography.</p><p>Ограничения:</p><p>* This free version of gargoyle does
    not include the non-free Hugo interpreter (and uses a different, free monospace font).</p><p>* Хотя
    Gargoyle может показывать изображения в процессе игры, она не может отображать обложки, имеющиеся
    в некоторых архивах Blorb.</p><p>* Интерпретатор TADS не поддерживает HTML TADS: вы сможете играть
    в игры, но гиперссылки будут отсутствовать.</p>'
  sl: '<p>Gargoyle is an Interactive Fiction (text adventure) player that supports all the major interactive
    fiction formats.</p><p>Most interactive fiction is distributed as portable game files. These portable
    game files come in many formats. In the past, you used to have to download a separate player (interpreter)
    for each format of IF you wanted to play. Instead, Gargoyle provides unified player.</p><p>Gargoyle
    is based on the standard interpreters for the formats it supports: .taf (Adrift games, played with
    Scare), .dat (AdvSys), *.agx/.d$$ (AGiliTy), .a3c (Alan3), .asl/.cas (Quest games, played with Geas),
    .jacl/.j2 (JACL), .l9/.sna (Level 9), .mag (Magnetic), *.saga (Scott Adams Grand Adventures), .gam/.t3
    (TADS), *.z1/.z2/.z3/.z4/.z5/.z6/.z7/.z8 (Inform Z-Machine games, played with Frotz, Nitfol or Bocfel),
    .ulx/.blb/.blorb/.glb/.gblorb (Inform or Superglús games compiled to the Glulxe VM in Blorb archives,
    played with Git or Glulxe), .zlb, .zblorb (Inform Z-Machine games in Blorb archives, played with Frotz).</p><p>(note:
    do not confuse the Git Glux interpreter with the Git DVCS or the GNU Interactive Tools)</p><p>Gargoyle
    also features graphics, sounds and Unicode support.</p><p>Technically all the bundled interpreters
    support the Glk API to manage I/O (keyboard, graphics, sounds, file) in IF games. Gargoyle provides
    a Glk implementation called garglk that displays texts and images in a graphical Gtk window, with
    care on typography.</p><p>Omejitve:</p><p>* This free version of gargoyle does not include the non-free
    Hugo interpreter (and uses a different, free monospace font).</p><p>* While Gargoyle can display in-game
    pictures, it does not provide a way to display the cover art present in some Blorb archives.</p><p>*
    The TADS interpreter doesn''t support HTML TADS; you can play the games, but will miss the hyperlinks.</p>'
ID: gargoyle.desktop
  cached: gargoyle-free_gargoyle-house.png
  C: Gargoyle
Package: gargoyle-free
  C: Interactive Fiction multi-interpreter that supports all major IF formats
Type: desktop-app