⇦ | fuse-emulator-sdl [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:59 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for fuse-emulator-sdl in xenial

fuse-sdl.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Game
  - Emulator
  C: '<p>Fuse is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models (including 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3
    and some clones), with quite faithful emulation of the display and sound.</p><p>Its features include:
    * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex TC2048,
    TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion ZS 256
    emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you''re likely to try it on. * It can load
    Z80, SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR microdrive
    images and DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation of
    most of the common joysticks used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks).
    * Emulation of some of the printers you could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording
    file format, including rollback and ''competition mode''. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation
    of the DivIDE, Interface I, Kempston mouse, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF, Beta 128, Opus Discovery,
    +D, Spectranet, SpeccyBoot, SpecDrum and DISCiPLE interfaces.</p><p>This package provides binaries
    for the SDL version of Fuse.</p>'
  fr: '<p>Fuse est un émulateur du Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Il prend en charge plusieurs modèles (dont 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2
    -A/+3 et quelques clones) avec une émulation très fidèle de l''image et du son.</p><p>Ses fonctionnalités
    comprennent : * Émulation précise des Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3. * Émulation fonctionnelle des
    Spectrum +3e et SE, Timex TC2048, TC2068 et TS2068, Pentagon 128, « 512 » (Pentagon 128 avec mémoire
    supplémentaire) et 1024 ainsi que Scorpion ZS 256. * Tourne à la vitesse réelle de Speccy sur tout
    ordinateur  vous êtes susceptible de l''essayer. * Il peut charger des instantanés Z80, SZX et SNA,
    des fichiers de bande virtuelle TAP et TZX (y compris chargement accéléré), des images de micro-disque
    MDR et des images de disquettes DSK, parmi beaucoup d''autres. * Son. * Débogueur intégré. * Émulation
    de la plupart des joysticks communs utilisés sur le Spectrum (y compris joysticks Kempston, Sinclair
    et Cursor). * Émulation de certaines imprimantes que vous pouviez relier à un Spectrum. * Prise en
    charge du format de fichier d''enregistrement d''entrée RZX, y compris restauration et « mode compétition ».
    * Enregistrement de films vers fichiers FMF. * Émulation des interfaces DivIDE, Interface I, souris
    Kempston, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF, Beta 128, Opus Discovery, +D, Spectranet, SpeccyBoot, SpecDrum
    et DISCiPLE.</p><p>Ce paquet fournit les binaires de la version SDL de FUSE.</p>'
  it: '<p>Fuse è un emulatore del Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Gestisce diversi modelli (inclusi 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3
    e alcuni cloni), con un''emulazione piuttosto fedele della grafica e del suono.</p><p>Its features
    include: * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex
    TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion
    ZS 256 emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you''re likely to try it on. * It can
    load Z80, SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR
    microdrive images and DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation
    of most of the common joysticks used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks).
    * Emulation of some of the printers you could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording
    file format, including rollback and ''competition mode''. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation
    of the DivIDE, Interface I, Kempston mouse, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF, Beta 128, Opus Discovery,
    +D, Spectranet, SpeccyBoot, SpecDrum and DISCiPLE interfaces.</p><p>This package provides binaries
    for the SDL version of Fuse.</p>'
  nl: '<p>Fuse is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models (including 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3
    and some clones), with quite faithful emulation of the display and sound.</p><p>Its features include:
    * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex TC2048,
    TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion ZS 256
    emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you''re likely to try it on. * It can load
    Z80, SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR microdrive
    images and DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation of
    most of the common joysticks used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks).
    * Emulation of some of the printers you could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording
    file format, including rollback and ''competition mode''. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation
    of the DivIDE, Interface I, Kempston mouse, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF, Beta 128, Opus Discovery,
    +D, Spectranet, SpeccyBoot, SpecDrum and DISCiPLE interfaces.</p><p>Dit pakket levert de binaire bestanden
    voor de GTK+ versie Fuse.</p>'
  ru: '<p>Fuse  это эмулятор Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Он поддерживает несколько моделей (включая 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3
    и некоторые клоны), обеспечивая весьма правдоподобную эмуляцию дисплея и звука.</p><p>Its features
    include: * Accurate Spectrum 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/+3 emulation. * Working Spectrum +3e and SE, Timex
    TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068, Pentagon 128, "512" (Pentagon 128 with extra memory) and 1024 and Scorpion
    ZS 256 emulation. * Runs at true Speccy speed on any computer you''re likely to try it on. * It can
    load Z80, SZX and SNA snapshots, TAP and TZX virtual-tape files (including accelerated loading), MDR
    microdrive images and DSK floppy disk images, among many others. * Sound. * Built-in debugger. * Emulation
    of most of the common joysticks used on the Spectrum (including Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks).
    * Emulation of some of the printers you could attach to a Spectrum. * Support for the RZX input recording
    file format, including rollback and ''competition mode''. * Recording of movies to FMF files. * Emulation
    of the DivIDE, Interface I, Kempston mouse, Spectrum +3e, ZXATASP, ZXCF, Beta 128, Opus Discovery,
    +D, Spectranet, SpeccyBoot, SpecDrum and DISCiPLE interfaces.</p><p>This package provides binaries
    for the SDL version of Fuse.</p>'
ID: fuse-sdl.desktop
  cached: fuse-emulator-sdl_fuse.png
  stock: fuse
  C: Fuse Spectrum Emulator (SDL version)
Package: fuse-emulator-sdl
    - audio/x-spectrum-csw
    - application/x-spectrum-dck
    - application/x-spectrum-dsk
    - application/x-spectrum-fdi
    - application/x-spectrum-hdf
    - application/x-spectrum-img
    - application/x-spectrum-ltp
    - application/x-spectrum-mdr
    - application/x-spectrum-mgt
    - application/x-spectrum-mgtsnp
    - application/x-spectrum-opd
    - application/x-spectrum-opu
    - application/x-spectrum-pzx
    - application/x-spectrum-raw
    - application/x-spectrum-rom
    - application/x-spectrum-rzx
    - application/x-spectrum-sad
    - application/x-spectrum-scl
    - application/x-spectrum-slt
    - application/x-spectrum-sna
    - application/x-spectrum-snp
    - application/x-spectrum-sp
    - application/x-spectrum-spc
    - application/x-spectrum-sta
    - application/x-spectrum-szx
    - application/x-spectrum-td0
    - application/x-spectrum-tap
    - application/x-spectrum-trd
    - application/x-spectrum-tzx
    - application/x-spectrum-udi
    - application/x-spectrum-z80
    - application/x-spectrum-zxs
    - audio/x-spectrum-wav
    - application/x-spectrum-compressed
    - application/x-spectrum-compressed-bz2
  C: Emulator of the 1980s ZX Spectrum home computer and its various clones
Type: desktop-app